Disclaimer: I don't own the Power Rangers

Disclaimer: I don't own the Power Rangers

Note: Well here is the start of the Lost Galaxy Saga of New Beginnings. If you want to know how it all began read Power Rangers New Beginnings up to Space Rangers New Beginnings.

Quasar Quest Part1

Six months have past since the final battle against Darkla. Jason and Kimberly finally got married. The Ranger Sentinels and Space Rangers are now all moving on with there lives. (You'll find out in Dino Thunder what they've been doing) But now a new Adventure begins for a new group of Rangers. Here is the Beginning of Power Rangers Lost Galaxy New Beginnings.

On a distant planet of Mirinoi a girl named Maya and the rest of the tribe she lived with were all sitting in front of a stone holding the Five Quasar Sabers.

"Behold the five Quasar Sabers these five legendary Sabers were placed in this stone five thousand years ago and since then the five best warriors all try there luck in removing the swords from the stone. Now let us see if these five Warriors can pull the sabers from the stone." The wise man of the Village said

The five warriors one by one tried to pull the sabers out of the stone but none of them could pull out the sabers. Just then strange bug like creatures known as Stingwingers appeared out of nowhere. Then a monster named Furio appeared.

"Yes the Quasar Sabers they will belong to Scorpius." Furio said

The people of the tribe ran off while being attacked by the Stingwingers. Meanwhile on Terra Venture Mike Corbett was walking along with Commander Stanton

"Are we nearly ready to leave?" Commander Stanton asked

"Almost we're just waiting on the last passengers." Mike said

"Good then after the final training mission we leave to find a new world." Commander Stanton said

Then Mike and Commander Stanton walked into the Central Command.

"Kendrix how are the experiments going?" Commander Stanton asked

"Good these are the last of the plants. We're a head four minutes." Kendrix said

"Only four minutes?" Commander Stanton asked

"You're running a little late today." Mike said

Kendrix just rolled her eyes and went back to work. Meanwhile back on earth at the airport to take the chosen people to Terra Venture a muscular male with short brown hair wearing a Black singlet under a Red shirt, Blue Jeans and brown boots. His name is Leo Corbett was thrown out of the airport.

"Come back when you have a passport." One of the security guards said

"Fine." Leo said

Leo then walked off. A bit later in the city in an ally Leo walked down and kicked some boxes.

"This is so unfair. Why Mike why can't I go with you. You're the only family I have left." Leo thought.

Just then a woman was walking down the alley when some thugs showed up.

"Hand over your passport." One of the thugs said

Just then Leo kicked the guy to the ground. Then turned to the lady.

"It's ok." Leo said as he took the passport.

Leo then faced the men.

"You want this?" Leo asked

The thugs tried to grab it off Leo but Leo fought back and started fighting the Thugs until one thug grabbed him and the head thug took the passport but what they didn't know is that Leo took the passport out of the envelope and put it in his pocket. The thugs then ran off and Leo walked up to the woman.

"Here." Leo said handing the woman her passport.

"Thank you." The woman said

"You're welcome. You better get going the last shuttle is about to leave." Leo said

"Aren't you going?" The woman asked

"No I wasn't chosen." Leo said

"That's too bad the new world could use young men like you." The woman said

The woman said goodbye and walked off. Leo picked up his bag and then heard clapping.

"She's right. You do deserve to go to the new World and I have a feeling Terra Venture is going to need you Leo." A voice said

"Who's there?" Leo asked

Just then a Muscular man with Short almost crew cut Dark Brown Hair wearing a Black Sleeveless Shirt under a White Sleeved shirt, Black Jeans and Black Boots walked out of the wall.

"How did you do that? And who are you?" Leo asked

"An old ninja trick. My name is Jason Lee Scott. I've been watching you for sometime Leo." Jason said

"How do you know my name?" Leo asked

Just then Jason transformed into the Red Mighty Morphin Power Ranger.

"No way." Leo said

"Way." Jason said as he powered down.

"But that doesn't answer my question." Leo said

"I've been watching you since I sensed the energy of the Red Ranger with you. Your destiny doesn't lie here on Earth it's out there on Terra Venture." Jason said

"But I wasn't chosen." Leo said

Just then Jason handed Leo a Package. Leo then opened it and inside was a Communicator and a passport.

"What is this?" Leo asked

"A Communicator I'll help you on your journey from here if you need it. But also this Passport is yours. But I need you to sneak aboard the ship and find these two. There names are Kai and Kendrix." Jason said showing Leo a picture of them.

"Why?" Leo asked

"Show them this Passport and they'll help you out. Good Luck Leo and may the powers of the Red Quasar Saber protect you." Jason said

Jason then teleported away. Leo looked on and then opened the Passport and it had his picture in it and his details. Leo then put the Communicator on his wrist. Then he remembered Jason's words.

"Your Destiny doesn't lie here on Earth it's up there on Terra Venture." Jason said

"My Destiny lies on Terra Venture." Leo said

Leo then ran off. Meanwhile back at the Airport Leo looked on.

"Sorry Mike but my destiny lies on Terra Venture." Leo thought.

Leo then accidentally knocked some boxes over and the guards started chasing him. Leo then managed to sneak onto the baggage cars. Meanwhile back on Mirinoi Furio tried to pull out the Quasar Sabers.

