Whiskey, War, Suicide & Guns

Disclaimer: You know the drill, I own nothing. Sue me if you must but know that I just emptied my banking account to pay for my college tuition so nah-nah! The title I did steal from the Dropkick Murphys' song Vices and Virtues.

A/N:So my story takes place in Boston, Mass (Southie more specifically) as the movie was originally planned before it was changed to Columbia, North Carolina. It's permanently branded into my brain through various fanfiction that way and honestly it's easier to write about my home town then a city that I've never seen. Also I realize that a story where characters swear constantly is hard to read at times so I'm going to try really hard to keep the cussing to a minimum without losing credibility.

Chapter 1:

Rowan came awake to the sounds of television cartoons and loud male voices... Really, really loud male voices. Why, oh why, was I born into a family with nine brothers?She pulled her long, straight blonde hair out of her eyes and swung her legs out of bed. While climbing out of the bed two things became very apparent, one her head felt like it was run over by a truck which then proceeded to back up and run over her head again, and two she was naked. Quickly grabbing the sheets to cover her naked body Rowan looked around to make sure she was free from prying eyes. This proved to be pointless when she realized that the bed's previous occupant was currently AWOL. A quick assessment showed that while having a mother of a hangover and being sore in all the right places Rowan was otherwise unharmed. Obviously last night must have been a hell of a night. With a sheet wrapped toga style she made her way to the door to check for the men in the apartment. As feared, the men's laughter was not of her brothers but of complete strangers. Across the hall a shower was being run.

Taking advantage of her missing partner Rowan made a mad dash around the room in search for her clothes. While most of her clothes were mixed up with the man's clothes by the door Rowan's panties were nowhere to be found. Suddenly she noticed that the shower had turned off.

"Shit, fuck, fuck, fuck," Rowan whispered.Scrambling to throw on what clothes she found, Rowan was presented with two choices, face the rejection of the guy who she just had a night of, what appeared to be, wild sex or climb out the window. As the doorknob turned the choice became obvious and out the window she went. Three floors up Rowan jumped onto a small ledge and then shimmied down a drain pipe. There we go just like I used to do at Auntie Mo's, just don't look down.

Once she made it to the front of the building Rowan recognized the neighborhood as part of the Old Colony projects in Southie. Knowing her way home from here she took off at a brisk walk that border lined on a run to try to escape this nightmare.

One Week Later:

"One more," Rowan said as she looked Frankie. Her best friend looked back at her with sympathy in her brown eyes. Both were currently sitting on their bathroom floor.

"Honey, that's the fourth one," Frankie replied, placing her hand on top of Rowan's shaking fingers. "They can't all be false positives. I think you may be-"

"Don't you dare say it!" Rowan said getting a slightly panicked look in her face. She took her hands out of Frankie's grip and reached for another test.

"Pregnant!" Frankie exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around Rowan and began to squeal with joy. "How excited are you?"

"What have you been smoking?! In case you forgot here, this was not the desired out come. Oh god! One night! I made one little mistake. Never in my life had I ever had a one nighter and on my first go around I get pregnant." Feeling defeated Rowan sat down on the bathroom toilet and put her head in her hands. Glancing back up at Frankie through her fingertips she says, "Why me?"

"Oh get over yourself. Everyone has a one night stand at one point or another, hell I make sure to have one at least once a month," Frankie said giving Rowan a conspiracy smile. Rowan just rolled her eyes but couldn't help the small smile that was beginning to form. As soon as the smile formed it quickly disappeared.

"How am I supposed to find the father?" Rowan asked. "I can't even remember the name of the bar I went to. In fact I can't remember anything from that day at all. Are you sure that I didn't let anyone come with me?"

"You said that you wanted to be alone, had to be alone. Everyone just took your word for it. Hey I know that we never talked about it but I'm sorry about what happened with Davie." Davie was Rowan's younger brother who had died at 17 years old. One year ago to the day he had died during a drug deal gone wrong out by West Broadway. He was the fourth brother that Rowan had lost to Southie. Unfortunately it seemed to be that the only way out of Southie was in a body bag or least that's how it has proven to be in the Donnelly clan. After the last death Ma and the younger children went up north to Maine while the older siblings moved to the suburbs of Marshfield and Bridgewater with their new families. Rowan was the only one still living in Southie working as a social worker not yet having given up hope for those still left in the neighborhood.

"Wait!" Rowan began rummaging around her purse and pulled out a piece of paper. "Yahtzee! I made a list of local bars that Davie used to hang around and I was going to bar hop to all of them in memory of Davie."

"Damn that's a pretty long list you got there," Frankie remarked as she looked over Rowan's shoulder. "Shannon's Tavern, Bad Abbots, L Street Tavern, Blackthorn Bar... oh wait there that one! I had called your cell at around two in the morning when you still hadn't come home yet. You had said you were at the Four Roses."

