Here we are, the last chapter in the Xindi Arc...

Updates won't be regular from now on, as no more is pre-written past this point.

Any idea's for the future are welcome :-)

The E and the G

Episode 4: All Bad Things...

Author: TheFreightrain


Captains log, Supplemental:

After the rescue of Hoshi, and Major Hayes death, we have decided to leave enterprise and take a small team aboard Degra's shuttle and attempt to infiltrate the weapon. Enterprise will remain here and attempt to destroy a main 'Control' Sphere. Reed, Hoshi, a few MACO's and I are all prepared for what must be done, but we may not have to beam aboard at all, if things go well. Galactica has likely gone to Earth by this moment, and hopefully the modifications will be ready to use by the time the Weapon arrives at Earth. I almost wish I could see the look on Admiral Forrest's face.

Starfleet Command, San Francisco:

The three Admirals of Starfleet were in, once again, a private meeting. They hadn't heard from Enterprise in a long, long time, and were trying to prepare for the worst. Unfortunatly, they each thought differently on what must be done to prepare for the arrival of the 'Xindi' Weapon. Until some new information arrived, though, there was gridlock in Starfleet. Business as usual went on as a result, with most of the ships of Starfleet far from home. Some could be recalled in a matter of hours, but not many.

The meeting was a non-interruptible meeting, except in case of extreme circumstances. This would generally mean if either Enterprise or the Xindi Weapon arrived, but neither had happened yet. Tension filled the room when the buzzer from the door went off, with obvious news from the outside that was urgent. No one in the room liked it, but the door opened anywar.

"Sirs, an unidentified ship has appeared in orbit over Earth. It's proximity is close to Yosemite III."

"Is it the Weapon?" Admiral Black asked.

"Put is onscreen," Forrest wanted to see it for himself.

"The profile does not indicate any relation to the Xindi probe launched against Earth, sir." The screen came up, and a large, dark, and damaged vessel filled it. It was far larger than any station in orbit at the moment, including the NX Docks. It clearly wasn't the weapon, unless the Xindi had a new taste in construction. It was still a distinct possibility.

"Zoom in on the port nacelle-thing. I think I see some sort of ID tag," Gardner wanted to know what kind of alien race this ship was built by, as they obviously had been building ships for at least a millennium. The screen soon zoomed in, and increased resolution, until the text was plainly visible... and readable.

"It's plain English!" It was true. Earth text was readily readable on it's strange side. No doubt a mystery to behold.

Galactica CIC:

"Constellations match, sir. This is Earth." Admiral Adama smiled. It wasn't over yet, though, not quite.

"Admiral, Tucker wants you on the Wireless. He says Starfleet Command wants to talk to you," Dee relayed.

"Put it through," Adama replied. There was a click in the phone's speaker he was holding.

"This is Admiral Forrest of Earth Starfleet. Identify yourself and state your purpose for being here."

"Commander Tucker didn't inform you?" Adama was somewhat surprised.

"He referred me to you."

"Very well. I am Admiral Adama of the Colonial Battlestar Galactica. Captain Archer has sent us here, although we have other reasons for coming that are not as important at the moment."

"And why would that be?" This man didn't sound like a military man at all.

"The Xindi Weapon will be here in a matter of hours. Archer told me you have additional ships to support a defensive action. Is this correct?"

"Yes, although they're nowhere near as potent as the Enterprise is." There was a brief pause on the line. "Admiral, are you going to be engaging the Xindi as well?"

"Yes. We've traveled far over the past few years after the Colonies were destroyed. All we have left is the Thirteenth Tribe to go home to."


"Galactica has been escorting a large fleet that consists of roughly forty five ships, carrying about forty thousand refugees from the attack, to what would likely become our new home."

"...And that would be?"


Degra's Shuttle:

Reed could only wait and hope that Hoshi would be OK. He continued receiving information on the Weapon, but there were lulls between them while she decrypted the data. There seemed to be little he could be sure about in his plans, as something could easily change. There was, apparently, a reason for the numerous shells on the outside of the weapon. It amplified the generators effects and output, even though the main reactor was on the inside. Personally, he'd rather just blow a hole in the bloody thing and destroy it, but he wasn't able to do that. Hopefully, a fleet would be able to repel it with Galactica's early warning.


Apollo watched as Maywether demonstrated the controls to pilot the Enterprise. It may have been a spaceship, but she had a number of controls comparable to those on a Viper. Once they were finished destroying the Sphere, he would actually get to test pilot the Enterprise.

