A/N: sorry guys I was notified by Kuroi.Ookami-chan that I put chapter 3 of my fruits basket fanfic on this story. Here's the real chapter 3 of From Heaven to Hell and Back Again

Disclaimer: Nakatsu: (wearing a pink tutu) why did I get volunteered to do this?

Artemis: Cuz I'm the author and at the moment you have to do what I say

Nakatsu: Says who?

Artemis: Says me. Now read the card I gave you. Plus if you do it I might get you a kiss from a certain someone.

Nakatsu: Really? I'll do it. Um… Artemis doesn't own Hana-Kimi or any of its characters. Now when will I get that kiss from Mizuki?

Artemis: (smiles evilly) I lied. Please read on before Nakatsu decides to drowned us in his tears

Nakatsu: Waaaaa…. (runs away)

A/N: The Italics are what is spoken in English. The (…) are thoughts. The bold is meant for emphasis.

Warnings: Foul Language, and maybe a bit of sexual conduct. Still don't know when that comes in.


Chapter 3

The next morning the two boys awoke to Souko moaning in her sleep. At first they didn't know what was going on until they heard the actual words. "No…" Souko said quietly "Please… don't" she was quiet for a few moments. Tears began to fall from her eyes and leak down her already tear streaked cheeks. "Sou-chan?" Nakatsu whispered wiping away one of the tears. She flinched slightly at the touch. "Don't…" she muttered. She bolted straight up into a sitting position "Don't touch me!" she shouted breathing heavily.

"You're having those nightmares again, aren't you?" Nakatsu asked as Souko calmed down. "Sou-chan, you should have told me sooner"

"Damn," she muttered, "If I told you then you would have made me go back to that quack"

"You're having nightmares about him, then you join an all boys' school. How does that make any sense?" Nakatsu whispered staring at his sister.

"I have my reason for coming to this school" she said

"You're still trying to become a high jumper, aren't you?" Nakatsu asked, Souko nodded "You know in order to do that you'll have to cut your hair"

"That's just it. I can jump with the long hair. I've figured it out" Souko said, "All I have to do is get on the track team"

"Are there any other reasons?" Nakatsu asked

"I was also hoping to help Sano-san to jump again. And I…uh…" she started looking down at the floor.

"And you what?" Nakatsu asked staring at her

"I'm afraid," she said standing up and grabbing her crutches.

"You're afraid?" Nakatsu asked "Of what?"

"He's getting out in three days" she replied heading to the door. It took Nakatsu a moment to figure out whom she was talking about.


Three years ago. Souko was sick and running a high fever. "Shuichi" Souko called from her room. Nakatsu and an older friend entered the room. "What is it Sou-kun?" Nakatsu asked

"Do we have medicine?" Souko asked her face was flushed from the fever and sweat.

"I don't think we do but I can go get some for you?" Nakatsu replied. Souko nodded smiling slightly. He left Souko to be watched by his older friend while he went to go get the medicine.

When he returned his sister didn't have any clothes on. Her pajamas were ripped up and across the room. His friend was pulling up his pants ignoring Souko's crying and not noticing Nakatsu's return. "Shut up, will ya" he shouted angrily "You tell anyone and you'll die"

"What did you do to my sister" Nakatsu yelled dropping the bag. Souko wouldn't say anything. "I didn't do anything" the boy replied smirking "Even you said she was a nuisance. I was just helping"

"What did you do to my sister!?" he shouted grabbing the boy by the collar. He saw the bruises forming on the exposed Souko. "You raped her," he shouted slamming the boy against the wall.

"Don't say it that way, it sounds so vile" the boy said, "I prefer to say I was simply borrowing her body." The boy had an evil look in his eyes

"Jin, you're a bastard," Nakatsu shouted as his parents returned.

"What's going on?" his mother asked as Nakatsu pinned Jin so he couldn't move.

"Call the police" Nakatsu said.

"What happened? Is he a thief?" his dad asked "Isn't he one of your friends?"

"He is no longer a friend of mine" Nakatsu started "He's the worst kind of thief. He stole Souko's virginity"

"He what?" his mother asked franticly as their dad ran to call the police.

Jin was taken to the police and was put in jail. He was given four years with parole. He swore that he would get her once he got out. It took Souko a year to trust anyone, even her family.


Nakatsu left the room in search of Souko. "Sou-chan?" he called searching the halls. He found her in the infirmary. "Sou-chan" he said upon entrance. He saw Dr. Umeda sitting in his char with Souko standing in front of him. "I'll tell you why I'm here" she said, "I'm here because I want to be a high jumper. I want to help Sano-san get back to jumping as well"

"There's more too, it isn't there?" Umeda said slyly

"Yes" Souko said nodding "I- I feel I need to be near my brother. I- I don't wish to be found by someone who will be searching for me in three days"

"And may I ask what happens in three days" Umeda asked confused.

"Someone who hurt me in more ways than one is getting out of jail. He swore his revenge" Souko said as tears dripped from her eyes.

"Souk… Souji, you don't have to say anymore," Nakatsu said embracing his sister.

"No, Shuichi I do. I refuse to leave this school no matter what you do to me. I'm not like most girls. When I say I'll do something I mean it. If you try to make me leave, I promise, before I leave campus I'll knock you into next week" she said balling her hand into a fist.

"Don't worry I won't tell. Damn, you girls are no fun. If you said that you would do anything to keep me from telling then I would have had you expelled" Umeda said

"You obviously don't know my sister. She goes by a code of 'knock heads now, ask questions later'" Nakatsu said

"Nii-chan" Souko said smiling at his comment.

