Happy birthday horseluver65!
Everything about EVE was beautiful, WALL-E believed. Even the path she took to come to his lonely little planet was. But had she ever even seen her own path? He tried to wake her up to look at the world outside her ship, but he failed. Still, she was safe, and he was with her, so he could relax for a little while and just look at the stars.
He felt something as he charged himself from the Sun, and as he saw the distant galaxies, and as he touched the rings of Saturn. It reminded him of when he had first found that old beat up Hello Dolly! tape all those years ago, and yet it was stronger than even that.
There was something deeper inside of him than his life before this adventure. A part of him had always known that, and yet only now was he really understanding what his favorite song meant when it talked about the outside world. But at the same time, he didn't understand at all.
WALL-E had been dreaming this whole time and had never realized it. Those dreams reached beyond that sun and beyond those galaxies and beyond those rings and beyond anything he had ever thought of before. There was something incredibly special and beautiful inside of him, and it was a whole new puzzle for him. He had just solved the last one, and now he was once again confused about who he was.
But none of that mattered. He just wanted to be near her. And while he might never have truly realized it, he was brighter than all those stars.