Disclaimer: I do NOT own the Fast and the Furious or any of the characters. I own the still developing plot, that's it.

I hope you enjoy. If any of my terminology is incorrect, let me know and I'll fix it. I do not yet have a title for this story, so it will just be named Untitled until I can name it. Thank you.

Fast and the Furious

There was a new driver here tonight, someone from out of town, but they knew the rules. Dom smiled to himself as he watched the driver hand Hector the money, not bothering to get out of the car, which was, in Dom's opinion, a beautiful black Viper with a Wolf howling at the moon on the hood. Their just another racer to beat, nothing new. He didn't know how wrong he would be.

The racers lined up, waiting for the all clear to go. They were given the signal to take off and take off they did. Tired squealed, rubber burned and colors blurred past the onlookers. It looked as though the King of the Streets would win, but at the last second the new racer took the lead and beat him. The crowd was silent as the cars skidded to complete stops, they waited to see who had beat Dominic Toretto.

The man in question was both shocked and angry as he got out of his car and looked at the car that beat him. The windows were so tinted he couldn't see inside, he'd have to wait until the person driving got out of the car. The driver side window was rolled down and the driver's arm emerged and he soon found himself being pointed at. He raised an eyebrow and found the hand was now beckoning him towards the car.

He contemplated to himself what his chances were as he began walking to the Viper. He glanced around at the audience as he did this, noticing that they were watching him to see his reaction. He thought that they may be waiting for him to explode, with his temper and all, they weren't far off, he was pretty pissed. He looked back at the car and found that the window had been rolled up again, much to his annoyance. As he reached the hood of the car, the door opened and he stopped to see who it was that was exiting the car.

It surprised him that the person was a woman, but it surprised him more so that she looked familiar. He took in her black pants that had chains all on them and the corset shirt that cut off an inch above her belly button, which he noticed was pierced. He couldn't see most of her face due to the fedora hat that sat low on her bowed head. What made him recognize her was one of the rings on her fingers and the cross that matched. They were silver Celtic knots with obsidian stones in the center of them. His anger disipitated and a small smile graced his lips.

"Surprised?" She asked softly.

"Yeah, a bit." He replied just as softly.

"I hope I didn't disappoint with my performance."

"It was certainly an interesting performance. You beat me, the King of the Streets."

The girl tilted her head up to look at him. "You? King of the Streets?"

"Yeah, me. King of the Streets, don't believe it?"

"Eh, I believe it."


"Yeah, the way the crowd is watching you waiting for you to explode at the fact that I beat you kinda tips off the fact that it's true."

"Yeah, I suppose that it does, doesn't it."

"Hey, you wanna do me a favor?"

"And what would that be."

"Make Letty stop trying to make me spontaneously combust."

Dom chuckled as he turned to look at Letty, who was indeed looking as though she was trying to make the girl spontaneously combust, and waved her over. She looked a bit skeptical, but walked over anyway, still glaring at the girl.

"Letty, this is-" Dom began.

"It's good to see you Letty." The girl said, cutting Dom off. "I'ma let you know this again. I'm not into incest."

"Incest?" Letty asked, the glare on her face slowly disappearing.

The girl said nothing as she reached up and removed the hat from her head and thick curls fell to her mid to lower back. The removal of her hat revealed her blue-green and hazel speckled eyes to everyone who was watching. What surprised the crowd though, especially Team Toretto, was that Letty flung her arms around the girl.

Dom laughed and yelled, "Party at my place."

Everybody cheered and then quieted down once again when they heard sirens and quickly got into their cars and began taking off.

"You remember the way?" Dom asked as he and Letty began walking off.

"I'm sure I can manage." The girl replied.

"I'll hold you to that Ash."

"You got it."

The girl, Ash, got into her car and sped off, keeping her eye on Dominic's car so as to not get lost. She pulled into an alleyway as she heard a cop turning the corner and Dom disappeared. She watched from her rearview mirror as Dom came out of a parking complex and pulled his jacket on and began walking before a cop came barreling down the street and caused him to run down another alley. She sighed as she pulled out of the alleyway she was hiding in and cautiously began following after Dom from an adjacent alleyway. She watched as the blonde in an Eclipse picked him up and followed them away from the cops. She stopped her car and shut off her lights as they went out into the busy streets. She watched as they were approached by motorcyclists with guns and watched where they went so she could follow and see what was up. She stepped on the accelerator and followed them after they turned the corner, her lights still off as she watched for cops and other motorcyclists.

She watched as the motorcyclists led Dominic and the blonde off the street and decided that her best bet was to just stay where she was at. About ten minutes later, Ash heard the motorcycles drive off, the sounds of the engines growing faint. As she waited to see the Eclipse pull out of the building area it had been led to, she heard gunshots and stared as she saw the green flames. She sighed as she turned her lights on and drove up to the entrance to find Dom and blonde fine and gave a sigh of relief.

