Leo Vulpes: I want to thank you for reading this. Now, concerning the content and you have been WARNED!! And TOLD!! that this is not a SasuNaru fic. This did not have a place with characters, but it's sequel(s?) are SasuNaru for all of you who would like to know. This is merely the prequel and is helpful with the informational part of My Other Life which has the old version up and the first two chapters of the remade version. (Go read that if you want)

Disclaimer: I actually do own everyone in this chapter. Surprisingly, but because of their inner-characters and for future refference, I don't own some parts of them. (a.k.a. Yoko (Kyuubi), Shukaku, and other demons who have appeared in Masashi Kishimoto's beautiful piece of work!)

Dedication: To Kotoko, a crazy bitch, whom we would cease to exist if she didn't because she makes everything funner!!

Warnings: Not SasuNaru (read above for details), mentions of Mpreg, ten year olds killing, and mature matters... somewhat.


My New Life


Chapter 1

The Revolution


Gather 'round my children and let me tell you of a story of the famous nine demons, their parents, their loves, their woe, and the beginning of a life. Before we begin, I would like to introduce the cast to you…

Kazuki, the father of the great nine demons of legend and a legend of rage himself. With his fiancé, Kieta, they are part of the first ever male couple in this time of age.

Yasuo Keita, the 'mother' of the great nine demons and the first male to give birth. He's part of the first ever male couple, and the heir of one of the richest families of mutt demons.

Kyuubi no Yoko, the first child born from a male, a nine tailed kitsune (fox) demon, and what the village of Konoha will come to call the Kyuubi. He's the first of nine children in The Family.

Hachibi no Sakoto, the second child born from a male and the eight tailed snake demon. She's the first daughter of The Family and the second born child.

Shichibi no Kyuui, the third child born from a male and the seven tailed rabbit demon. She's the second daughter of The Family and the third born child.

Rokubi no Raijuu, the fourth child born from a male and the six tailed weasel demon. She's the third daughter of The Family and the fourth born child.

Gobi no Houkou, the adopted child of The Family and the five tailed wolf demon. He's adopted, but regarded as a naturally born child. The second son of The Family.

Yonbi no Taru, the fifth child born from a male and the four tailed inu (dog) demon. He's the third son of The Family and the fifth born child.

Sanbi no Hoshi, the sixth child born from a male and the three tailed dragon demon. He's the fourth son of The Family and the sixth born child.

Nibi no Nekomata, the seventh child born from a male and the two tailed neko (cat) demon. She's the fourth daughter of The Family and the seventh born child.

Ichibi no Shukaku, the eighth child born from a male, the one tailed raccoon demon, and what Suna will come to fear. He's the last born, the fifth son, and the eighth born child.

Hima, the recently hired family doctor. She knows their secrets and all of the children, Kieta, and even Kazuki confide in her. She's the mother figure of the family.

… now I wish you all to enjoy the tale of happiness and sorrow as we follow the life of The Family.


A man with shaggy brown hair, playful red eyes, and scruffy, pointed brown ears and wagging brown tail ran fast through the corridors. Dashing into a room he picked up a small child with black hair, gleaming purple eyes, black cat ears and two black cat tails. He held the small child close and went to stand in front of the doorway, gulping, knowing that if this didn't stop his demise, then nothing would.

The door slammed open revealing another man with black hair down to his shoulder blades, blazing blue eyes, scruffy, black, pointed ears and a scruffy black tail. Water soaked down from his head, sopping onto the floor as his eyes narrowed at the child who was presented to his face. He took the child and cradled her against his chest. "Nekomata can't save you, Keita-chan. Just like the bucket of water couldn't." The man said, never taking his eyes off the purple eyes that slowly slid shut. "Now what were saying about your parents?"

Keita gulped and looked down at the floor. "They're playing matchmaker again."