Frankly, he could get used to this.

Colonial One:

"The President continued to wait for news as she talked with a few select reporters for a fleet interview on the situation, She told them about her encounter with the Xindi, T'pol, and Dr. Phlox. Positive things about non-humans would help all that much more once they got settled. She wouldn't break some of the other, more negative news until the fleet knew Earth would be staying in one piece.


Starfleet Command:

Admiral Forrest had been astounded at what he had heard. Humans... from across the galaxy traveled here... looking deliberately for Earth?

Nonetheless, that was not the reason for the three Admiral's meeting. It wouldn't be long until the Intrepid returned from her assignment. Admiral Forrest would take personal command of all ships that could get back in time, with it being his flagship. After all, it was his old command, and the two of them together were the closest thing they had to a military leader, although Adama certainly sounded hardcore when it came to conflict. He was supposed to show up at the meeting relatively soon. He was taking something called a 'Raptor' to the surface.

"...we don't even know how many ships are traveling with the Weapon. 'Not many' could mean one or a dozen; we just don't know." Gardner had always been the political spokesman of Starfleet, and was deliberate in most, if not everything, he did.

"Well, that shouldn't even concern us right now. We need to focus our efforts on destroying that Weapon rather than their fleet," Black responded. He could be quite a hothead sometimes, always wanting to put as much funding as they could into science projects for Starfleet. One of his personal, long term experimental projects was an alternative form of economy; a 'habit' study of his, that would allow for him to get even more projects going, as well as increasing the size of Starfleet quicker. More elegant ships would come as a result as well.

Maxwell Forrest, on the other hand, was the Explorer. There had always been three Admirals, one for each of the main 'Pillars of Starfleet,' as they were referred to. There had been no anticipation of a treat from outside the solar system, and, thus, no contingency plan. Even with the Weapon threat, they had only begun one project for the future, and it was a long way off. It would take them a few years before the NB class would see the first ship out of the dock. It had never occurred to them of the possibility of actually having a fleet tactic book before, and now they were arguing over it.

Max was about to state his opinion on the matter when the door opened. There was no chime to announce the man in the dark blue uniform who walked in. It was very militarily styled, and, with his old, worn, yet razor sharp face, he was intimidating just to look at for the three. He was now the unofficial Fourth Admiral of Starfleet, and the fourth Admiral in the room.

"I could hear your pointless fracking twenty meters down the hall. I highly doubt you have any idea as to what needs to go on during battle."

"You are correct. You are also a bit late." He quickly regretted saying that as the presumed Adama gave him a look in which there was no immediate way to describe. "None of us are well versed in military matters. You are Admiral Adama, I presume?"

"Yes. Where's your fleet command book?"

"We don't have one." The Admiral from the 'Galactica' seemed unpleasantly surprised, or frustrated; likely both.

"Let me know about what kind of ships you'll have available."

"Computer, display images of the NY Intrepid and the NZ Delta." On a skreen that had previously been a portrait, two ships appeared, rotating between the front, back, and sides of the vessels.



"Tell me about them; their capabilities. I don't mean their sensor range, either."

"Yes, Admiral." For once in Forrest's live, he wasn't the one calling the shots. It was... almost nice in a way. "This, the NZ class, is highly maneuverable, but has lo firepower capabilities; the NY class has a medium amount of power, but not comparable to the NX. It is also less maneuverable. Only one of these ships will be here for the attack guaranteed, but at least five NZ class ships will be here."

"And no fleet guidebook."



Idiots. Archer would have made a better Battle Commander than any of these three. Forrest was their best bet, but there would be no real coordinated attack pattern... unless...

The NZ class ships were highly maneuverable... but could his pilots work as a team if they were commanding one of them rather than piloting a Viper? It was the best shot they had on such short notice. The few Viper formations and Squadron tactics were the closest thing they had to fleet maneuvers now.

"I will have one of my pilots be placed on all five of the NZ 'bridges' to coordinate an attack."

"And what can your pilots do that ours can't?"

"They're used to flying together in groups. They've been trained in them. They know by instinct. It's our best shot. Nonetheless, start an evacuation just in case. We never got the chance to, and I don't intend to make the same mistake twice."

"What mistake?"