Dom smiled as he saw the car in front of him and the blonde. He watched as the window rolled down and the girl inside smiled at him.

"It looks like you two need a ride." She said with the smile still in place.

"It would seem that way."

"Get in."

The two did so and they were soon off towards Dom's house.

"So, who's he?" Ash asked as she looked at the blonde in the back seat of her car.

"Name's Brian and you are?"

"I'm Ashlynn."

"Nice to meet you."

"Ok, so I know the guy, now tell me what the hell is up with the guys on the 'cycles." Ash said looking over at Dom briefly.

"That was Johnny Tran and his crew." Dom said.

"That tells me who it was, not what the hell is up with them." Ashlynn said giving Dom a pointed look before looking back at the road.

"A business deal went sour and I made the mistake of sleeping with his sister."

Ashlynn sighed and slapped Dom in the arm. "Dumbass."

"Yeah, but you know you love me."

"I love you only because I have to love you." Ashlynn said with a smile as they pulled up to 'The Fort.'

"That hurts, Ash; that really hurts."

"I'm sure it does you big baby."

The three got out of the Viper and Dom began making his way up to the house where a party was going on. Ashlynn followed, noticing that no one seemed too worried about the fact that the man who told everyone there was a party at his house was missing. That's just sad. She smiled as Dom invited Brian in, he normally wouldn't give a personal invitation, someone must not like Brian.

Ash watched as a guy who, she thought, was from Dom's team look up and sputtered out, "Hey. Dom. We were about to go looking for you."

She and Brian watched as Dom's temper reached its limit and he knocked the beer out of the guy's hand, causing the girl in his lap to flinch. They watched at Dom walked over to Vince, Ashlynn remembered him, who was playing a few chords on his guitar.

"This your beer?" Dom asked him picking up the beer next to him.

"Yeah, that's my beer… Yo, Dom! Why'd you bring the busta back here?"

"Because the busta kept me outta handcuffs, he didn't just run back to the fort, the buster brought me back."

"There were mass cops out there, that shit was orchestrated."

Dom walked back over to Brian and Ashlynn, "You can have any brew you want as long as it's a Corona."

Ashlynn smiled, some things never change. She didn't pay attention after Brian asked where the bathroom was, Ash had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from answering; that would take the fun out of everything. She didn't pay too much attention and Dom ruffled her hair a bit as he and Letty headed upstairs as Brian was coming downstairs. Vince and two other guys looked like they were going to gang up on Brian when Ashlynn spoke up.

"Leave the guy alone." She muttered as Mia came up.

"Who the hell are you?" Vince growled.

"You know me, it's sad that you don't remember me though. And don't growl at me Vincent, I'll kick your ass." Ashlynn growled back.

"You couldn't kick my ass." Vince sneered.

"I've done it before." Ashlynn said before turning her attention to the two she didn't know. "Since I don't know you, I assume that you showed up after I left."

"After you left?" The one wearing the jersey asked.

"Yeah, I used to live here, just down the street, but due to some circumstances with my parentals, I had to leave." Ashlynn explained with a small smile. "So, what are your names?"

"I'm Leon." Jersey boy replied.

"And I'm Jesse." They boy with the beanie said.

"Since the asshole here can't seem to remember me, I'm Ashlynn." She said with a mock glare towards Vince.

"How do you know Dom?" Leon asked.

"I'm Dom's cousin."

Ashlynn smiled as she saw recognition flash in Vince's eyes before she was swept up in a bear hug.

"Took you long enough." Ashlynn said as she wrapped her arms around Vince as he swung her around in a circle.

"Damn, girl, you grew up. What happened to the dresses and what's up with the chains?" Vince asked as he set her down.

"I stopped wearing dresses after I left, pissed mother off, and I found that I liked this style, so I went with it." Ashlynn said with a smile.

"So, why are you back?" Leon asked.

"Uh, well, mother and father died a couple months ago an-" Ashlynn started.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Vince asked.

"Honestly? I didn't feel like talking about it and I forgot the address." Ashlynn replied sheepishly.

"You live down the street and, I assume, that you were over here quite often and you forget the address. That's kinda sad." Jesse said with a smile.

Ashlynn gave the boy a light push, "First off, you shouldn't assume, it makes an ass out of you and me, and second of all, I didn't particularly care about remembering the address of my house if I wasn't ever going to come back."

"So, why else did you come back?" Leon asked with a smirk to Jesse.

"I inherited the house my parents bought, but it got lonely, so I decided to take a vacation from the quiet. I can only stand it so long before I go insane." Ashlynn said. "And when I left six years ago, Dom told me I was welcome to come back anytime, so, here I am."

"That's interesting." Leon said. "Not, to be rude, but I'm going to get back to the party."

"Don't stop on my account." Ashlynn said with a smile.

"I think I'm going to join him back at the party." Vince said as he kissed Ashlynn on the top of her head. "Good to see ya kid."

"You too old man."