"These things are stuck fast." Furio said

"Because you are not the chosen one." The wise man said

"How dare you defy me I will have the Quasar Sabers." Furio said

Meanwhile inside a Space Shuttle. Leo managed to sneak on board and into a seat.

"Nice view?" Leo asked

"Yeah." The boy next to him said

Leo then looked out the window and saw Terra Venture. A bit later back on Terra Venture. The Shuttle landed and Leo walked out and was noticed by the guards. Leo then ran off and a few minutes later Leo ran into Kendrix and Kai both dressed in battle uniforms.

"Sorry." Leo said

"Watch where you're going." Kai said

"Sorry. Hey your Kai and Kendrix." Leo said

"How do you know our names?" Kendrix asked

"The Original Red Ranger told me. He also told me to show you this." Leo said

Leo then showed Kendrix and Kai a passport. Just then the two guards ran up.

"There you are stowaway." The guards said

"Actually he's with us." Kai said

"What?" The Guards asked

"This Passport is real and also I have a feeling the original Red Ranger wouldn't have asked this man to stowaway unless he knew this man had something special about him." Kendrix said

"Oh sorry people chosen by a Power Ranger are considered very high ranked so sorry." One of the guards said

The two guards walked off.

"Thanks. Oh my name is Leo Corbett." Leo said

"Corbett, are you related to Mike?" Kai asked

"Yeah I am. I'm his younger Brother." Leo said

Just then the communicator on Leo's arm beeped. Leo pressed a button.

"Kai. Kendrix." The voice said

"Who are you?" Kendrix asked

"I'm the Original Red Ranger. I need you two to sneak Leo onto the training mission once there I'll explain everything." Jason said

"Do you have a name?" Kai asked

"I'll show myself to you later but right now you need to get going." Jason said

"Ok." Kendrix said

The three walked off and both Kai and Kendrix put a suit on Leo. The three walked off and entered a ship. Later on the moon the training exercise began and both Leo and Kendrix moved away and then Leo noticed a bomb.

"Look out." Leo said

The two moved and then the bomb exploded. Just then they both took off there helmets.

"She's beautiful." Leo thought.

"He really is handsome." Kendrix thought.

Just then Kai and Mike ran up.

"Are you two ok?" Kai asked

"Leo what are you doing here?" Mike asked

"The Original Red Ranger said my destiny lies on Terra Venture and not on Earth and I believe him." Leo said

"Leo that's nonsense." Mike said

Just then Leo's Communicator beeped.

"Yeah." Leo said

"Oh really Mike." Jason said

"Who are you?" Mike asked

"I'm the Original Red Ranger I choose your brother because I know full well that Terra Venture needs him." Jason said

"Wait you mean my Brother is a Ranger?" Mike asked

"Not yet but he needs your help to become one." Jason said

"What about Kendrix and Kai?" Leo asked

"They too are also destined to be Power Rangers." Jason said

"What about me?" Mike asked

"Your destiny will be revealed later." Jason said

Just then Jason broke communication.

"See I told you." Leo said

Meanwhile back on Mirinoi. Maya was being chased by Stingwingers when all of a sudden she ran into a Portal. Back on the moon Maya fell through the Portal and landed in front of Mike, Kendrix, Kai and Leo. Just then Maya stood up. Just then Stingwingers appeared.

"Whoa." Mike said

Just then a Red Beam of light appeared and blocked the Stingwingers and then the light died down and revealed to be the original Red Ranger holding a Power Sword. Jason then slashed the Stingwingers and then turned into a Red Energy Dragon and struck down all three Stingwingers making them fly back into the Portal.

"You all ok?" Jason asked

"Yeah. But why did you choose my brother?" Mike asked

"Because he has the heart of a Red Ranger and of a Leader." Jason said

"I must get back to save my planet." Maya said

"So you should Maya." Jason said

"How do you know my name?" Maya asked

"I'm the Grandson of Zordon of Eltar. I know all about you and the Quasar Sabers. Yellow Ranger." Jason said

"What?" Maya asked

"Look. I need you, Mike, Kendrix and Leo to enter that Portal. Kai I need you to head to the Astro Megaship museum and tell Alpha I sent you. You guys will need the Astro Megaship along with the mechanic Damon. Then meet these guys back on Mirinoi." Jason said

"Then what?" Mike asked

"You'll know what to do. But remember this you all have to work as a team each one of you have a strength the other needs it is the only way you'll defeat the evil you have to go against." Jason said

The five nodded and Mike, Kendrix, Maya and Leo ran into the Portal.

"But what if Alpha doesn't believe me?" Kai asked

"He will when he sees you wearing this." Jason said

Jason held out a box and five more communicators were inside.

"Once you're on Terra Venture these communicators of yours will only work four you five Rangers. The black one is for Mike when his destiny is revealed. Leo's is the only Communicator that has a stronger signal so he can contact me." Jason said

"Thanks." Kai said as he put on the Blue Communicator and took the box.

"Good luck Blue Ranger." Jason said

Jason then teleported away and Kai looked on in awe.

End of Quasar Quest Part1

Note: Well that's the first Chapter of Lost Galaxy New Beginnings before anyone questions something this story will revolve around Leo. His Character might change a little bit and some episodes will change. Karone will make her appearance later in the series. Please Review since most of this is quest work on what these Characters are like.