Disclaimer: I don't Twilight (We all know that by now)
You guys I am so very sorry I didn't update as soon as I planned. Plz forgive me. Please enjoy the chapter I prepared for you guys!

Personal Heaven


I woke up without a care in the world, until I remembered I have school today. I layed in the bed and tried going back to sleep but, instead I woke up more. Why does school have to mess up every morning of the week. I got up and walked out of my room doing my daily routine of stretches. Now that I live in the Cullen house after 3 days, I have a new addition of my routine, bumping into my big brother of a bear (aka Emmett) in the morning.

I open the door, walk through the hallway to the bathroom and 5...4...3...2...1...bump. THUMP! There I go on the ground again, my new favorite place. Maybe this is why Bella was so clumsy before. "Right on time today, Em." I said sarcastically.

I subconciously reached my hand up so, he could help me up. He grabbed me by the waist gently and me stand on my feet. I notice three things that were wrong with this. One, he did this gently a word that in no way is describe as Emmett the bear. Two, I don'thear or feel the incredible booming laughter that I always hear. And three, he hasn't let go of my waist or tried to make me fall again. I must be dreaming or sick.

I opened my eyes that were closed for no reason. I looked up to see a not so tall Leon in front of me smirking. I blushed to see him smirking at me and also because I made a complete fool out of myself.

"Good morning to you too, sleepyhead. Are you ok?"

"Good morning and yes." I blushed another shade of red. Something about this house is making me inherit Bella's old human traits or maybe it's the family. We were sharing a stare that felt like three years until Emmett rudely interrupted.

"Sooooo, not cool dude. You're like eye making out with me little sister and I was supposed to knock her down." Emmett pouted. I got out of the trance I was in and noticed he was still holding me. I pulled his arms from around me, Leon eyebrow when up. He turned around spotting Emmett and turned back to me. He smirked and chuckled walking to his bed room door.

I rolled my eyes when I turned to Emmett again. "So Em, what was that?" I said putting me hands on my hips. Alice and Edward walked by laughing, confusing the both of us. I shrugged it off and waited for Emmett to answer me.

"What?" He said trying to act like he didn't understand, I knew because he had that Chester cat smile on his face.

"That about you knocking me down."

"I don't understand what you're saying." he said trying to look innocent.

"I'm telling, Em."

"Who, no one can punish me, I'm a vampire."

"What does that have to do with any thing."


"Whatever I'm still telling."

"Once again no one and I mean no one can punish me."

"Oh really?"

"Yep." He said standing there looking like he did something.

I fall on the floor again with a loud thump, but this time I rubbed my arm pouting. "Emmett again!? That really hurt, OUCH!"

Then came two people in the house that protect me from the big goof. Esme and Rosalie. I copied Emmett's face with the Chester cat smile only mine was more devilish. His face dropped and his eyes got big.

As soon as Esme and Rosalie got in the room I put my sad face back on. "EMMETT CULLEN!" Esme and Rosalie shouted as they saw me on the ground.

"You can't hurt every single innocent human for fun in this house. Did I not raise you to be nice and caring?" Emmett didn't answer.

"Well did I?"

"You did ma'am." I was starting to feel a little bad about getting him in trouble.

"You know what happens when you do something like this Emmett." Rosalie said as Esme put her hand on her hips and stood there. Emmett's mouth dropped open. Maybe I don't feel bad he still is funny when he gets punished.

"I thought that only referred to Bella."

"No, she said all human family. And did you not claim Angela as your little sister?" Esme said.

"But Rosie she's faking it just look." Rose looked at me, then back at Emmett.

"She doesn't look like it to me Em." His eyes got big again.

"Rosie I can't go on without it."

"NO Em, it was an agreement. You do something like this again and you don't get it."

"Rosie please." Emmett got on his knees and put his hands in a praying position.

"No Emmett and that's final. I don't want to hear another 'but' out of you today."


"Okay Emmett that's a month." Esme said in Rose's place.

"Mom! You know I need my...my....my...my bear."

Rosalie and Esme walked downstairs ignoring Emmett. Emmett crawled behind them, right after he glared at me.

I shrugged my shoulders and went into the bathroom to get dressed. Brush teeth, check...take shower, check...wash hair, check...now all I need to do is get dressed. I see that Alice took it in to her own hands to quote, unquote 'help' me get dressed but, I will probably be walking into a death trap or something if I didn''t too. I heard someone laughing and started to think I was going crazy.

Sorry Ang I didn't mean to make you think you were going crazy.

Yeah sure, Bells. What's up?

Alice is going a little crazy downstairs. She said she's wants everyone down in 20.

Sure thing. See ya.

I took the teal long-sleeve button up and some Baby Phat pants and put them on. I walked to my room to get some black high heal boots and combed the knots out of my black hair. After I checked my outfit and hair I flew downstairs.

"Am I late?" I asked.

"No but Rose is and Alice is going to be snippy." Bella answered.

"I heard that." Rosalie said jogging down the stairs.

"Do you know how long we've been waiting for you." Alice said with her hands on her hips.

