Author's Note:

I really have no excuse for this chapter being late. The only thing that I can blame is that real life got in the way (like going overseas for a job assignment). Anyway, just want to say that I truly appreciate the terrific response that I've gotten for this story and don't worry... I won't let this fic drop of like some I know...*cough Reasonable Doubt cough* Um, if anyone is willing to pick up the story, email me and let me know.

Disclaimer: Sailor Moon it's characters and the song never will belong to me. They are both the creation of Naoko Takeuchi and Janet Jackson respectively. However, if you want to use that evil creature Charlotte, you have to ask me (only if you really want to ^_^)


I would like to dedicate this chapter to one of the most understanding people I know...Sere-chan! If you haven't read her fics, you better get to it!!!! ^_^


Better Days

verse i

I used to sit and wonder
would I ever be happy...
life was so bittersweet
so many disappointments
too many ups and downs for me...

when you live a nightmare, it's hard to dream

but sometimes life just isn't fair
so why complain nobody cares
and i don't wanna waste nobody's time
so i.....


i'm 'bout to change my vibe
today the sun gonna shine
'cause i made up my mind
that today would be the start of better days...

leavin' old stuff behind
and move on with my life
the blindfold's off my eyes
and now all I see for me is better days

verse ii

afraid of my reflection
tell me that's not me I see

that's who I wanna be

stuck somewhere in the middle
on half-full or half-empty

waiting for somebody to come and rescue me

can't let that petty attitude
start to jade my point of view
the only thing it does is bring me down
so i'm.....


i'm 'bout to change my vibe
today the sun gonna shine
'cause i made up my mind
that today would be the start of better days...

leavin' old stuff behind
and move on with my life
the blindfold's off my eyes
and now all I see for me is better days


hurt so many times before
i used to cry, but no more
let it go, and life can be so good
stop living the blues

can't let that petty attitiude
start to jade my point of view
the only thing it does is bring me down
so i....


i'm 'bout to change my vibe
today the sun gonna shine
'cause i made up my mind
that today would be the start of better days...

leavin' old stuff behind
and move on with my life
the blindfold's off my eyes
and now all I see for me is better days

-Janet Jackson

Title: Better Days-Chapter 2
Author: Midnight Dreamer
Editor: Cyperian-chan
Rating:R (adult language and situations)
Email:[email protected]

Within a dark apartment, two people were snuggled under a blanket, watching a movie that was playing on the television, or at least tried to make an attempt to.

For almost the past hour Mina and Andrew had been more or less making out on her living room couch, ignoring the drama that was playing on the tele in front of them.

Taking a deep breath, she brought her hands up to his chest, and gently pulled away from the heated embrace, feeling a little overheated.

"Andrew..." she moaned, feeling his kisses leave a trail across her collarbone. "Drew, we need to talk-" Mina tried to say once more, before she was cut off and Andrew's lips met hers in a playful yet passionate kiss. Needless to say she was a bit distracted. It was Andrew that pulled away first, looking smug at the dazed expression on his girlfriend's face.

"Are you sure you want to?" Andrew suggested, a smirk playing about his mouth.

"Not really, but this is important." Mina replied, still trying to recover from the sudden assault on her senses. Putting some distance between themselves, she turned back towards him, her expression serious.

"What's wrong?" he asked anxiously, noting her change in mood. He didn't know what was the problem, but he knew one thing.

This was not going to be good.

"First, you have to promise that you will not tell anyone, especially Chad!" she said fervorantly, pinning Andrew with a fierce glare that meant business.

"Why, and what is this business about Chad?" he asked, confused as to why he was getting the evil eye and what his friend had to do in all this.

Loosing a bit of courage, Mina began to fidget, her nervousness apparent to Andrew. "I don't know if I should do this, but I can't keep it to myself anymore..."

"Go on. What's the problem?" The blonde man prodded, his curiosity rising by the minute.

"Plainly put, Raye's pregnant." Mina stated quietly, letting out the air she had been unconsciously holding. It was completely silent between the two, until laughter began to echo in the silent flat.

