Next Couple Please

Night was approaching and Chiro sighed as he stared up at the ceiling. He was lying on his bed, like he had been for the past hour. Doing nothing but thinking.





He groaned.

"Come on, Chiro. If it can work for Sprx, it can work for you."

He thought about how Sprx and Nova had been before the date. Always arguing, always shouting and fighting. But last night… they were together. The date was an actual success. If something like that worked for Sprx and Nova, the strangest of couples, it had got to work for him and Jinmay.





Chiro sat up, trying to calm himself like Antauri taught him. Than, taking in a deep breathe, got up from his bed. He went up his transportation tubes and flinched when he saw Jinmay in the other tube opposite from him. Luckily, she hadn't seen him. Walking hastily, Chiro's first stop was Sprx's room. He knocked and waited. A few seconds later, the door slid open.

"Sprx?" Chiro called.

"Come in, kid. But watch the mess." Sprx called from inside the room.

When Chiro walked in, the first thought was that he was in the wrong room. Hearts were drawn on the wall; the floor was littered with red papers of the same shape. Than he saw Sprx, lying on his bed cutting out another heart.

"Hey, kid." Sprx called, a big smile on his face.

"Hiya, Sprx. I just wanted to ask you something." Chiro said as he entered the room.

"Sure, what is it?" Sprx asked, tossing another heart onto the floor.

"How did you handle your date? Cause… you know. I heard it was a big time success." Chiro said looking around.

"Well you've never heard anything more true than, kid." Sprx said, cutting more hearts out of a new stack of red paper.

"So how did you do it?" Chiro asked again.

"Long story, kid. At first I had this list Otto wrote for me full of tips, than later Otto, Jinmay and even Antauri came along secretly to help out. But I think Antauri went a little nuts after that." Sprx said.

"Oh, that explains the shouts coming from his room." Chiro muttered.

"Why did ya want to know, kid? You having girl trouble?" Sprx asked and Chiro flinched again.

"Yep…" Chiro said and Sprx sat up. He put the paper and scissors away and walked to Chiro.

"Well, kid. Today's your lucky day. How bout asking Jinmay on a date?" He said and Chiro was shocked.

"What? She would never except." Chiro started but Sprx cut him off.

"Kid, the word 'never' is for losers. Come on." Sprx led the way to Otto's room, Chiro behind him, his heart pounding.

"Nova?" Jinmay called. "You in there?"

"Come in!" Nova called from inside and Jinmay walked inside. She saw Nova, sitting in a chair and smiling to herself.

"Hi, Jinmay." Nova said and Jinmay gave a brief wave before closing the door.

"Hi, Nova." Jinmay said and Nova looked up at her, concern on her face.

"Are you alright?" Nova asked.

"Me? Uh… actually, I'm not sure." Jinmay said.

"What's wrong?" Nova asked. Jinmay sat down beside her, looking a little sad.

"Seeing you and Sprx together… kinda made me wonder why Chiro is the way he is now," Jinmay said. "We used to be well, happier. Than he turned into a jerk."

"I think I know what you need." Nova said.

"What is it?" Jinmay asked looking up. Nova smiled and got up.

"A date with the kid!" she said and dragged a protesting Jinmay out of the room.

"Here you go, Chiro!" Otto said cheerfully as he passed Chiro a new list. Chiro could see his hand shaking as he took the paper from Otto.

"Uh… thanks." He said. "You sure this is going to work?"

"If it can work from me, it can work for you." Sprx said winking.

"Hey, guys! Good news. I just received a call from Nova! She's convincing Jinmay to go for a date!" Otto said suddenly and Chiro felt his heart leap. He felt short of breathe and started breathing harder.

"You'll be alright, kid." Sprx said, leading Chiro to the command center, Otto following behind. Upon reaching the command center, Chiro witnessed the same scene he saw the night before. Only this time it was his head on the chopping block. Gibson was in the command center as well, and gave Chiro an encouraging thumbs-up. Just then, Jinmay walked in followed by Nova.

"I don't have time for dates." Jinmay was saying and Chiro felt his heart sinking all the way through the ground. "I still have things to do."

"This doesn't look good, Sprx." Chiro whispered to Sprx who was standing on his left while Otto was on his right.

"We got it covered, kid." Sprx whispered back and Otto sniggered at the Familiar scene.

"Jinmay, I need some help." Gibson said. "Go out and collect some materials Sprx and Nova forgot with Chiro. I doubt the boy can handle it himself."

"But I…" Jinmay started. Nova smiled secretly when she saw her trembling.

"Can't anyone else go?" Jinmay asked and Otto continued sniggering.

"I have magnets to polish." Sprx said.

"Yes, and I have some test subject for night experiments." Gibson agreed.

"I have to go fix something, uh… broken." Otto said.

"And Antauri is still in the healing chambers." Gibson said. Otto nudged Chiro, signaling it was time he said something.

"Uh…" He started but Sprx stopped him.

"Do me a favor, kid. Read the list before you do ANYTHING." Sprx whispered. Chiro did and spoke.

"Hey, Jinmay… mind helping me out?" Chiro asked and both Sprx and Otto started sniggering quietly.

"Well…" Jinmay was very reluctant.

"Go for it." Nova whispered.

"Alright" Jinmay said and Chiro felt encouraged, just like how Sprx had.

"We'd better get going, the store closes soon." Chiro said, and together, they left the robot. But what Chiro didn't see was Jinmay laughing when she saw a piece of paper sticking out of Chiro's scarf.

When they left, Nova turned to Sprx and Otto.

"You guys ready?" Nova asked.

"Anytime." Sprx said, smiling. Than, taking their seats before the screen, Nova activated the cameras. After about an hour or two, Sprx and Otto fell asleep. But not for long when Nova sat up and spoke.

"Hey, guys. We have a problem, Chiro lost the list!"

RDN: Please, please don't ask me for a sequel. Lol. Hope you enjoyed 'The Date Spies.' I'll be turning my attention back to 'Crazy Day.' And let me introduce a new OC, Oracle. She won't be used for some time though.

Oracle:Why not?

Me:Because 'Sabel' comes first.


Me:Because i said so. Now go find a way to occupy yourself, fly around, reprogram something, just go away!

Oracle:The things i do for you...(Flys off)