"Whatever Alice."

I turned around to start toward the door but, Leon was standing in the way.

"Are you going with us?" I asked Leon.

"Yeah. I think I'm Bella's long lost brother or something like that."

"All righty then."

"Come on you two or we'll be late." Jasper said from the garage door. We walked into the garage after saying goodbye to Esme and Renesmee. I jumped in the car with Alice, Bella and Edward in Edward's Volvo. Leon jumped in the Rose's car with Rose, Emmett and Jasper. When we got to school everyone was staring as usual.

The only difference is that Leon and I also got out of the cars. I saw Jessica and the crew including Ben sitting at the Tyler's van. As soon as we started walking Ben caught my eye. Ben bent down and started talking to Jessica who started talking to Lauren who stared me down. She got this smirk on her face and that's when I turned around.

"Hey Angela!" She yelled but, I didn't answer or turn around. She does it again."Hey Angela!" I keep walking hiding behind Leon a little bit, he felt me leaning into him. He looked down at me and back at crowd. He looked down at meand smiled, I smiled back at him. I looked at him in the eyes, they looked light brown. I wonder if he has contacts in his eyes.

"Hey why are your eyes light brown?" I asked

"Carlisle said my eyes starting to change so, I should have gold eyes in about two weeks. He also said that the venom will affect my eyes so they'll change colors."

"Oh I get it. That's cool."

"Yeah, but it starts to feel like a piece of wood is in them when they change."

"Wow sounds like hell."


"Well, that's your own personal hell and this" I put my hands out to the school building."is definitely mind." While I smiled he chuckled. When I came out of my trance I noticed that everyone was gone.

"I guess I've got to take you to the office then."

When we made it, Leon went up to get his schedule. "Excuse me, ma'am." He said to the secretary who looked up at him and got dazzled by him.


"May I have my schedule, I'm Leon Cullen."

"Oh yes, I heard you were coming." She said as she rushed to the file cabinet and got out a piece of paper. "Here you are Mr. Cullen. Have a nice day!"

"You too, ma'am." He said with a smile that would melt any body's heart. We walked out of the office.

"What's your first class?" I asked.

"World history."

"Oh, you have the same as me."

He looked down at me and smirked. "I guess this day isn't going to turn out as bad as I thought."

That earned him a blush, which earned me a smile. "Can I see your schedule?"

As we walked to class it looked interesting. Actually it looked alot like... mine. "It looks like mine only our Trig and Spanish classes are switched." He took his schedule and his smirk got bigger. This is going to be an interesting day after all.

Well, Leon ended up sitting infront of Lauren. My seat was in the front side, in the middle, by the door. Leon's was two rows over in more of the front than I was. Lauren looked pretty happy with him in front of her which made me pretty pissed. She moved her hand so it was on his shoulder. He looked at her and she smiled. He looked at me like he wanted to send for help.

I giggled and turned toward the teacher who was talking about nothing then, turned toward the board. I looked back at Leon. He was still staring at me like a puppy who wouldn't get bought. I shrugged my shoulders and mouthed 'I don't know' to him. He smacked himself in the forehead and mouthed 'Try something' I shrugged my shoulders. I saw Lauren's hand slid down his shirt and she kissed the back of his neck. I looked at Leon, he looked like...like I can't even explain it.

Lauren saw me mouthing the words 'take a breathe' to Leon and she waved. 'He's a hottie isn't he.' She mouthed. 'Stop it now.' I mouthed thinking I was making a face to remember but, she laughed. 'Why?'
'Because.' I mouthed. She rolled her eyes and keep going. I gave up and didn't look over there for the rest of the period knowing Leon was uncomfortable. Knowing Lauren will keep working until she gets what she wants. After World history, I went to Gym and Science with Leon who didn't talk all hour each hour so those hours were pretty boring.

I walked to English by myself until Jessica ran toward me. "Angela are you crazy!?"

"What Jess?"

"To mess with Lauren's property."

"Jess she does have any property and you can pass that along if you like."

"Whatever. But she said to back off of her property or else."

"Or else she'll have you talk to me to death."

"You know Ang you should watch your attitude."

"Whatever. Bye Jess."

"Did she just walk off? Wow I think I like the new Angela, she might be best friend material." I heard Jessica said when she thought I was far away enough.

I got to English late where Rose and Bella would probably ambush me with questions. The teacher turned around, "Take your seat ." I got a tap on my shoulder and reached my hand out for what I probably would get... a note.

'Where have you been?!' Rose wrote and Bella said in my head.

'With Leon and Jessica sort of stopped me.' I said in my head and wrote down. I gave the note back to Rose and got it back literally about 5 seconds later.

'Edward is going to die (again). But you go girl and get your man.'

'Thanks Rose.' Rosalie balled up our note and threw it in to the far away garbage can without anyone seeing.

'Angela' Bella huffed mentally.

'Yes my dearest sister, I know you're worried.'

