A/N: Heh… We're not quite done yet.

Chapter 14 Owari

The sun was setting and its' many colors were reflected in the never ending ocean. The sky was painted scarlet and the sound of waves rushing gently was calming down everything.

It was amazing that no one was on the beach when it was this beautiful.

Kagome smiled feeling the sand under her bare feet. The wind was making their hair blow wildly. She gave Inuyasha's hand a squeeze. It was amazing to be here with him.

"Hey Inuyasha?" Kagome asked.


"Wanna go swimming?"

Inuyasha glanced at the girl. "Are you serious? Isn't it too cold?"

Kagome chuckled starting to pull off her t-shirt. Inuyasha raised an eyebrow. "You don't have a bathing suit or bikini with you!"

"I know. I'll just swim in my bra and hot pants."

Pulling her t-shirt off she smiled at him. She looked really good. Her black bra and black and white hot pants was amazing on her. She smiled and brushed some hair away from her face. "You're not gonna come with me?"

Inuyasha frowned. "It's too cold."

Kagome grinned before she attacked him starting to pull off his t-shirts and kaki pants.

"Hey!" Inuyasha exclaimed and a moment later he was only wearing his silky, blue boxers.

Kagome grabbed his arms and started dragging him out in the freezing water.

"Kagome! It's cooold!" Inuyasha shouted. When the water reached their chests and Kagome kept pulling Inuyasha further.

"Don't be such a scaredy cat, Inuyasha." Came the reply.

"I am not scared! I just hate cold water."

Kagome chuckled and suddenly disappeared under the water. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around himself and his eyes followed Kagome's body under surface. She came up for air about two meters away from him.

"Whoa! The water is cold!" She exclaimed.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes and turned around starting to walk towards the beach again.

"No stop!" Kagome shouted running towards him. She wrapped her arms around his waist but her 'attack' made them loose their balance and they fell under the water.

Inuyasha took a deep breath when his head came above the water again. "Kagome!" He shouted.

Kagome laughed and her head appeared beside him. "It's so much more fun when we're two." She said from behind her hair which was sticking to her face.

Inuyasha brushed it away and sighed. "Sure."

Kagome felt her heart beat faster as Inuyasha slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. It was like she stopped breathing and their eyes locked into each other. For a long moment they just looked at each other enjoying the perfect moment before Inuyasha slowly leaned forward letting his lips capture Kagome's. Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer and deepened the kiss.

They felt like they had been standing there for hours just kissing. The sun had not disappeared yet but it had painted the sky redder.

Holding each other's hand they walked back towards the beach.

"It wasn't as cold as you said." Kagome smiled.

Inuyasha gave her another kiss before throwing himself onto the ground.

"What are you doing?" Kagome asked when he closed his eyes.

"Drying." Came the exhaled reply.

Kagome grinned and lied down so their heads pointed at each other. She spread out her wet hair so it could dry too.

Then she looked at the sky. Inuyasha's hands found hers and he squeezed them tight.

"I love you Kagome."

Kagome blinked when she heard the words and she sat up and turned towards Inuyasha who still had his eyes closed. She couldn't make herself say anything. She just leaned over him and crushed her lips onto his.

"Oi!" Someone exclaimed.

Kagome and Inuyasha broke apart and looked up. A man in the sixties was looking at them. He smelled of alcohol and his clothes were really dirty. He was probably a guy who spend most of his time at a pub or something.

"Are you two married?" The man asked.

Inuyasha raised his eyebrows. "No."

"That's good. You're way too young." He replied looking around.

"Actually… We almost got married for a few weeks ago." Kagome said.

"How come you're not married then?"

Kagome glanced at Inuyasha and shrugged. "I don't know… I guess we're just too young as you said. And it was just a mistake."

"How can it be a mistake if you love each other?" The man asked sitting down next to them so they could really smell the alcohol.

"It's hard to explain but we decided not to get married anyway." Inuyasha said.


"… I don't know…"

"If you want to get married, then why don't ya' let me be the one marrying you right now?" The alcoholic guy asked with a smile so they could see his unhealthy teeth. Kagome couldn't help but smile. "I don't know if that's a good idea."

"I would like that." Inuyasha said very sudden which made Kagome stare at him.

The man smiled at Kagome. "What about you, girlie? You don't want to marry lover boy?"

Kagome was still staring at Inuyasha. "You're not serious." She said with slightly open mouth. Inuyasha tilted his head. "I'm serious Kagome… And I know you want to marry me too." He could still hear her voice from the school party. The everlasting moment where everything was quiet. He had heard it in her voice when she said 'yes'.

"You said yes when I asked you." Inuyasha said taking her hand.

Kagome smiled slightly feeling his tender gaze upon her. "I will marry you, Inuyasha."

The alcoholic man grabbed their hands dragging them towards the ocean saying: "That's good. Come on then! Let's get some marriage."

Inuyasha chuckled asking: "You know how to marry people?"

The man nodded. "Sure. I've been married four times myself. Trust me I know exactly how to do this thing. First of all let me get your names.



The man coughed lightly and spoke: "We are gathered here today to join together Kagome and Inuyasha in holy matrimony."

