I'm being more random than usual. Funnier if you've read a certain series of books...

Elphaba walked into her dorm room, and staggered at what lay before her. Not only was the room silent, it held a rather content looking Galinda Upland. That was a feat in itself, but it wasn't what shocked her. What shocked her was the fact that Galinda. Was. Reading.

Not even a textbook, not required reading. Not a magazine, either. Galinda was reading a very thick novel, just for the pleasure of it. The world had to be coming to an end. That was the only possible explanation for her roommate's behavior.

Once she had composed herself somewhat, Elphaba pointedly cleared her throat. Galinda didn't stir. That wasn't a good sign. She took a little more initiative, softly saying, "Galinda? Is everything... alright?" The blonde girl merely flipped the page, and didn't acknowledge the fact that her roommate and new bestest friend ever was trying to get her attention. Elphaba decided it was time to just go for it. "GALINDA!"

The girl blinked twice, finished the paragraph she was reading and calmly looked up. "I'm sorry, Elphie, was there something you wanted?" She folded the corner of her page over and closed the book, sitting up.

"You are reading. I was just wandering when exactly hell had frozen over, and how I had managed not to hear about it."

Galinda rolled her eyes. "It's a good book, Elphie. I do have some sense about me... reading is kind of nice. I'm not as dumb as I look."

Elphaba raised her hands in a piece offering. "Sorry. I just can't ever remember you voluntarily reading something longer than a magazine article." The peered at the books thick cover, noting the title. "It's good for you."

Galinda got up off the bed and stretched. "Oof. I've been sitting there awhile. I'm going to run down to the cafeteria and get something to munch on. Would you like me to bring you back something?"

"No thanks," Elphaba said as she flopped down on her own bed. "I already ate."

After Galinda left to go Oz knows where, Elphaba stared at the book still sitting on Galinda's book. What in the world had she been so engrossed in? Shrugging, Elphaba picked the book up- her roommate surely wouldn't mind. She cracked the book open, and began to contently read...

Several hours later, Elphaba hadn't moved from her spot. She only moved once the book had finished. She blinked, eyes sore from reading for so long. She hadn't meant to sit there for so long, planning to only read a chapter or two. That hadn't happened- she couldn't put her finger on it, but the story was addictive, with a fast enough pace to keep things from getting boring.

One thing bothered her. The male lead in the book was more or less a god among men. Perfection. However she wasn't quite sold on it. She couldn't get the thought out of her head that Edward Cullen had absolutely nothing on Fiyero Tiggular.