'But you don't know what kind of danger you're in. When I met Edward, he said my blood was the sweetest blood he had ever smelt. He was making out plans of how to kill me. And you know what they all would of worked too. Did you know that?'

'Bella I-'

'You think you're in love with him right, I know. That could be a trick or it could be real. I've seen how you guys look at each other but, us vampires have this certain beauty to lower people into our hands, Ang. I don't know if you get it?'

'How? I know he's dangerous, I know this could be a trick but I also know how to follow my heart, Bells. And plus, I think he's controlling himself pretty good so far.'

'Ang, did you know he came to me right after Gym because he was losing control. Lauren spread her scent over him so much he was about to got after her.'

'So why isn't it hard for him to keep control with me around.'

'It is but, he's been around you for so long it doesn't affect him that bad. But he is trying and succeeding so he's okay with me for now.'

'See, can you talk to Edward about that.'

'Don't push your luck Ang. We'll talk about this later.'

After about 15 minutes or so the bell rang and we all walked to the cafeteria. We went up to get a lunches that they weren't going to eat anyway and sat down. Everyone sat across from their mates so I sat across from Leon, well mostly because there was no other spot. Bella and I's old crew sat down on the other side of the table as usual. The only difference was that Lauren sat next to Leon instead on Tyler.

"Hey, hotstuff." Lauren said.

Everyone mostly stopped their conversation and waited to see who Lauren was talking to. She turned to Leon and smiled. He smiled back no knowing what was happening just like everybody else.

"Hey guys this is my new boyfriend I was talking about last hour."

"This is your best one yet Lauren." Mike said being stupid as usual. You suck-up.

"Wait... wait before we get carried away here, I'm not her boyfriend." Leon said holding his hands up in defence.

"It's okay honey, these are our friends you should be scared."

"I don't even know these people."

"You will. Plus they're happy for us, aren't they Angela." WHAT!? Where the hell did she get the idea to bring me in this crap. This is not my problem to solve and there goes Leon with that sad face again.

"Right Angela?" Lauren asked putting her hand on his leg and slid up every second. If I didn't think of something fast she'll... she'll I don't know.

"What's your problem Lauren?"

"No problem it's just you don't claim anything so I got what I wanted." I didn't know what to say to that either. She hand passed some limits and she was leaning it for a kiss while Leon was leaning back from her. His eyes turning brown- black.

"And to answer your question 'no' I'm happy for something that was very real."

"What did you say to me?!" Lauren said fury in her eyes. My heart and instincts said STAY! but, my head said ran the hell out of there and let her have what she wants!

"I said no. Did you not understand." In the process she was sitting up straight but her hand was on him arm.

"Not really. Are you not happy for us?"

"That's not what I said." She leaned into Lean and continued with her conversation.

"I meant to say he's not your boyfriend he's mine."

"It didn't look like it so-" She moved her hand down. I reached over the table and grabbed her hand. "I said he's my boyfriend and I would like it if you don't do that."

"Which means if you still don't get, NO Gripping." Rose said happy I stood up for myself.

"NO Grabbing, he's not a cookie." Alice said smirking.

"NO Staring, so I hope you have a camera handy." Jasper said right after Alice.

"Absolutly NO kissing!" Emmett said over dramatic.

"I believe she and them mean NO. Contact. EVER." Edward said. I was surprised he said anything. I guess he just didn't want Lauren to set off his alarm to harm all of the humans.

"I would like to add on, NO drooling because it's gross even for you." Bella added not wanting to be left out.

"I still don't believe you guys." Lauren said. How many things do we have to go through for her to leave him alone.

"Kiss him." Ben stated. What the hell did he come from?! How could he even say something like that?

"Good idea, Benny."Lauren said. While I was thinking, What's a 'Benny'?

I huffed and walked around the table. "I don't think this is necessity, Lauren." Edward said.

"For 30 seconds." Lauren said ignoring Edward's request (that was different).

I sat down next to Leon and looked up at him. He lifted up an eyebrow. I went in to his ear. "Hold your breathe."

"Actually I pretty okay with human scent by now, I just didn't want to kiss Lauren she's gross." I smiled. "But just in case." He said and took a big sniff of me. He eyes looked black when he looked back at me but, they calmed down.

"READY, SET,GO!" Lauren shouted.

Our lips touched and I heard some gasps in the cafeteria. 29...28...27...26...25 I counted in my head. His lips were so soft for a vampire who was supposed to be rock hard. 18...17...16...15 I counted more. This was very uncomfortably and odd so I moved. He moved with me. That was a new experience for me. I did it again. No I need to stop this maybe he can't- did he just move first. Well, I can't be rude. His hands went to my waist and mine went to his neck. Were going to keep going but we heard someone scream.

"TIME IS UP! YOU MADE YOUR POINT!" Lauren screamed walking away from us with Ben tailing her. Leon and I back away from each other pretty fast.

WOW, what just happened here. I think I was wrong school is my own personal heaven.

I hope you guys aren't that pissed off at me. Sorry again for not updating. I made this chapter extra special long for you so be happy, plz be happy. Okay well, until we meet again!