"What's so funny?" Mina asked the laughing man beside her, her eyebrow raised in irritation. She had just told him something important and he had to nerve to laugh?!?

Doubled over in laughter, Andrew wheezed out, "It's just that Raye doesn't strike me as the maternal type..." was all he could get out before he felt a hearty slap against the back of his head.

"Ouch! What in hell was that for?!!" he yelled, sitting up straight while grabbing for the back of his now throbbing head.

"I'll only say this once. Don't mess with my friends." Mina replied coldly, getting up from the couch and stalking over to the balcony doors.

Rubbing his head a bit, he glanced over at the young woman, noticing the anger radiating from her body.

~Good going Drew~ he thought sourly, knowing that he was screwed for the time being.

Trying to be serious as possible, Andrew addressed the angry blonde in front of him. "Okay, so Raye is pregnant, but what does this have to do with Chad? As far as I know, they only met that one night at the club."

"You and me both. Apparently, they had been seeing each other discreetly for the past few months..." she explained, before being unexpectedly cut off.

"The past few MONTHS?!?! Are you sure we are talking about the same Chad here?" Andrew yelled, eyes widening at this new revelation.

"Why would you say something like that? I don't see the big problem with it, except for the secrecy," Mina retorted, turning around to face him.

"Exactly. It's really strange to know that Chad was with someone and none of us guys knew about it. Usually, he is such a blabbermouth, that he tells all of us everything, especially if it involves a woman..."

"So why do you think that he kept this to himself then?" she asked, quirking her head to the side.

"Maybe he actually has met his match," he mused, drinking from his forgotten soda on the table. "I mean your friend is practically the total opposite of the women he normally hooks up with. To tell you truth, I was shocked that he approached her at all."

"Hmmm..." was all she acknowledged of his explanation, still feeling a little angry about his comments on Raye. Andrew knew he had to do something quick if he didn't want this night to be a total bust.

"Mina....", he whispered tenderly, wrapping the young woman in an embrace. "I'm sorry for laughing earlier. That was just my stupid way of handling things when I have nothing better to say. Plus, with Chad involved...." he trailed off, clearly at loss of what to say next. Running a hand through his unruly gold locks, he sighed and placed his head on top of hers, silently asking for his forgiveness.

"I know. It's just that I am very protective of my friends. I didn't mean to snap so harshly at you." she said, giving him a squeeze to let him know that she accepted his apology.

Feeling that everything was on track again, Andrew pulled back a bit to look into her heart-shaped face.

"Well I definitely know not to do that again." he whispered, giving her a small kiss on her forehead.

"Was that our first fight?" she asked timidly, looking up at Andrew beneath lowered lashes.

"I dunno, but can we start on the 'making up'?" he responded softly, using his lips to place a trail of kisses.

"You're incorrigible" she smiled softly, wrapping her arms around him as she fell into the warm sensation that was becoming more pleasant with each passing moment.


In a popular King Street eatery, Seiya was wining and dining prospective buyers interested in the new automated system that he acted as a consultant . He was asked to fill in for Reece, since he was attending a conference in Paris. Needless to say, he wasn't thrilled to act as a replacement for a man that he despised, but took it in stride with the knowledge that he wouldn't be putting up with the insufferable man for much longer.

During dessert, Seiya felt that he needed to get away for a few moments and excused himself. Taking a deep breath, he made his way to the restrooms, grateful for the brief respite. Sometimes business could be terribly boring.

That's what Sere said anyway.

"Well well well, fancy seeing you here." a sumptuary voice said, stopping him in his tracks. For months he had been praying that he would never have to be in the same breathing space as this woman, and just his luck that she would show as he was making an important business deal.

"Charlotte." the name was said with undisguised disdain.

"Is that all that you're going to say to an old friend, hmm?" she pouted, coming closer to him.

"What do you want? I'm having a business dinner right now," he stated coldly, wanting to be away from her as quickly as possible.

"Just dining with some old friends. So, how are things going over at Terra?" she asked, giving him a look of complete innocence.

"I don't think that is any of your business..." he retorted icily, praying that this conversation would be over quickly. He didn't want to have anything to do with this woman, not even breathe the same air.

