Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any character in this story. Poo.

Summary – Harry has finally had enough and commits suicide. All those left gather for the reading of the will and final thoughts of Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived. Not epilogue compliant.

Author's Note – So I decided to take up the challenge of writing an accompanying chapter, with the reactions of others. Let me what you think of it! Maybe some Draco/Harry??

Let Me Go
Those We Leave Behind

Griphook stepped down from the dais, heading towards Draco and his mother. As the others began to rise and talk around them, Griphook spoke softly to the two. "Mr. Potter has left this letter for you both as well. Have a pleasant day." With a short bow, Griphook left them with the folded parchment.

Draco stared at the wax seal, before slipping his finger under to break it. Unfolding the letter, he read aloud to his mother in a clear, but soft voice.

Lady Malfoy & Draco,

I hope this letter finds you well, although I know the circumstances in which you are reading it. I wanted to prepare you for the missives you will receive. I have taken the liberty to provide testimony and pensieve memories , courtesy of myself and the late Albus Dumbledore, regarding the roles of you both, as well as one Severus Snape, one Sirius Black, and one Regelus Black in both wars. I hope that these will soften any blows from the Ministry, if not release you of all wrong-doings. I know that you both were placed in situations beyond your control and yet you still did all you could to help me in this fight. I hope that you both will be free and safe. Unfortunetly, there is little I can do for Lord Malfoy. I have chosen not to speak against him or press any charges, but I am unsure how far my silence on his behalf will go.

Lady Malfoy, I understand that times will be difficult for you still and that I have not had the pleasure of your extended company, however I know you to be a strong woman. The Black blood runs true in you. My one request is to at least attempt to reconcile with your sister. Andromeda and Teddy both, I am sure, could only benefit from your presence in their lives.

Draco, I know that by now, you have heard what I wrote in the will. Rest assured it was the truth. You, of anyone else in this world, knew me the best. You knew things about me I barely knew or admitted to myself. I know that you did this to hinder me, to make fun. But, in a twisted way, I am flattered that I was worth that much of your attention. I can only hope that something in your discoveries made me worth the help you have shown. You are free now Draco, and I hope to the heavens that you use that freedom for yourself. Remember, a Malfoy bows to no-one.

I wish you both the best.


Henry Jamison Potter

P.S. Please tell Parkinson that I bear her no ill will.

Narcissa Malfoy was a proud, pureblood woman. But even she knew truth and good advice when she heard it. She pressed a gentle kiss to her son's cheek and headed off towards her sister, embracing the woman in a shy hug. Andromeda, for the most part, seemed pleased with her sister's presence. Both women cooed over the toddler now in Narcissa's arms.

Draco stared at the loopy signature on the paper. After all this, he had slipped into a state of shock. He did not move, however, until a lock of long blonde hair swung into his presence. Draco visibly recoiled, as if the girl before him had struck him. Luna Lovegood only smiled as she stood next to him. "Draco, you are well I hope?"

He could only nod. He was terrified of this girl. He had kept her, a pureblood witch, prisoner in his own home. And yet here she was, smile full of peace, hair glowing like moonshine.

"Come Draco, would you like to travel to Surrey and hunt Harry's elusive Green Dingleblat with me?" Her laugh danced around him. He shook his head, eyes wide. Draco suddenly found himself with an armful of the girl, her voice soft in his ear. "Those that matter have forgiven. Now it is your turn to forgive yourself." She turned away from him, soft laugher floating around.

Draco sat heavily on the bench. He had to admit, grudgingly mind you, that Harry really was a great guy. He helped anyone who needed it, whether they wanted it or not. And those like Draco and his family, who needed it but certainly didn't deserve it. Harry had been correct in his assumption that Draco knew him best. Draco had watched the young man for 7 years. The reasons often changed, but Draco always watched. Harry was a study in dimensions and emotions, to be sure. But he really was interesting.

Draco watched the others now. Those that had befriended and loved the Boy-Who-Lived, and those that were, as they say, along for the ride. He looked to the Weasleys first. Molly was currently sobbing into Arthur's chest, a parchment clutched in his hand. Draco assumed it was from Harry as well. And knowing him, it probably told them how much he thought of them as family and cherished their time together. And, knowing him, how sorry he was for all the trouble he caused. Harry always had a huge guilt complex. The girl Weasley and Granger were both crying. Weasel and 2 of his brothers were trying to comfort them. Fleur, the Triwizard Veela girl was crying as well, holding a baby. She was being comforted by her Weasley husband. The living twin had slipped away at some point. He was the only one who Draco felt pity for. Magical twins shared a rare connection and George most likely felt that half his magic and soul were missing. Draco assumed he would die soon.

His gaze continued on. Longbottom was reading another letter from Harry, lips pressed in a thin line. Luna was hovering near him. Draco could see other Gryffindors around, as well as some Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws. Some were crying, many were shocked at both Harry's words and ultimate action.

Draco himself had not been surprised. Harry had been suffering ever since Draco had the pleasure of his company in Madam Malkin's that day so long ago. The boy had always seemed tortured and tormented. He acted the hero and completed his tasks, but Draco had always been able to see the pain below the surface, both from his actions and from outside forces.

Draco stood, pocketing the letter from Harry. He would heed the advice the young man had given his mother. Family was important. Draco had never had the pleasure of meeting his Aunt Andromeda. He turned towards her now. His mother was still holding the smiling toddler, Teddy, he reminded himself. A very plebian name, considering the boy's mother was called Nymphadora. Draco made his way over. He could see parchment in Andromeda's pocket; letters from Harry to both her and Teddy. Teddy turned to smile at the new face, hair shifting to match Draco's in color. Draco stared into the boy's Avada-Kadavra-green eyes; Harry's eyes. Draco knew Harry would live on in Teddy. And that Draco would help keep his memory alive in the boy.

It was the least he could do to repay Harry.

Anything to look into those eyes once more.