"You mean, they want you to find someone to marry at another dance event?" The raven said, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

The door creaked open and a child with ruby red hair, cool onyx eyes, and fuzzy fox ears and nine tails stepped in. He growled and went over to the raven man, plucking the small raven girl from his arms. "Tousan, Chichue, please be quiet and don't involve Nekomata-chan in your affairs." He said, stepping out.

Keita looked after the redhead as he exited and left the two men alone. "Kazuki… when did our Yoko get so big?"

"When he got his third little sibling." Kazuki commented. "So is it another dance event?"

Keita cringed, his hopes of Kazuki having forgotten all gone. "Yeah. So what do we plan to do this time?"


In this time of age, there were no species of demons, all had different attributes and elements, but were just called demons. But later in the future, they would be called mutt demons.

One of the largest demon families was holding a ball of sorts, one that was to find a suitor for their only son, who had yet to marry. Decorations filled the large foyer, servants: humans with poison collars on walked back and forth with finger foods for the other demons guests. The two who were hosting the party sat at the head of the room, looking upon everyone. Kids had been taken into the nursery, only if they were twelve or older were they allowed in the dance hall.

"Now presenting Lady Jiruko Taiya, heir of the Jiruko line." The head servant announced as a lean woman waltzed in.

"Sir Ryuko Tuo, Mistress Ryuko Zyra, and their daughter Lady Ryuko Kazima." Three more entered the large hall.

The lights dimmed and a spotlight shone on the hosts, one of which stood up. He had dark brown hair, and a mask covered the top part of his face. "Thank you one and all for joining us here at this lovely ball. May I remind everyone, that my guards have been ordered to attack anyone without an invite in the halls, so please do remember that. But now, I would like to present my son to everyone, Yasuo Keita."

The spot light moved to a large opening at the top of the staircase to the right of the foyer, and everyone began whispering as Keita walked down the stairs in a smooth manner.

"That's the one you want to get." Parents said to their daughters.

"He's so pretty for a boy."

"He looks like he's played lots of women off."

"I heard he doesn't live here anymore with his parents, and only shows for these events."

"Didn't he adopt nine children?"

"Yeah, but he gave them all up beforehand."

Reaching the bottom of the staircase, Keita let his eyes roam over the crowd, lighting up when he spotted Kazuki, sitting in a corner by the refreshments table. He was about to walk over to his fiancé, albeit secret fiancé (for ten years Keita would like me to add), when he was stopped by his father beckoning him over. He corrected his path and walked over to his parents.

"Keita, dear, please at least try to find some woman you like." His mother cooed in a soft tone. She only used this tone around the guests, but when alone she was harsh and demanding. His father nodded beside the woman he called his mother.

"Yes, Kaasan." He replied, walking off into the crowd of guests without another word.

"Keita-kun, could I have a dance?" A woman with sea green hair, and brown eyes asked, holding out her arms to him.

Keita nodded wordlessly and placed one hand in hers, and a hand on her hip. They danced along with the music, but she was clumsy and often stepped on his feet, but he would contain his cries of pain so he wouldn't be rude.

"Your hands are soft for a man's hands." She commented, rubbing her finger tips over the palm of his hand as they continued to dance.

Keita chuckled, at least she knew how to make good conversation. "Thanks. So can I ask your name?"

"Ayuma Renaki." She answered timidly, lowering her face with a blush.

"Well, thank you Rena-chan, for the dance." He said, releasing the green haired girl and walking away. As he was doing so a hand shot out and pulled him once again from his path.

It was a man in a black suit, similar green hair like Renaki's, and dark orange eyes. "So, Yasuo-san, how about it, would you please marry my daughter?"

Keita glowered at the man. "No. Your daughter is one of the few women here who don't completely disgust me, she's nice, kind, and albeit a clumsy dancer, she can make good conversation… she has someone else out there pining for her anyways. I don't think the glares to the back of my head while I danced with her were for no reason at all." He commented, striding away from the crestfallen man.

