Chrona x Kid + Ragnarok

This chapter is silliness I thought this story could use. I've been avoiding using Ragnarok lately cause I've been using him so much I feel like he's a crutch o.o besides its kinda nice to see Chrona and Kid fluff uninterrupted, yes? They're fun to write about her being so shy and he being so polite.

Warning, this chapter has panties


Death the Kid was the proud son of a shinigami, and being such he knew by heart all the details of souls and the powers they possessed. It was because of this the Shibusen classes were often just a rare moment of peace for him. There was no need to listen to lectures and take note, but he enjoyed watching the other student grow before his eyes into a loyal fighting force for his father.

But just because he didn't have any trouble with the subject, didn't mean it was easy for everyone. Glancing to his left he checked on the young sword wielder next to him, which he had to admit he had worked to get such a seat, and noticed she was having problems. Chrona's knowledge of souls and such matters was probably just as good as anyone else's, it was the school setting she had been having trouble with lately. She fidgeted and scrambled to write down all Marie-sensei was saying. Reading and writing were all new to her, something she had never had to deal with before and by the pathetic little whines she was letting off it was obvious she wasn't improving. Though he found her childlike squirming rather adorable he felt it was only right that he offer his assistance.

"Chrona, you seem to be having trouble, do you need any-"

"What do you think you're looking at, stripes!?"

Kid jumped but Chrona only let out a depressed sigh before the unshapely blob emerged from her back, eventually hardening into the familiar, though diminished, form of Ragnarok and perched himself on her head. The way he sat there either made him seem like pet…. Or that Chrona was his pet, it was hard to tell. Though his face was the same as it had always been there seemed to be a little more anger in his presence then there usually was.

Swiftly he pointed one of the round balls that might be considered hands at the shinigami's face. "Why the hell do you keep staring at Chrona?"

Though the symmetry in Ragnarok's little pudgy form had always impressed him (much like Chrona's choice in dress) he was not about to put up with such behavior. "I wasn't staring; she seemed in need of assistance!"

"R-Ragnarok…" Chrona whined softly, her voice barely audible, not that it would have made a difference anyway.

"You've been eyeballing her for days, freak, what the hell do you hope to see?!" Without any warning what so ever one of his white hands plunged downwards and grabbed the edge of her black dress and gave it a sharp yank. Chrona yelped and managed catch the black fabric to prevent it from being pulled any higher but it was already too late.

Kid felt his jaw drop, he knew he should have looked away but head refused to move. No matter how Chrona pulled her dress hung from Ragnarok's tiny grip just above her waist. At this height he was given full view of not only her legs (with her conservative style of dress he had never seen before… and which were rather nice while on the subject) but the gray cotton panties she was wearing as well. He could feel his face heating up by the second… until he noticed something. Just off to the right side of her thigh, lingering under the white lining, there was a small white bunny printed against the gray. Just on one side, well that wasn't very symmetrical, now was it?

It wasn't until he noticed Chrona shooting to her feet and running out of the room that he realized what a horrible thought that was. A wave of guilt for not turning away, or at least apologizing for staring, washed over him. He called her name but she was already gone. Sighing to himself he knew he would have to find her and beg for forgiveness, his good upbringing would never let him live this down.

….. But he still had something he needed to do first.


Death the kid cleared his throat before knocking on the door of a certain guest room in the bowels of Shibusen. He held something discreetly behind his back, tied with a white ribbon. Of course he knew this wasn't the most appropriate gift, their budding relationship was far from such a level (and with Chrona's childlike personality he knew it would be a good while before it was, which didn't bother him at all). Still his own mental problems wouldn't let it rest.

The door squeaked open for a moment and he caught site of a single pale blue eye but before he could say anything it slammed back shut.

"Chrona! I just want to talk."

"N-no, I'm not coming out!" she shouted back.

"C-Chrona… I'm sorry, really I came to apologize and make amends!"