"I believe that it is...." she said, ignoring the hostility that seemed to emanate from the annoyed man in front of her.

"Is that right? Would you care to let me know?" he asked snidely, crossing his arms in an aggravated gesture.

"Now Seiya darling, we have suffered a minor setback with Darien knowing about our little plan, but that doesn't mean we can't have what we want..."

"Setback?!?" he fumed, trying to keep his voice down. "Are you that dense? Can't you see that it's over? As soon as Darien gets a chance, he will tell Serena everything and that they will be back together again!"

Shaking her head in the negative, she laid a patronizing hand on his arm and gave it a gentle squeeze. "No Sweetie. I think that you are the dunce. If there is one thing about women, it is that we don't forget or forgive easily," she smiled acting as if trying to explain something to a small child. "Now what makes you think that she will actually listen to him, considering all the pain and hurt he put her through. Granted, he might have not committed any real crime, but that will always be in the back of her mind." she reminded him, smiling a bit at her own logic.

"You're really a sadistic bitch aren't you?" he asked, not really expecting an answer from the smirking woman in front of him.

"Call me what you want, but I have a plan that will get us what we both want. So I only need to know one thing. Are you in or out?"

Waking up in his lonely bed, Darien groaned, wishing the birds that were singing their morning song on his balcony would be quiet for ten more minutes. He had gotten in late last night, after catching a red eye flight. Needless to say, he was exhausted.

The convention in Paris had been very successful. It seemed that Terra was making a name for itself in the European Community and there were even some that hinted they would be in contact for future projects.

Groaning, he swung his legs over to the side, holding his head within his hands. This was not how he pictured his life. At Terra, everything was moving like clockwork. He was gaining more responsibilities and now he might even be facing a promotion. Yep, life was a bowl of cherries.

Hmph. More like sour grapes.

Every time he stepped into his empty apartment, it was all that he could do not to breakdown. If he could have just been more understanding, instead of being blinded by ambition, he could have had the one thing that really mattered to him.

A family.

Shaking his head to clear it a bit, he got up and ambled his way over to the bathroom, turning on the taps to start a shower. Stepping inside the stall, he sighed, allowing the hot water to sluice over his tired body, in hopes that it would refresh him a bit.

Closing his eyes, all he could see was the image of Serena, tears staining her face as she slept. If he thought some more, he could almost remember the heat that he felt when he was next to her for that brief period of time on the plane. The way her hair still felt soft as silk. The way she leaned into him when he touched her. The heartache he felt when they landed and she walked off the plane without a backwards glance.

The tears that he had been holding back for two weeks finally fell, mingling with the water pouring out the showerhead, his face displaying the tumultous feelings searing through him. He could still see the joyful look on Serena's face when he had asked her to marry him. Remember the betrayal and hurt when she caught him the arms of another woman and also the sorrow as she sat at their child's memorial service.

Shaking his head to clear out the painful memories, he turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. Grabbing a towel, he quickly dried himself and slung it over his hips before heading to his bedroom. Opening a drawer he reached in to grab some boxers and an undershirt, when his fingers brushed against something. Reaching in further, he pulled out a small velvet box.

Serena's engagement ring.

Hearing a knock at the door, he returned the ring to the drawer, and quickly put on some sweats. Noticing the late time, Darien shook his head, knowing that it had to be one of his knucklehead friends...most likely Andrew.

With a sardonic smile on his face, he called out, "Drew, you better be happy that you're my best friend, because I just got home and starving! You better have a damn good reason for coming over this early."

Opening the door, he let out a gasp as he found himself looking into beloved azure eyes.

"S-Serena?!?!?" he choked out, not believing that she was there in front of him.

Appearing calm and collected, Serena held his shocked gaze, not wavering from the intensity of his midnight blue orbs.

With a measured tone she said, "Yes Darien, it's me. We need to talk......"


How many thought that 'you know who' would make a reappearance? I figured that Charlotte wasn't the type to give up that easily! ^_^ By the way, I feel that I have to apologize once again for not posting as I should and I just want to say THANK YOU for still reading this fic!!