"Twelve. There were twelve colonies that had unified together against the Cylons. Over 70 billion people are dead, now. Don't make the mistake of not leaving, Admirals. Anyway, My pilots aren't like yours on your starships. They fly what you would call 'Stunt Spacies.'

"You actually used those for combat?" Forrest was even more surprised than he had imagined the trio would be."

"Things were very different back in the colonies. No non humans, no 'Phase Cannons,' and a lot less advanced tech all together." There was a beeping sound; a communicator. Forrest opened his up.

"Sir, the Intrepid has arrived. The Plymouth and the Delta will be here within the hour."

"Good. Admiral Adama and I will beam up to the Intrepid."

"If you excuse me, I will take my Raptor back to Galactica."

"Very well. Pick your pilots, Admiral." Forrest said sternly before disapearing in a blue light. Adama followed suit and walked out of the room, but not before the other two in the room spoke up.

"And what about us?"

"What about you? Go do something useful to Starfleet and help with the Evacuation."


"Sir, there is a ship decloaking."

"Where?" T'pol asked. Cloaking was not a technology that should be here... unless...

"Correction: The Sphere has decloaked. The energy is climbing drastically, as is the number of Anomalies in the immediate area."

"Continue Course. Contact phlox and see if he knows anything." Nothing could be allowed to stop Enterprise form destroying the Sphere.


Degra's Shuttle:

The MACO's were trying to play a card game while they waited. The not-quite alien deck had been given to them by their Colonial counterparts as a 'going away' present. Apparantly, as one Marine had put it, 'The MACO's are so strong they could probobly take down a Centurion in hand to hand combat.' There was some discussion amongst the ranks upon the reminder between the three of them.

"You think Stormtroopers would be able to best the Klingons?" one asked.

"In numbers, sure," the second said

"How about one on one?"

"Don't talk about that," the third butted in

"Why not?"

"Because we're the rebels. We'll be the ones going onboard the 'Death Star,' so to speak."

"Does that Mean Forrest is Admiral Ackbar?"

Deep in Galactica:

Baltar felt like an elementary school teacher. While this 'Archer' was on board, he had heard of the plight of his people. Apparently, they had monotheistic religions on earth, as suggested by the gift given to them.

There were two books: the Bible and the Koran. The tow were each as bulky individually as the Sacred Scrolls, but told of only one God, and what he had done and said. Archer apparently didn't know what Baltar had done, but he may have just been hiding it. It disturbed him a bid, but Gius explained his side of the story anyway.

Even Six seemed interested, especially with Genesis. She wouldn't stop talking about it.


Galactica CIC:

"So, Bill, What were the other admirals like?" Tigh asked as Adama returned form his trip to the surface.

"What admirals?" Adama certainly wasn't happy with his trip. He picked up the phone, set for ship announcement. "This is the Admiral. I need Starbuck and Helo to Enterprise Shuttlepod One immediately."

"The Starfleet admirals," Tigh replied, looking at the unusually frustrated Adama. He hid it well, but since everyone knew him well enough now, he couldn't hide it anymore.

"They were politicians, Saul, not Admirals." With that, the Admiral left to meet up with his pilots at the shuttlepod.

Launch Bay; Shuttlepod One:

"Hey Helo! What took ya?" Starbuck laughed. The CAG was never one to be late.

"Frack took me, that's what. The Admiral here yet?"


"Well, should we have some fun and paint the Shuttle Pod thing Red?" Starbuck was adamant about her revenge, and she liked it spicy hod, generally.

"I heard that!" came a voice from inside. "Would the two of you frackheads out there please stop clogging the connection to Starfleet with their idiocity?"

"Is that you, Trip?"

"Yes, it's him," Adama replied as he walked up to the group. "You two will be coordinating an assault with some Starfleet ships."

"We'll be flying with Shuttlepods and Vipers?"

"No, you will be commanding a starship as if it were a Viper. You will each be on one 'bridge' coordinating the ships as if your were in Viper Formations."

"But sir, we haven't practiced any in years."

"Better than Starfleet. They don't have any at all. There are a lot of things they do have, but I'm beginning to see that there are a number of things that they don't have as well." Adama smiled for a moment before returning to his normal look, assuming it was relatively normal to begin with. "You two will need three more pilots, and be ready in 15 minutes to go. Don't wear your flight suits; take your formal wear instead. They'll be taking you aboard intrepid before fanning out onto the various ships. Just think of them as gigantic Vipers."

