Beloved Fan Fiction Mates
I've read like many of you, and written like the majority. Here's my first fiction of House.
Italic words are House's thoughts. Other than that, there's nothing left for me to say then…Enjoy! :D
It was just another day for House. Another weird disease, another accurate diagnosis, another happy ending.
This particular time he didn't have the chance to annoy Cuddy though, and the reason for his grumpiness was finally found. Now he knew why he was bored. He didn't pissed off Cuddy enough today.
He stopped what he was doing – dialing a random phone number to do a prank call – and got up quickly – which made jolts of pain swim through his injured leg – making his way to Cuddy's office.
When he got there in record time, he noticed she was busy on the phone.
Good. The busier the bitchier she'll become.
He grabbed the doorknob and gave it a jerk.
Damn, it's locked.
Cuddy noticed House and smiled, waving at him with her unoccupied hand, completely aware and thankful for the locked door. She didn't see House today at all so figured he was up to something by the end of the day.
Oh, she's asking for it.
He wondered if he could persuade her assistant to open the door, but then remembered that the last time he did, it didn't work out. So he just turned his back to Cuddy and begun making his way back to his office. I'll call her from there.Yup.
He quickly had a better idea though. He spotted Wilson coming down the hall in his direction.
"Wilson, best buddy! What's up?" – House raised his arms suggesting a hug.
Wilson eyed him suspiciously.
"Hum…let me guess, you need money." – He pretended to doubt what he had just said – "Oh no, what a fool I must be, doubting your actions. You obviously think of me as a great friend and are only showing your affection to me."
"Precisely! Where you're headed?"
"To Cuddy. Need some signatures"
"But what a coincidence! I am, too! Let's share this adventure together and have some fun"
"House, you're up to something." - Wilson paused – "You're going to piss off Cuddy, aren't you?"
House pretended to be in deep shock.
"How dare you suggesting such a thing! Me, of all people?"
Wilson sighed.
"You know what? It's better if you come. I need to speak with you two. I thought of doing it separately but I guess that it's quicker and easier this way"
"Oh? Really? What is it?"
"You'll see. Come."
They made their way to the end of the hall and finally reached Cuddy's office.
Wilson knocked without trying the doorknob.
Cuddy wasn't on the phone anymore, but the fact that House was there standing behind Wilson wasn't a good sign. She sighed.
House's eyes followed Cuddy as she made her way to the door and opened it with some reluctance.
"How are you, Cuddy?" – Wilson politely asked, making his way into the room. House followed him with a curious look on his face.
"I'm fine thanks. Quite frustrated though. The administrators just can't leave me alone today"
She sighed. Then looked at House quizzically, wondering what he was doing there without saying a word.
"Yes…I understand." – Wilson hesitated. Then looked at House, then at Cuddy – "I need to ask you both a favor".
House's eyebrows rose a couple inches.
Wilson? Asking us a favor? Asking ME a favor?
Cuddy's eyebrows were as raised as House's.
"Go on" – she supported Wilson, exchanging a quick glance with House.
Do you have any idea of what it is? Her look asked House.
No. She saw on his eyes. Although her interpretation might as well be: Hello Ladies, I can see you're still hanging there firmly.
Wilson sat on the chair across Cuddy's desk. House stood still close by the door.
"Well, I've met this woman, you know…" – Wilson begun, looking at his lap.
House rolled his eyes.
Cuddy's eyebrows rose even more.
"Well she had this idea of a double date…" – Wilson tried to say.
"WHAT?" – Both Cuddy and House cut in.
"Hey, wait, let me explain, ok? It's not like I picked you guys! I absolutely know your opinions on this and how your reactions would be! It wasn't my choice!" – He stuttered – " She just…she was really into it, and, well, of my friends, she only heard me talking about you two, so she's very keen on…you know…knowing you."
House's mouth was open, as if he was trying to figure out what to say.
Cuddy mirrored his.
"I…well, Wilson, how come you turned this into a double date?" – She eventually asked, confused. – "I mean, she must know that House and I aren't exactly…"
Wilson nodded, predicting her question. He cut in:
"Problem is, from what I told her, she kind of assumed you were in a relationship, and before I could say something against it, she was all excited throwing ideas around of a double date and I just couldn't say no…"
House finally found his voice.
"It begin with an N and ends with an O."
Cuddy's voice overreached House's:
"How did she assume House and I were on a relationship? What exactly did you tell her?"
"The truth! That you guys keep bickering all the time but deep inside it's just a façade…I mean, a way of releasing the stress of work among…other things."
"Among…other things." – Cuddy repeated to herself – "Seriously Wilson this isn't like you."
Wilson had a pleading look on his face.
"Can't you pick another friend of yours to go with House?" – She tried.
"Oh yes, a couple of them. Oh wait; they're my ex-wives."
House snorted. He was enjoying this all along.
Cuddy sent House a reproachful look.
"Fine. I'll do it." – She said.
Wilson's mouth begun to form a smile, until she added, muttering:
"But House? Seriously, do you think that's a good idea?"
"Hey!" - House said, getting closer to them now – "I heard THAT! I'm hurt" – He did an exaggerated hurt face.
"Well, you were supposed to!! If you only could behave in public like a normal guy, I wouldn't mind at all!" She barked back.
Oh my – thought Wilson – here it comes.
"Well, oh almighty Dean of Medicine, I can behave as normal as you can!"
"Oh really? That's something new! "
"Wanna bet?"
Cuddy rolled her eyes, and sat back on her chair, ignoring him.
House turned his back to her and looked to Wilson, a serious look on his face
"Wilson, I bet 200 hundred bucks as I can be the most charming man on your double date"
Wilson looked back at him.
"You're on."
Cuddy sighed.
Idiot – She thought, shaking her head.