NOTICE : i do not own anyone but AJ..all other characters belong to the wwe and Vince
Chapter One
What a night! AJ thought as she made her way to her door and let herself inside. She couldn't believe how horrible her date had gone, I should just give up on men all together, she said thinking about all the losers she had dated in the past couple of months, no matter how different she thought each were...they always proved her wrong. She shook those thoughts away as she turned on the TV and started flipping through the channels, stopping when she didn't see anything she liked. Well i guess it's time to finally clean out that damn closet, an hour and a half later she was almost done when one last box caught her eye. i don't rember putting that she took the box out and put it on her bed, then opened it. After a few moments she let out the breth she didn't know she was holding and then she slowly reached in and slowly took out each item one by one. first it was a big photo book, that held so many memories, next were a few old stuffed animals, then she pulled out a few loved filled letters, and finally at the bottom of the box in the corrner was a small black velvet box it took her a few moments to finally open it,even after all these years it still brought tears to her was the promise ring Mark had givin her so many years ago. She put all the stuff away then laid down for bed, but all she could do is think about Mark.
"Where in the hell did that woman go?" Mark asked himself. He was soon answered when he looked down the hall and saw her all over John Cena, Jena his girlfriend (well now exgirlfriend) was over there using her tongue for a lot more than talking. Well i guess she won't be needing a ride to the hotel, Mark thought as he turned around and headed for the door. The ride to the hotel was depressing, Mark couldn't help but think about his life, Mark had givin up the thought of love a long time ago, he realized after his last marriage that there wasn't any women out there that could love a man like him. Mark was a professional wrestler for the WWE, which ment that he was on the road for long periods of time, that was the reason why both of his marriages feel apart. So now he just dated women like Jena, who were beautifull and only good for one thing. Mark thought about all the women he had dated over the years, and out of all of them he could only think of one that had truely loved him.