Suddenly, EVE's eyes opened. With almost a jolt, she realized she was back inside her robotic self, looking around the Diagnostic Lab.

She reluctantly pulled the cable from her Universal Interface, as WALL•E seemed to awaken within his robotic self. EVE turned her gaze towards WALL•E as she carefully disconnected the cable from his data port, and slowly closed the Solar Charge Level display over it. She opened her own bio-stasis chamber and put the cable inside automatically, almost without thinking.

EVE looked into WALL•E's optics, and he looked into her eyes. Their shared gaze seemed to last an eternity. Then EVE looked down, and started to softly cry, with audible sobs coming over her speaker.

WALL•E moved off the diagnostic platform and took her into his arms. EVE hugged him back, trying to impart a universe of thought and feeling through her embrace of him.

The rest of the diagnostic check and cleaning seemed pointless for now.

WALL•E and EVE slowly moved hand in hand out of the Diagnostic Lab, out of the Repair Ward, and back into the busy world of humans and robots around them.

They went home in silence, keeping part of their view on the path ahead of them, but never letting each other entirely out of their sight, nor out of their touch.

WALL•E opened the ramp into their home, and together they went inside. The day had become very draining for both of them. They did not need "Hello Dolly" tonight. It was clearly time to just go to sleep.

EVE turned to WALL•E, but she couldn't contain herself, and started to softly cry again. WALL•E took EVE again into his arms, and they embraced. He raised his optics to touch EVE's visor, and looked deeply into her eyes.

"Eee-eee-vaaah," he said, slowly.

"WALLLL•EEEE," she said, tearfully.

They went dormant together for the night, embracing just as they were.

Each of them had said all that the other would ever need to hear.