"Trying to impress the Admirals with formal wear?" Trip had this look on his face that conveyed the idea that he wasn't the only one to think a certain way about Starfleet 'Command.'

"Sure. It's not like there's much sensible to wear over there. Dismissed."

"Yes, sir."

Admirals Quarters:

There was a knock on the hatch.

"Come in." Adama had specifically asked Athena to come. Once again, he needed the Cylon input, not that she had a Cylon mindset anymore. Most still kept that tidbit of information in the back of their heads, anyway.

"You asked for me, sir?"

"Sit down." She sat down. He could read the look on here face. 'Was she in trouble?' or 'Is this about Earth not wanting me?' Those were her thoughts. "I need advice." She visibly relaxed.

"On the Cylons?"

"What did they intend to do when they found Earth?"

"Well, we weren't ones to believe until we heard of your speech. If Earth had contact with the Colonies already, their death sentence would have to come as well. They would, in all likelihood, do just what was done to the other twelve colonies."

"And if they we have contact with Earth?"

"We didn't consider it originally. Some still wanted to destroy them, while others wanted to make friends and get them to see our side of the story. We always believed that it would be them who would be at our mercy. It may be fortunate that they may still think that."

"Earth would be better off with the Cylon threat." Once again, she tensed up, even more than in the beginning.

"Why, admiral. What's threatening Earth that could possibly be worse than nuking a planet into oblivian?" There was a pause as Adama took a bite out of his Starfleet Command Ravioli.

"The Xindi race they met with, or at least part of them, have something in common with the Cylons; they both wish for an end to humanity."

"But... Wasn't Captain Archer and the President just at a meeting with the Xindi, talking about it?" Athena, for once, looked like the innocent kid Boomer looked like before the attack, when she first came aboard. Some things never change.

"Part of them have gone rouge and are on their way now to destroy Earth."

"But Enterprise shot down those nukes..."

"This isn't the Cylon type of destruction with nuclear bombardment of the planet; this is a 'Blow the planet into meaningless chunks so it no longer even exists' type of weapon. I still have to inform the crew, but it'll be as soon as I get back to CIC." Athena was having a hard time taking it in, learning the truth as to why the rest of the fleet hadn't come with them. She also no realised why Archer was so willing to arm Galactica with new weapon systems.

"Go tell them, Admiral. They need to know what's on the line."


T'pol thought to herself. They would be entering the densest part of the anomaly field soon. Space no longer under their laws of physics. Earth was no longer the only planet in danger. Vulcan, too, was under threat. Everything in the galaxy, if not universe, was under threat.

What would happen once planets were in this new reality. She didn't want to find out. For once, Emotion seemed to supplement logic. It was a 'nice' change.

Degra's Shuttle:

Archer was hoping his gamble would pay off. There was little left he could do ow, as he reflected on Admiral Adama and President Rosalin. He hadn't been sure in the beginning, but as he watched them, he learned. It wasn't long before he figured out that the ship had the power to destroy a sphere, and the capability to reach Earth in time should diplomacy fail, all in one. And if the phase cannons didn't work? He knew enough about the admiral if the boarding party didn't work. There was an alternative to phase cannons aboard Galactica. Adama was an imaginative, unorthodox man, after all.


Attention all hands. This is the Admiral. I only a few hours from now we will be going into battle against part of the species we know as Xindi. I regret to inform you that this battle will determine weather Earth will survive, or go the way of the rest of the colonies.

It has been a long journey, but, by the Lords of Kobol, we have been sent here today to madke the difference we could not have made back home. Running is no longer an option. We will stand with our brothers and sisters here. No matter what it takes, Earth must survive. Failure is not an option; here is where we stand. But, I will vow on the behalf of Galactica, we will one day return home, home to the Twelve Colonies of Kobol.


Later, Battlestar Galactica:

Estimates said that the Weapon could arrive anytime in the next couple of hours. Galactica was ready; Starfleet was ready; Adama was ready, willing, and was putting everything on the line.

Colombia was an echo in his mind right now after having taken a brief look at it from a Raptor. It had brought back memories of when he had seen the first Battlestar Colombia destroyed. Perhaps Earth remembered more about Kobol than they knew, or were willing to admit.

Colombia still wasn't finished yet, well over a year to completion, just like the original Battlestars when they were rushed into service; their outer hull plating mostly far from completion. Still, if gave them a distinct look and culture, and it was mimicked by the fleet long after. From what Adama had heard, these people, these humans, they weren't like the colonials, not anymore.