Vince rolled his eyes. "Jesse, think you can handle showing her around, help he re-familiarize herself with the place?"

Jesse nodded, not bothering to take his eyes off of Ashlynn. Vince rolled his eyes again as he walked off. Ashlynn smiled at Jesse as she watched him stare openly at her.

"You don't have to babysit me, I think I can manage remembering my way around the house." She said as she turned to go to the kitchen.

Jesse watched her before quickly catching up to her. "So, how did you beat Dom?"

"I used his own strategy against him." Ashlynn said as she grabbed a beer from the fridge.

"What do you mean?" Jesse asked.

"You got somewhere quiet where people can't eves drop?" Ashlynn asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"You think I'm going to talk about Dom's strategy in front of people who could end up trying to use it?"

"Good point."

"I know, so, where we going?"

"I suppose the basement would be the best bet."

"To the basement then."

Jesse led the way away from the other people in the house to the only place that no one else was allowed. Ashlynn smiled as she noticed that absolutely nothing had changed, except for the fact that there were two new people and Dom and Letty appeared to be going steady.

"So, what's the big secret?" Jesse asked sitting down on one of the two couches that were down there.

"Well," Ashlynn began as she sat down next to him. "You ever notice how he makes it seem like he's losing?"

"Yeah, what about it?" Jesse asked as he watched her take a sip of the beer she grabbed.

"Well, it's just a game, he let's the other racers think that he's losing and then he waits till the last second to use the Noz. I just used it against him." Ashlynn explained.

"But how did you beat him?"

"I didn't let him see that I was racing against him and I just timed it right I guess. I hadn't really expected to win, it just happened that I did."

"I see." Jesse muttered as he drank some of his beer. "So, how long are you here?"

"I don't know, I've got some stuff to do back home, so I'll have to get back to that." Ashlynn replied.

"Interesting, what kind of stuff?"

"Aren't you nosey." Ashlynn stated with a smile. "Dancing, I instruct some kids classes, and I have a kid to take care of." She winced as she realized what information she let out into the open.

"A kid, really? You're only, what, twenty?"

"Yeah, a kid, and yeah, I'm only twenty."

"How old is it?"

"He's four."

"Sixteen year old mom, what was it like?"

"You're actually curious?"

"Yeah, I guess. Nothing else to talk about."

"You're not like other guys are you?"

"Well, most of the time, I suppose that I am, but I think Dom would probably castrate me if I tried anything I normally do."

"That's probably true. Good thing he doesn't know I have a kid, he's totally flip out."

"Yeah, he would definitely flip out."

"Who would flip out about what?" Came Dom's voice from the stairs.

"Ah, shit." Ashlynn muttered.

"'Ah, shit,' what Ash?" Dom asked.

"Can we talk about it when you come to my house?" Ash asked with puppy eyes.

"Talk about what? And when was it decided that we were coming to your house?"

"The thing I don't want to talk about. When I ended up beating you at the races." Ashlynn said with a smile. "Come on Jesse, let's go back upstairs."

Ashlynn got up and walked past Dom on the stairs, but as Jesse went to follow, Dom blocked his way.

"Jesse, stay here, we're going to talk." Dom said. "Just go on upstairs Ash. We'll be up shortly."

"Dom, leave it alone, I'll tell you when I think you can handle it." Ashlynn said calmly.

"What can't I handle Ash?" Dom asked, his temper starting up again.

"I'll tell you later."

"No, you'll tell me now."

"Dom, leave it alone."

"Tell me Ash."

Ashlynn looked at Dom, a glare on her face. "No, Dom, I'll tell you when I think you can handle it. And right now, I don't think you can handle it. So let Jesse go upstairs with me."

Jesse, who had been watching the whole exchange quietly, glanced back and forth between the two, wondering what was going to happen. He knew Dom was stubborn and hardly ever gave up, but he could also tell that Ashlynn was the same way with how she'd been talking to Dom.

"Ashlynn, tell me, please." Dom said softly.

"Dominic, stop prying right now. I will not be the reason that you go back to Lompoc." Ashlynn said, the glare fading from her face.

"What are you talking about?"

"If I tell you about this you'll freak out, and you'll go after who it was that had a hand in it and you'll end up getting sent back. I refuse to let that happen."

"I won't go back, I promise I won't. Just tell me."

Ashlynn sighed, her cousin always was more stubborn than she was. He could always get her to talk. "Fine, but you're going to want to sit down."

"I'm fine standing."

"That's what dad said."

"Just get on with it, please."

Ashlynn looked over at Jesse, who nodded, and sighed. "Alright, but I warned you."

"Ok, I'll keep that in mind."

"Dom, I have- I have a kid."

"What are you talking about?"

"I got pregnant at fifteen and had a kid soon after I turned sixteen. He's four years old and his father ran out on us."

It was then that Dom got mad, but then after he let the information that his baby cousin had a child at sixteen sit in he passed out.

Ashlynn looked at Jesse and shrugged, "I warned him."