Disclaimer: I do NOT own Shugo Chara! If I did, Utau would just 'accidentally' get shoved off a cliff :)

Description: A certain blue-haired "hentai" cat is spying on Amu-chan. Chance of pervertedness? 100.

And also…the description sucks!!

Ikuto POV.

She was oblivious.

Cute, but oblivious.

After all, I'd been just outside her room for almost twenty minutes, and she didn't so much as even notice.

I peered curiously through the shield of glass that kept me apart from her, my little joker with the cotton candy-colored hair.

She was currently lying within the folds of the pink sheets accenting her bed. And on the floor stood a child, about 3 years of age, who was staggering about the room and mumbling words into a toy microphone.

"Ami! Quiet down!" She barked at the little one.

The little girl disregarded this and kept twirling around, singing nonsensically into the microphone. Once she had spun around and was facing the back patio however, she stopped. She stared right at my form engulfed in moonlight.

And I stared back, not quite knowing what to do. My ear twitched slightly in perplexion.

She shook slightly, and, with eyes growing wide and teary, she began to cry. "Sisyyyyyy!! S-S-S-Strangerrrr!!" She whined and pointed towards me.

In response, I quickly moved away from the sliding glass door.

Amu hopped off her bed and went to assist her little sister.

"Sssh…" She cooed to the girl, bringing to into a warm embrace. "There's nothing out there." She assured.

But nonetheless, Ami didn't cease her cries.

I cautiously peeked once more through the door, though not abandoning my hiding spot.

Amu was smiling and cuddling the child in hopes of comforting her. "It's alright. Sissy's here."

My eyebrows knitted in frustration at this.

First, she's always drooling over that stupid Kiddy King, and now she's even giving more attention to a baby than she would to me?!

Man, was I sick of people stealing my thunder!

I gave her PLENTY of attention! Sure, it was more messing around and teasing her, but I can't help it, she's too easy! And not to mention fun…

And besides, that's just how I show my affection.

Well, I'll just have to see to it that she starts giving me some attention…

My sapphire-esque eyes glinted deviously.

Leaning fully against the glass pane, I smirked to myself as hundreds of perverted thoughts consistently flooded my mind.

I took one more look upon my prize before I barged in, baby in her arms and all.

And I took help but think….perhaps it was time that Amu-chan gave me a baby.


Ikuto: Hmm…making a baby, huh? Actually, that doesn't sound too bad -gives Amu perverted smile-

Amu: O/O H-H-HENTAAAAAIIII!! -makes run for it-

Ikuto: -smile- I love it when she runs… -chases-

Spider-chan: -.-' Reviews are appreciated!