He finally made it to the corner of the room and slid into the shadows, leaning from behind Kazuki to rest his head on the raven's shoulder. "Kazuki-kun, could I have a dance or two?" He whispered into Kazuki's ear, licking the shell and then blowing cool air on it.

Kazuki chuckled and turned his head, holding Keita's head still so that their lips met in a fiery kiss hidden by the shadows from the disapproving eyes of the guests. After half a minute or so, they broke apart, the blue eyed man wiping the trail of saliva off of Keita's chin. "Of course Keita-chan."

Keita grinned happily and took Kazuki's hand, pulling him up and into the center of the dance floor. "You remember what I showed you, right?" Keita asked, holding out his arms.

Kazuki nodded, intertwining his fingers with Keita's outstretched hand, and wrapped his other arm around Keita's waist. He smiled softly at the gleeful grin that appeared once more on the brunette's face. They both ignored the gasps of people as they backed away from the two of them dancing together. It was unheard of, two men together, and dancing no less. It was like a forbidden sweet that no one had dared to indulge upon.

Keita smiled softly and leaned up to Kazuki's ear. "Dance closer if you want me to stay yours." He whispered, yipping softly when both of Kazuki's arms were suddenly tightly wrapped around his waist and the raven's abnormally large hands were placed right where his tail connected to his backside.

Kazuki leaned over and nuzzled into Keita's neck, who blush profusely, but purred in contentment. The smaller male wrapped his arms around Kazuki's neck lightly, playing with the lose strands of hair.

The door slammed open and the guests began gasping loudly, clearing the way for whatever was in the doorway.

"Tousan, Chichue!"

The cries alerted both men who stood up, facing the crowd where Yoko suddenly appeared, his hands were bloody as he rubbed his cheeks to try and dry the tear that left streaks on his face. He looked up to his parents and sniffled, the now golden eyes scaring both his parents. "It hurts, Chichue, Tousan. Hou-chan, he- he-"The small child was silenced as two guards grabbed him and lifted him off the ground. The redhead screamed with displeasure, struggling to attempt to get lose from the guard's grip.

Kazuki growled and held his head in pain, looking up at the guards who held his crying son, his pupils were now slits and his already small fanged teeth were larger and he lunged at the guards, biting one in the neck, killing him instantly and spilling blood everywhere. "Put my son down." He warned the other guard, who dropped the nine-tailed kitsune and ran. Kazuki jumped and caught his son before he hit the ground.

Keita ran over to his fiancé and son, dropping down and standing Yoko on his feet. "Yoko, let me see your teeth." He asked, holding the redhead's jaw as the mouth opened. He placed his finger on one of the teeth that were sharp and long. Pulling his finger back, a little prick of blood seeped from his finger. "Don't worry, Yoko-chan, you're going to be just fine. Now let me see your hand."

Yoko held up one of his bloodied hands and let Keita look at it, showing the elongated nails that now looked like claws.

Said man sniffed the blood on his son's hand and frowned. "Yoko-chan, whose blood is this?"

"Keita, get back here and away from that dangerous child. Get back to finding a wife." Keita's mother demanded striding up to them. "Now you have blood all over your shirt!" She lifted her hand and was about to strike him, but it never came down, and her wrist was being held by Kazuki, who hadn't changed back.

"Don't touch them." He growled. "Yoko-chan, what happened?"

Yoko choked back a cry and wrapped himself around Keita. "We- we were coming to help Tousan and Chichue. We wanted Tousan and Chichue to stay together and we thought we could help. We came out and we were attacked by those men. Hou-chan was hit over the head and fell down. He won't get up! I was angry at them for hurting him and- and it hurt so much! What did I do?"

"Who are you!?" Keita's mother asked furiously at the raven haired man.

Kazuki released her wrist and let a dangerous smirk overtake his face. "I'm Kazuki, no proper name what-so-ever. As for my status, Keita's husband and seme." He spoke, pulling Keita up by the wrist and into his arms, using his free hand to hold Keita's jaw still as he placed a passionate kiss on it, smiling inwardly at Keita's mother's shocked face. "And I am the father of mine and Keita-chan eight naturally born children and one adopted. Meaning he gave birth to them all. He is mine." He growled, dashing away, pulling Keita who held onto Yoko's hand to pull him along.