The door creaked yet again and her head popped out, she seemed more confused than usual. "You're sorry… for what? You didn't do anything…"

He blinked blankly, "Wasn't that why you didn't want to leave your room? You were mad at me?"

"N-no, of course not…" there was a hesitant movement, but slowly she inched out of the doorway, her feet shifting nervously back and forth. "I-I… I was embarrassed… I didn't want you to make fun of me… after all you saw."

A slight shot of hurt ran through him, "Do you think I'd really do that?"

Looking down at the ground she shook her head. "No… but…"

"I would never mock you Chrona, I know you're sensitive… and I hope this isn't to forward but there's really nothing to make fun off."

That brought a small, hesitant little smile back to her lips as she glanced up at him before hiding her gaze again. "N-no, not at all."

"I hope this isn't to forward either." Reaching out he handed her the small bundle, she was curious but couldn't seem to figure out what to do.

"Is that for me?"

"Of course, it's a present. From me to you."

Her pale eyes lit up as she took the bundle from his hands, "I-I've never gotten a present before." Her fingers were almost shaking as they unwrapped the white ribbon that bound the fabric. As it unfolded any onlooker could finally see what was, a black pinstriped pare of underpants with a white rabbit reference to the scull icons set all around the school.

She was just about to open her mouth Ragnarok popped out of her back and snatched the small article of clothing away.

"What the hell is this, you pervert? Giving MY Chrona underwear? What, you want her change for you, show them off? Well too bad." Promptly he stuck the underwear on his head, crossing his arms proudly, "They're mine now."

He was about to object but a thin hand shot up and snatched them right back. "No! They're my present and I like them!" The black creature scrambled to get them back but she kept them out of his short reach. Once his short attention span had reached its peak and he finally gave up she smiled at the young shinigami, either her childlike mind wasn't aware of how personal the gift was, or she thought their relationship had reached such a point (he imagined the first of the two) it didn't matter because she obviously loved it. "Thank you Kid-kun, they're very cute and symmetrical, the stripes remind me of you!"

He smiled as well, she was like an excited child on Christmas. He would have to get her some more gifts, if just to see the warmth radiating off her happy face. "I'm glad you like them."

"I'll think of you every time I wear them."

It was, perhaps, that one innocent little statement that finally brought the real, gutter minded meaning of what he had just done, for at that moment a rather gutter minded image of the more than innocent girl flashed through his head. The rush of blood to his face was so sudden it made him feel light headed and he almost stumbled, gripping the guest room door frame to steady himself. The worried sword wielder rushed to his side, holding his other arm.

"Kid-kun! Are you alright!?"

Fighting the unholy thoughts that swam in his head he struggled back to his feet, fighting for control of his own mind. "I-I'm fine, d-don't worry about me. I-I think I'd best leave"

"Are you sure? You look dizzy, you can lie on my bed for a while if it would make you feel better."

That only made it worse, "N-n-no thank you," he stumbled down the hallway, "I-I'll see you later." He needed to get as far away from temptation as he could until it blew over, the last thing he wanted to do was something she wasn't ready for. Still as he left he couldn't help but glance over his shoulder. Chrona was still standing outside her door and when she noticed his glance she gave a shy wave and a tiny smile while Ragnarok made rude gestures. He gave her a smile back but got out of there as quickly as he could.


The next day he waited for her in class. When she entered she headed straight for him and sat down closer then she had ever sat before, ginning at him the whole time. He returned the warmth she gave him and when she got comfortable he let his hand rest on hers, enjoying the soft pink in her cheeks and the happy, but nervous little giggle. He allowed himself one impure thought, the knowing that one day, when they're relationship was ready, he would probably see those panties again. Still, as she laid her cheek against his shoulder, he knew that it would take a long time, but she was worth the wait, and they had all the time in the world.


By the end of that day she disappeared from Shibusen without a trace.

Authors note.

Sorry about the sad ending to something that supposed to be funny but I thought it fit well, considering this place in the manga. XD I can't help but laugh every time I picture Ragnarok with a pair of panties on his head, and yet it oddly fits him so well.