They deserved to survive. They'd earned it.

Two extra NZ ships had been able to reach Earth, and now they flanked the Intrepid. One had burned out part of their Warp engines, or some part. They made some big deal about how ships shouldn't just break down. Frankly, everyone on Galactica was used to that sort of thing now and again. A squad of Vipers was also out, patrolling the exterior of Galactica. In the front of the Galactica, and the Intrepid, was the squad of NZ class ships that was going to be their 'Fighter fleet.'

Galactica would stay behind as the long range 'Trump Card' against the Xindi weapon. Her modified turrets were the only thing that had a chance of penetrating the thick outer shells. In case that failed, then there was the Raptor and the nuke, sitting in the hanger bay hooked up to the Enterprise Shuttlepod, ready to jump at a moments notice. For once, Adama was glad something had a networked computer.

There ought to be rejoicing; happiness; optimism; but they still had a job to do. Their original job that they had failed, that they had originally signed on to do, was reinstated. Galactica had a purpose, again.

"Sir, Tucker reports subspace frequencies are being jammed," Dee reported.

"And the Wireless?" Tigh asked.

"Radio Waves are not being jammed, sir." The jamming could only mean one thing; the weapon was here.

"Order the NZs to engage the weapon once able to; until them focus in on all enemy ships."

"There is only one ship escorting the Weapon according to the Intrepid. Admiral Forrest is taking his task force against the vessel."

"Then tell the NZ ships to attack the weapon itself. Begin spooling up FTL drive one," Adama ordered.

"Yes, sir."

"You think we can hit it form this far out?"

"No, Saul, I don't. Put the engines on maximum; we need to get closer as quick a possible."

"The Weapon is closing, according to Tucker," Dee relayed.

"Good. How far are we into the Count?"

"Starting... Now, sir."

"Set it for 60 seconds."


"Isn't it only supposed to charge for forty seconds, Admiral?" Gaeta asked.

"Call it a garuntee..."

"Tucker reports you could blow a hole in the whole side of the ship if you do that, sir."

"Then we blow a hole in the ship." Bill and Saul watched as as the screen counted down, listening to the chatter outside from the NZs.

NY-01 Intrepid:

Admiral Forrest watched the Xindi warship continue to try to flank him, being harassed by the smaller NZs. The larger vessel could clearly destroy the Intrepid in a one on one confrontation. Turning almost Endlessly, they often got a view of th squad of NZs fighting desperately against the weapon, looking like flies. Now and then the Xindi ship would pass by and attack them, but found it difficult to maintain an attack after a response from all five ships.

"What's Galactica doing?"

"They appear to be moving towards the Weapon, charging some sort of energy reserve. The Xindi ship is changing course."

"Disable their weapons and warn Galactica."

"Aye, sir."

NZ-25 Nye:

Starbuck was struggling with the controls of the ship. After most of the Bridge crew had died from one of the Xindi warships attacks, she found herself learning to pilot on the fly. For the most part she had the hang of it. Thankfully, the man at tactical was alive enough to hear her war cries and fire the few weapons the ship had left, not that it had much to begin with.


The Xindi Weapon had decloaked nearly in front of their nose, and began 'Anomolating' the surrounding space quickly. They had taken all available power and set it to the Deflector pulse. The beam still glowed as T'pol st watching the scans of the spheres surface.

Degra's Shuttle:

"Dropping out... now." The screen suddenly changed to show an ongoing battle. They wouldn't need to beam aboard the Weapon after all. Archer saw Galactica about to be attacked. One hit could cripple her in the state she was in, ant then there would be next to no stopping the weapon without boarding it.

Suddenly, the Intrepid passed in front, taking the for for the 'Big G.' Forrest was the only other man who would have ordered that maneuver that he personally knew was in command of a starship.

"Another ship is coming in... It's the Kumari."

Galactica CIC:

"Ten seconds...

"The Weapon's on DRADIS!" Dee yelled.

"... eight... seven..."

"My gods it's huge," Tigh said quietly, looking at the screen.

"... four..."

"Open the conduit."

"... two... one..." Adama was ready.



From the outside, one could see the Dark blue glow from the turrets on Galactica. The ship herself wasn't doing so good. The Conduit had ruptured near the end of the sequence, cutting off the beam. There was now a huge, ugly gash along the port side of the ship, adding to her various other battle wounds that weren't as serious as that. Thankfully, it would be her last, as she had definitely seen better days in.