Inuyasha and Kagome were both surprised that the drunken man could remember and pronounce the words. They glanced at each other. Inuyasha still had the tenderness in his eyes and he smiled at the beautiful girl next to him. Kagome blushed and moved her brown eyes from his golden ones.

"Who gives this woman in marriage to this man…?" The alcoholic man started but shut up when he realized what the thing he just said meant.

"Uhm… Let's just skip that part." He muttered and continued: "Marriage was originated in divine wisdom and goodness. Marriage was designed by God not only to promote human happiness and holiness, but also for our growth as eternal spiritual beings… Then what? Jeez I can't remember all of it. Let's just go to the good part. If it is your intention to take each other as husband and wife, please unite your hands and step forward."

Inuyasha and Kagome smiled at each other while their hands met and they stepped closer.

"Do you, Kagome, now take this…? What was his name? Inuyasha? Anyway… Whose hand you hold, to be your husband, and do you solemnly promise, that you will love and honor him and will you be faithful to him, so long as you both shall live?"

Kagome exhaled saying: "I do."

"And do you, Inuyasha, now take this Kagome, whose hand you hold to be your wife, and do you solemnly promise that you will love and honor her and will you be faithful to her, so long as you both shall live?"

Inuyasha's serious eyes met Kagome's again and he said: "I do."

The man sighed and smiled: "Then I pronounce you husband and wife."

A silent wind blew making the sound of the oceans waves more clear on the silent beach. The sun was easily lowering in the never ending horizon. Kagome and Inuyasha looked at each other still holding hands hearing the words from the stranger's mouth.

"You may now kiss the bride."

Inuyasha smiled tenderly at the girl stepping very close and lowering his head slightly so their lips could meet. Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck and Inuyasha's arms hugged her waist closer.

When they broke apart they both turned their heads toward the man who couldn't help but smile. "Congratulations. I hope you will get very happy." He grinned.

"Thank you." Inuyasha smiled hugging his wife closely.

"No problems." The man hummed as he started walking away leaving the couple in the sunset.

In a long moment they both just stood with their arms around each other watching the view and enjoying each other's embrace.

"But we're not, like, married for real, huh." Kagome said quietly. She felt Inuyasha shrug. "Maybe not… But if we say we're married then we are right? If we want to then it is our decision no matter what anyone says."

Kagome squeezed him slightly saying: "I love you my husband."

Inuyasha smiled and kissed her cheek, her neck, her collarbone. "I love you my wife."

They fell into the sand. Inuyasha kissed her more deeply. Kagome closed her eyes enjoying his touch. She had never imagined this. His soft lips on her skin were ecstasy.

She moaned slightly feeling his body on hers. His hands were travelling over her body before his found her hand again.

Inuyasha had stopped kissing her but his hands were still around her in a warm embrace.

"Maybe we should get back home." Kagome sighed watching the darkening sky wondering. "There's school tomorrow."

Inuyasha breathed heavily as he got up brushing most of the sand off his tanned body.

'Strange.' Kagome's thoughts continued. 'Really strange. He started out to love a girl who was popular just like him and she loved him back but still… he ended up with me. And he loves me… How did that happen?'

"Coming Kagome?" Inuyasha asked smirking at his thoughtful wife.

She sat up and smiled before pulling her t-shirt on. "Right."

It was funny how things worked out. Kikyo was back in France and this time Kagome knew that if she made a comeback then she could not get Inuyasha back. He was Kagome's husband and he loved her just as much as she loved him.

Kagome took Inuyasha's hand and he pulled her up.

"You're very quiet." Inuyasha noticed when they started walking back.

"Sorry about that."

Inuyasha smirked. "Don't say sorry… I wonder what the other's will say when they finds out that we're married."

"Sango will probably kill you." Kagome said yawning. "Jeez. I wish we didn't have to go to school tomorrow."

The sun had disappeared and left the darkening sky above them as they headed back to Inuyasha's car. Stars popped out of nowhere on the sky changing the day into night. An almost magical atmosphere was appearing in the streets. Calm. Silent. Waiting for the happenings of tomorrow.

'It's funny.' Kagome thought glancing at the man next to her. 'I never thought this would've happened. The person I've always been in love with and me.'

She smiled to herself. 'I never thought I'd marry someone who' called me wench.'


A/N: That's it. Hope you enjoyed this story.

I tried to end it the best way I could but it was a little hard to find out if they should get married at last. The wedding scene was inspired by a Danish book called 1, 2, 3 nu (1, 2, 3 now). Hope it's okay.

By the way – I am Christian, so that's the only kind of wedding I know and I had to use that here. I hope you're all okay with that and don't start a religious debate.

Thanks to all the readers! I always get happy when I read your reviews (so please review again ^^')

Sorry that my uploading was slow (blame my plot-bunny Ben!)

And finally – I want to wish you all a merry Christmas! I decided that I had to get this fic done before Christmas (In Denmark, I mean!) so… yeah, here you go… (And by the way… It's Christmas day in Denmark right now so I'm just a little late! Haha.)

Please review and if you liked this fic, then please check out my other fics.