FINALS ARE OVER! Yes! So, now, the sequel to Mother Trouble Appears! Read and Review, Mes amis!


"Hey, can you help me with this?" Lavi turned to Allen, gesturing to the knot around his neck that, an hour ago, had at least remotely resembled a tie.

"Che. Rabbit, you're so useless."

"Allen slapped his friend (?) on the head and helped Lavi with his die with a reproachful, "Just because you wear one everyday…"

"Whatever. This is going to be one hell of a mission…"


The four exorcists sat facing who they assumed to be the head of the science department under/behind all that paperwork.

His voice floated up-and-over to them, "There is a girl of Allen's age. She is an exorcist, but not yet aware of the Innocence that she possesses. We do not know how powerful she is, or, really, anything about her. You will attend her high school for a year, and recruit her. Be careful. It is of utmost importance that normal people don't find out who you are. The Noah have infiltrated the school as well, so be on you guard. It is likely that they will send akuma to test the girl's strength. You must help her get them before they get to any of the students."

A piece of paper came floating off the top of the pile. It read as follows:


Find out who new exorcist is

Contact and inform her

Defeat akuma

Defeat Noah (optional, but try anyway)

Try to pass your classes

For Lavi, Kanda, and Lenalee: PLEASE TRY TO KEEP ANYONE FROM MENTIONING THE NUMBER 14 IN MATH CLASS (we can't have Mr. Walker going on a rampage)

Good Luck, Have Fun, and Study Hard!



There was a knock at the door. "Can I come in?" Mrs. Kanda called.

"Sure, Mrs. Kanda."

She entered, beaming. "You boys look so wonderful in your new uniforms!" The boys fidgeted uncomfortably with their navy uniforms.

"Allen!" There was a call from downstairs. "Are you packed? Get down her, now! Your girlfriend's outside to walk with you to the train!"

Allen blushed and stammered, "M-mom! Lenalee-chan's not my girlfriend!" 'Besides,' he added mentally, because he didn't dare say it out loud, 'we all know she likes Kanda!'

Kanda's mom beamed at them for another moment, then assumed a saddened expression. "It's so sad…." her voice grew quieter, "we're all here like a family…but we still don't know where Yuuko is…"

Kanda made to leave the room. His mother stopped him, "Yuu-chan? Can I throw out that flower that's in your room? You sit for hours on end staring at it, it can't be good for you. It's wilting to…It only had thirteen petals, and it's lost three already…I was thinking of burning it."

"NO! Think no longer, I'm bringing it with me." He stomped out of the room.



Please review! I'm looking for old faces as well as new!