"Well that must be it then, huh? I mean 2 am is last call. I must have left with some guy after that."

"Can you remember anything about him at all?" Frankie asked. Rowan just shrugged her shoulders and let out a small sigh. "Come on now, close you eyes and try to remember something, anything about the guy. Or how about his apartment, you must remember the address."

With eyes closed Rowan replied, "I just wanted the hell out of there, I can't remember which apartment it was but I do know it was in Old Colony. Not that it helps any; there are hundreds of units in that housing project. This is stupid I can't remember his face. All I remember is this whiskey and tobacco smell on the bed sheets and a brown leather jacket." Finally looking back at Frankie she felt determined. "You know what? I'm just going to go to the bar tonight and look for the jacket. The Four Roses is the kind of place that serves just about all regulars there's a good chance that he'll be there tonight."

"You know you don't have to tell him anything. I mean it's not like you were in a relationship with him. If the guy is living in Old Colony chances are that he isn't going to be worth much." Frankie said not looking Rowan in the eye.

"It's the right thing to do" Rowan said getting a little angry with her best friend for even suggesting not telling the father. "It's his child too, he deserves to know. I'm not going to keep this from him because I'm afraid or uncomfortable, that's just wrong."

"Oh you, with your morals and high horse. Ok ok, do what you think is right but when this bites you in the ass I reserve the rights to say I told you so." Rowan rolled her eyes at that but agreed all the same.

Later That Night:

Walking through the doors of the Four Roses Rowan got pelted with a cloud of smoke. Fanning a hand in front of her face Rowan took a deep breath and walked towards the bar. Despite it only seven o'clock the stools surrounding the bar were already half filled with patrons all well into their second or third drinks. Rowan took the farthest stool from the door to give her plenty of room to spot her one, and only, night stand. Glancing at the bartender with curly black hair, she gave a small smile before going back to staring at the door. He came over and set the glass he had been wiping in front of her as he stared expectantly. Thinking to make the best of it she decided to ask him if he remembered her.

"Hi, I know this is going to sound really silly but I was wondering if you remember me. I came by about a week ago most likely pissed ass drunk or maybe you remember who I left with. The guy had a long brown leather jacket. He was most likely a big guy. Ring any bells?" The bartender gave her a cocky smirk and spouted off a few words in what she assumed was Spanish. He licked his lips as he gave her a once over and smirk again. Rowan raised her eyebrows slightly and leaned forward. "I'm sure if I understood Spanish I would be very offended, I might even be tempted to slap you, but seeing as I don't why don't how about I just tell you to go spank the monkey like a good little boy and we'll both go our merry way. Thanks chico." Rowan gave him a small wink and pushed back from the bar.

"You heard the lady, Sammy, leave her alone." Turning around Rowan came face to face with a slightly rough looking blonde carrying an empty tray. "Hey I'm Joanie, don't mind Sammy over there. He pulls that Spanish shit on all new customers, he thinks it's funny. So what brings you here?" Joanie stepped behind the bar and offered Rowan a drink to which she shook her head.

"I'm trying to find my baby-daddy," Rowan shot back with a sarcastic smile. Joanie began to laugh but stopped once seeing Rowan's slight frown.

"Oh, hun I'm sorry. I didn't think you were serious," Joanie apologized in her raspy voice. "What's the low life's name and I'll be sure to help you kick his ass out of the bar and back home." This did get Rowan to laugh.

"I wish I knew. I just met him here last week. All I can remember is a brown leather jacket that I saw on the bedroom floor before I bailed out the window." Rowan looked up as light came in from the open door but it was only a skinny guy wearing a red parka.

"You ditched the guy by climbing out his own window?" Joanie gave her a small smile before bursting out laughing. Rowan just shook her head and gave a somewhat bitter laugh.

"Well what should have I done? Wait for him to walk in and ask me why I was still here? I had never have a one nighter before but I've heard the stories of guys becoming real asses after the fact and I wasn't about to find out for myself." The rest of the night past quickly with Joanie to keep Rowan entertained with running commentary on the patrons as they figured out possibly suspects.

Around midnight that night Joanie was giving an in depth play by play on a drunk who had hit on her earlier when the door opened once again. The first thing Rowan had noticed was the tattoos that the group all had. They were for the most part all tribal and while she might had scoffed on any other men they made them appear intimidating. Then she noticed the jacket and then connected eyes with the man who was wearing it.

A/N: Ok so this is the first fanfic that I've written so be gentle ;) Reviews are always greatly appreciated. Seriously I like input; I want to know what you like, what you don't like, where you believe there is room for improvement, etc. Although I have a roughly planned out sketch for this story, any other ideas are welcome. Feel free to PM me, I promise that I wont bite )