The Future
Subtitle: Wouldn't That Be Nice?
Six. Duncan and Courtney
Subtitle: Blah Blah Blah
Courtney smiled weakly and picked up the reciever, and pressed it to her ear. "Hi, honey." Putting her hand to the glass, she looked down. "Two left months for you, three months for... Ella." She said, resting her other hand on her very pregnant stomach.
Duncan was in prison, though not for good reason. Four months ago today, a robber had broken into their home. Duncan, with all the sense of a man who was protecting his pregnant wife, had gone downstairs with a bat and, well, beat the shit out of him.
Upon checking the robber, the cops found that he had no weapon on him. He also had a fractured skull, three breaks in his arm, and a busted knee.
He, being the robber, sued for assault. Upon seeing his prior record, the messed up thing that America calls "the Justice System" sentenced him, although lightly.
"Wait, Ella?" He asked, smiling. They had two names picked out-- Ella, which was Courtney's grandmother's name, or Alexander, which was Duncan's father's name.
"Yeah," She smiled a little, patting her stomach. "I had an ultrasound on Friday. The baby's doing well, and I found out the gender. Mom and dad said they would help pay for the hospital bills and pay for your attorney bill. Oh! And..." She said, still going on.
To Duncan, he had sort of flitted out after she started talking about her parents, watching her cute animated face as the sound coming through the phone went 'blah blah blah.'
Leaning forward, close to the glass, he frowned. "I miss you. I miss being next to you, being able to see you for more than an hour every Sunday."
Courtney leaned forward, too. "I do, too."
Duncan caught up on her week as the guard watched the clock, and once the hour was up, Courtney was allowed to give him the things she brought-- a few books, and a carton of cigarettes. He swore he would quit, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
Courtney managed to hold in the tears, like the other wives, until she reached the parking lot.
This would happen next Sunday, her only comfort being the little girl kicking in her stomach.
See the subtitles? Find out:
What artist sings the songs?
What CD does each one come from?
First one to tell me all of them gets to choose the name of a key character in the next story I write. (Unless it's well... horrible. D:)
Review, please!
ps. Kereea-- I am so sorry! I had this all written out even BEFORE I saw your review.