"Alright, you can stay" Umeda said "Now, Get out!" Souko and Nakatsu smiled at the doctor and left the room. "Who would have thought a threat would have worked with Dr. Umeda" Nakatsu said smiling

"From what I can tell from our first meeting is that he is very twisted" Souko said "He probably likes being beat"

"You shouldn't say things like that," Nakatsu said

"I call 'em like I see 'em" she shrugged stopping at the door.

When they sat down the group looked at Souko. "What?" she asked noticing all eyes were on her. "Is it true that you want to be a high jumper?" Mizuki asked. Souko smiled and nodded. "Yes, I would like to do the high jump but nobody will accept me with my long hair" she said.

"Wouldn't it be easier to just cut it?" Sano asked in a 'isn't that obvious' tone

"Yeah, but I refuse to cut my hair" she replied, "My hair is the only thing I like about myself."

"You sound like a girl" Noe said

"And your point is?" she asked "I like my hair, so what? It's not like I can cherish my body"

"Why not?" he asked

"That's not important. What is important is I like my hair and anyone who tries to make me cut it will get decked" she said holding her fist in front of her face.

"Okay" Noe said, "I'm sorry I asked"

"They're timing the hundred meter dash today" Nakatsu said setting a tray in front of his sister.

"Cool. Hey nii-chan, I have a question" Souko said

"What?" Nakatsu asked sitting beside her.

"Are you gay?" she asked

"WHAT!?" he shouted as the group laughed "How could you ask me something like that?"

"It was a simple question" Souko said "I've never seen any of your lovers before so I was curious"

"I'm not gay," he said.

"Denial isn't just a river in Egypt, nii-chan" she said flipping her hair back over her shoulder.

"Sh-shut up, Sou-chan" Nakatsu said. His face was bright red and the group was laughing at him. "Fine, I'll be nice Shi-shi" she said

"Shi-Shi?" Nanba asked

"It's what I used to call him when we were younger" Souko said

"Don't call me Shi-shi," he complained

"Hey nii-chan, I hear you guys have parties with alcohol," she whispered leaning into her brother.

"Yeah, what of it?" he asked

"I want to go to one" she replied.

"No, you're too young" Nakatsu said

"Excuse me, what the hell do you mean I'm too young?" she asked, "If I recall correctly I'm only an hour younger than you"

"Come on Nakatsu, just let him. We're having a party tonight" Sekime said

"I'll come" she replied "Where?"

"Ashiya's room" Sekime replied

"Mizuki, is it okay if I come to the party?" Souko asked

"Yeah, most people don't ask. They just show up," she said smiling.

"Nanba, I'm gonna go off campus for a bit after school" Souko said

"Okay" Nanba said nodding as the bell rang.

The group headed to class. Souko didn't really care what was going on in class. She was sitting quietly until she sifted her foot and knocked her ankle on the medal part of her desk. She winced and leaned down to rub her ankle and fell on the floor. 'That hurt" she said pushing herself up off the floor

"Are you okay Nakatsu-san?" the teacher asked

"Yeah, I'm just a bit spacey" she said returning to her seat.

"You didn't hit your head did you?" he asked

"Nope, oh and by the way, you can just call me Souji, otherwise you'll confuse my brother" Souko replied. The teacher nodded and returned to teaching.

When the bell rang everyone stood up. Souko was grinning. "Gym is next" she said excitedly

"You don't plan to run with your foot like that do you?" Nakatsu asked

"Why not?" Souko asked, "I can use my crutches, it's more of a challenge"

"You'll have to talk that over with the teacher" Nakatsu replied

"Okay" Souko said as they arrived in the locker room. Souko took off her long pants and the uniform top and jacket and left the locker room. "Coach" she called walking on the field, she was referring to the gym teacher who didn't answer. She stopped behind him. He was looking at his clipboard and getting ready for the timing. "Coach?" she said again tapping him on the shoulder. He turned to her. "What is it Nakatsu?" he asked

"I'm injured but I want to be timed today" she said

"You can't run on a sprained ankle," he said

"No but I can use my crutches, they'll slow me up a bit but I would like to do it" she said

"Suit yourself" he replied

"Thanks, coach," she said

"I'm not your coach," he said

"Oh, sorry. In America we usually call the gym teachers 'coach'. I didn't mean to offend you," she said

"It's cool" he replied as everyone else joined them on the track. "First three up" the gym teacher called. He timed each runner, then Nakatsu, Souko and Mizuki stepped up. "You ready to be beat onii-chan?" Souko asked being the only one to be standing up.

"You think you can beat me?" Nakatsu asked

"I train hard everyday" Souko replied, "I've improved my speed significantly"

"You're on" Nakatsu replied as the teacher blew the whistle. The three took off. Souko and Mizuki passed Nakatsu and tied at the end. "You're pretty fast," Mizuki said as they stopped.

"Yeah, I'm faster without the crutches" she replied, "I've been training for years. Sano-san has been my inspiration"

"He's mine too," Mizuki said excitedly

"He jumped so beautifully. I've got a clipping from every paper and magazine he was in" Souko said

"So do I" Mizuki replied

"Who would have though we'd have so much in common?" Souko said

"So why did you join this school?" Mizuki asked

"I wanted to help Sano jump again," Souko said

"Really? So did I" Mizuki said, "We could be related"

"I know but I also want to be a high jumper. Do you know who I need to talk to?" Souko asked

"Why don't you go down to the track team when you're healed. By the way, you may wanna be prepared, rumors spread fast" Mizuki said "I learned that the first time I ran, I got chased by every sports team around"

"Thanks for the tip" she said as the bell rang for class to be over. Everyone went to get changed then headed for their next class.