They ran down corridors until Kazuki would no long tell which way to go from the scent. "Yoko-chan, which way?"

Yoko pointed left and was soon tugged that way, giving directions until they found his other eight siblings. Standing in awe, he watched as Kyuui, his second little sister with dark green hair, light blue eyes, and white rabbit ears and seven white rabbit tails happily giggled, a barrier formed around her to prevent the guards from getting to them, also sending them up in green flames. "Yoko-chan, Chichue, Tousan!" She cheered, spotting her family.

"Kyuui-nee, where's Sakoto-nee?" Yoko called out, not seeing his white haired sister.

Kyuui looked around and smiled. "She's in the hall behind you… here she comes now!" Kyuui yipped, causing everyone to turn around as more screams erupted from guards and a large black snake slithered past. "Sakoto-nee!" Kyuui called out to her older sister.

The black snake slithered up slowly, showing the white eyes it had. It curled up near Yoko, eight tails sliding up behind it. Once in a coil, it changed into a girl only a year younger than Yoko with pure white hair and coal black eyes. "Chichue! Tousan!" She yipped.

Yoko growled and grabbed Keita's hand. "Chichue, what about Hou-chan?"

Keita nodded and ran up to the barrier Kyuui had made, passing right through it and into the center where six other children were. The one laying down in the center had black hair and black wolf ears and five black wolf tails.

Kazuki ran up right behind him, gathering the rest of the children in his arms. "How do we get out?" He asked Keita, counting to make sure they were all there. One tail, two tails, three tails, four tails, five tails, six tails, seven tails, eight tails, nine tails, himself, and Keita. Yes, that was all eleven of them and all forty-seven tails total.

Keita glanced up, heaving the fallen raven over his shoulders. "We run. Grab Shukaku and Nekomata. Yoko, get Hoshi and Taru. Raijuu, Kyuui, Sakoto, you three stay together and close to us. If you fall behind, use Kyuui's barrier that she made to stay safe until we come and get you. I fear we just caused a revolution." He instructed, looking about the corridor before splitting into a run, glancing back every now and again to make sure his ten precious ones were close by and safe.

Once hitting the gardens around the outside of the building, he led his family out and into the woods that surrounded the estate. "Come on, we need to get home."


Setting the two youngest, Shukaku and Nekomata, in the crib within the large room, Keita walked over to see how Houkou was doing.

"Keita-san, he should be fine. He's just unconscious and should be up shortly. When he does get up, make sure he lays down for a little bit." A woman with purple hair that was in lots of spirals, floppy brown ears, and amber eyes spoke. She stood up and laughed as the third youngest, a boy with bright blonde, shaggy hair, white colored eyes (with pupils unlike the common Hyuuga eyes), and blue scaly dragon ears that were webbed and sticking out the side of his head and three blue scaly dragon tails attached himself to her leg.

"What about Yoko-nii, Hima-san?" He asked, his eyes watching the doctor closely.

Hima laughed, picking the blonde up and placing him on her hip. "Yes, let's have a look at your brother. Would you like to help me, Hoshi-kun?" She asked sweetly, walking over to where Kazuki held Yoko in his arms.

Hoshi nodded violently as Hima set her down. "Well then, could you go get me a wet rag please?" She asked, laughing as he nodded once again and dashed off. "Okay Yoko-kun, let me see those teeth of yours." She requested.

Yoko opened his mouth wide again and Hima looked at his teeth, placing her finger on the long canine teeth.

"Do you know what it is?" Keita asked, worried for his family.

