The third movie never happened Alex is grown up and the O'connels had another child born soon after the second movie called Sara who is 15. Rick and Evie are in their forties so is Jonathan.

Imhotep opened his eyes for the third time that century this time he was going to make the O'connels pay. It had taken him 16 years to get the power to rise without being summoned the fools had moved him back to his tomb instead of leaving him to rot. He no longer cared for Anch-su-namen after she left him to die. But still wanted power and revenge especially on the woman Evie. Who as Neferati had caused his first death in ancient Egypt by alerting the guards. He threw the coffin lid across the room of the city of the dead. And slowly rose.
He robed and summoned his undead priests and sent them out to search for the O'connels they would pay for causing his death again.
His plan was simple he would have his revenge, find a beautiful Queen and use his army to rule the world. He lifted a golden scarab beetle necklace it had a large saphire and emerald scrab beetle attached to the golden clasp necklace. Lifting one of his books he muttered an incntation in ancient Egyptian and the necklace rose and flew out of the temple. Imhotep laughed it would find him his perfect Queen to rule the world long side him.
The world was his and this time noone would stop him.