As for the Weapon, the dark blue phase cannon shots flashed through space and impacting into the side of the weapon. Two beams went in like lances, but only one came out like a spray of sawdust out the other side. There was no easily seen damage to the weapon as it's shells spun, but they slowed, no longer being powered by the central core until they stopped and began floating into pieces. Eventually, after hitting one another a great deal, they would fall harmlessly into the atmosphere.

Onboard Galactica:

Cheers went up as the contact slowly dissipated into meaningless debris on DRADIS, but the Xindi ship made a pass shortly before being destroyed by a new ship that had entered the fray. Adama hadn't slept for the past 24 hours, and he was starting to show it. His ship, his crew, and Galactica were at Earth, after all, and if that didn't warrant some rest nothing did. What could go wrong, after all?

"Tigh, you're in command."

"Yes, sir,"

"I'll be in my quarters."

A bit earlier on the Kumari:

Commander Shran looked at the ships with great interest. The Xindi ship was well built, it seemed, and it was quite aesthetic like his own.

"Commander, one of the Reptilians has transported to the unknown ship."

The unknown ship was even more impressive, although the sensors would never indicate such beauty in the design. It was probably comparable in volume to the Imperial Guard Command Starbase. She was quite antiquated, and quite damaged, but the design spoke of ship construction methods so advanced that you could probably learn something just by looking at a picture, such as removable armor, or at least that's what he thought it was. It would explain why so much of it was missing. But where did it come from? He wasn't in any position to ask, especially with his recent Expanse journey.

"Well, lets make sure it has nowhere to go back to."

Admirals Quarters; Galactica:

The lights weren't working, for the most part, anywhere on the ship. There was enough to get around, though, so Bill willing to wait to begin repairs. He had gambled, just as Archer had, and they had both won in the end. Still he had this feeling...

Suddenly, he found himself on the floor, having been violently tackled from behind. He groaned. The last thing he needed right now was another fight.

"I Promise you, I will make you pay Human. I will make your whole race pay!" The thing practically spat the word 'Human' out, and the only thing he could remotely relate it to were the Cylons. Adama turned around to see the creature with the glint of a blade in his hand, It was already bloodied, by the look of it, but that was likely several days ago. The Admiral reached for his gun.

It wasn't there. Probably knocked from him when he fell. His own desk nearly fell on him in his search for his gun. Something did hit him, though, and he felt it; he smiled. There was no longer any need for his gun. 'Husker' would finish this fight the same way he had killed the first skin-job; Adama had his still bloodied trophy, the Flashlight. He began to get up, and looked only to see a shadow of some...thing standing there.

"Fool," it said, apparently having learned Kobolian. The thing leaned over and tried to slash him in the throat, but the Admiral parried with his light. He quickly tackled the thing back to the floor, knocking the knife out of it's hand. He tried bashing the thing in the head, but it caught his arm and pulled Adama off.

They bot got up in the messy room as they surveyed one another, waiting for the right moment to strike. Bill knew better though; he had boxed too often not to know.

Lose Control.

He lunged head first at what could only be a surprised thing, knocking it over once again. This time the light came down without interruption. His frustration came out against the thing as he pounded away, followed by his now reminded hate for the Cylons; his own face becoming bloodied in the process. The thing stopped moving, but he continued to pound, just to make sure. Eventually Adama was just too tired to continue, and he climbed into bed. He would report it to CIC in the morning.

Colonial Fleet:

Out of nowhere a Raptor appeared, pulling up alongside Colonial One. It wasn't long until there was a wireless announcement of the news, and of the now resolved situation. One could almost tell just by watching the fleet that, even through the metal exteriors of the ship, one could tell of the relief flowing in the fleet. There were no parties; there wasn't enough energy left in the Rag Tag Fleet to do so. Not long after, coordinates were distributed, FTL drives spun up, and flashing lights were visible, celebrating something they had always hoped and dreamed of.

Later, Enterprises Return:

After having traveled in the 'belly' of one of the Aquatic battleships, the Enterprise was let loose, slowly drifting home. The Intrepid, Soval's ship, some NZ's, a couple squads of Vipers, and the Kumari, among other ships, all came up to surround the the 'Big E' as she pulled up alongside the 'Bigger G' and her Rag Tag Fleet. It was over. Everyone was...
