Several hours later as she lay entwined with him, exhausted and more relaxed than she'd felt in years, her thought processes finally returned. Jack was sleeping rather soundly, having drifted off some time earlier. The term mind-blowing just started to describe the time they'd shared in this place. The sensations literally wiped everything else from her mind. As fast as things had been moving in the living room, the slower things went when they reached the bedroom.

She watched the lazy rise and fall of his chest and lightly caressed the long and nimble fingers that had touched her in all the right places and in all the right ways. She marveled at how well they knew each other. More than a decade of life and death experiences had taught them more than most people ever learn about each other. But, it had not taught them about what the other liked in the realm of intimate contact. So, they taught each other this night.

Their familiarity with each other had been their advantage. They were completely relaxed with each other. The openness and honesty were unprecedented in her experience and she knew that waiting had been the right choice all along. If they had done this before, working together would have been dangerous, distracting…impossible. Dealing with the feelings they could not fight was hard enough. Dealing with the depth of the feeling she held now…nope, wouldn't have worked.

So, what was next? His path was set. He was done saving the world. What about her?

They'd dealt with the Goa'uld and the Ori. The Wraith? Well, apparently, the powers that be thought her skills set was no longer needed. And the Wraith were still in another galaxy after all. Hmm…was that so bad? What if she retired too?

She had, after all, put in more than 20 years. She had attained the rank of Colonel. Her retirement package wouldn't suck. And there was always the possibility that she might be needed to consult on occasion. The same could be said for him.


The letter of resignation started composing itself in her head. Suddenly part of her wanted to thank the IOA, for telling her she was no longer needed. Because the person she needed still 

needed her and he was available for the first time. This newfound freedom was addictive. Wherever this freedom took them, it would take them together from now on.

The End