Hima nodded her head with a hum, examining his eyes and then his hands. "Keita-san… have you heard of the Stages of Demons?" When Keita shook his head, she motioned for them all to have a seat. "As of now there is Hidden, Normal, and Youkai. Hidden is when demons wander into the Ningenkai (human realm) and hide their ears and tails to look like a normal human to avoid death. Normal is what you and I look like right now, even though the species are becoming more apparent like Yoko-kun is a kitsune and Taru-kun is an inu. Youkai is only for specified demons like your children. Yoko would turn into a fox and that's his Youkai stage, Houkou's is a wolf, and so on. You said Sakoto was a snake? That's her Youkai and explains why she doesn't have the tails and ears like the others.

"But recently, there's been a virus going around. It's not dangerous, and it takes a total of fifty years to settle in the host completely and activate. It activates by having the body trigger something and everyone is different, but in Yoko it showed with his eyes, teeth, and nails."

"You said it takes fifty years!" Keita shouted, standing up and pointing to the fox. "He's only ten!"

Hima pushed up the glasses on the bridge of her nose. "I know, but this virus can also be seen as early as the first hour of the host. But this can only happen when it is passed through a parent. Kazuki…"

Keita's head whipped around to stare at the raven haired man who looked up to the ceiling, taking the cloth Hoshi presented to him and wiping the grime from Yoko's face. "I got it from my mother. Takaya told me that we were the original lineage from which this virus was born. I hoped it would remain dormant forever, as it did with my brother, in our children, but it seems it's not happening. It's being given the name Rage. It's the demon stage of Rage in which the trigger and causes vary for everyone. But some, who have mastered it, like me, can trigger it at will. It's one of the reasons I wanted to adopt Houkou, he showed early signs; being feared by the other children at the orphanage, the owner getting weird feelings from him, and other things."

Keita's sparkling red eyes softened and he walked over to Kazuki, squishing Yoko between them as he reached up and grabbed Kazuki's face, smashing their lips together.

"Cover your eyes!" Yoko shouted to his little siblings who were watching intently.

Hima giggled. "Oh, and congratulations." She spoke to the two who separated and looked at her. "I heard about the escapade at Keita-san's 'ball' and I want to be the first to say that I support you. I think you two are an inspiration to all and are very happy together."

Kazuki smiled fondly to the doctor and pulled Keita close. "I had hoped we made a good choice in a doctor for our family." He smirked, setting Yoko down and letting him scamper off and take care of his little siblings. "It'll be good to have a woman figure in their lives… and Sakoto's nine and we will have no clue what to do when her hormones kick in or she starts her womanly cycle." He joked, also laughing at the face Keita made as the realization dawned on him as well.

Through the entire house all you could hear was "NO! MY BABIES WILL GROW UP!"

And the reply of "Then we shall make more, Keita-chan!" was replied with a smack and Keita's reply of "Hell no! If anything, you get to pop them out! It hurts like hell!"

Hima just chuckled and went to tend to Houkou, as Keita's shout had woken him up.



Hima sighed, heaving herself up off her chair and to her door which was being rained upon with what she hoped to be fists. She opened it and was met with the crying face of Kyuui- the sensitive little rabbit of the family. "Yes, Kyuui-chan?"

"Sakoto-nee says she needs your help and that she's bleeding… but she didn't have any cuts before she went into the bathroom! She sounded really worried and I wonder if she fell and hurt herself in the bathroom!" Kyuui wailed, wiping at the tears that streamed from her face.

Hima grinned and ruffled the rabbit's hair. "Just let me get something and we can go help her, okay?" She asked.

Keita, who stood down the hallway with a four-year-old Nekomata in his arms, smiled and walked away, looking down to the little girl with black hair with yellow bangs, one yellow eye and one black, and weasel ears and six weasel tails who held his hand. "Raijuu, Nekomata, promise me you won't grow up?" He asked, chuckling as the raven neko and the eight-year-old nodded to agree with their mother. "Good. Now let's go annoy your father?"


Leo Vulpes: I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and I would like some feedback on what you thought.

Honorable Mentions: None yet... just review and your name could end up here!