Well. This is the LAST chapter of this part of the story. BUT do not worry, for there will be a sequel but after this chapter we will be posting the sequel to Hormonal Hurricane, which will be called Teenage Tornado. Hope you all like it. Thank you to ALL the readers and reviewers, you keep us going and give us lots of laughs.

And since you have been such good sports we are going to give you a preview of Teenage Tornado...

'Do you think me a whore?' Marian asked closing her eyes scared of the answer.

'NO! Never.' Robin said quickly in shock

Hee hee. Stay tuned. ;);)

Emma thinks that this is too sad to read and tht u should get tissues. A hope nt cause I didn't mean for it to be so sad.

Marian had not slept. Her heart would not allow her to. She just lay in bed starring at the window. Part of her hoped, wished that he would climb back through it and whisk her away like in the fairytales. But in fairytales the Princess never self harmed or tried to drown herself in the bath. Nor was the Prince's mother a drug addict. So this was it. How her great love affair ended. By the whisk of a plane. She would fly from her past like she always did. She could hear her father moving in his own room, he was probably getting ready to leave, but he would not wake her til the last minute. They had done this act so many times before that she knew what to expect. Sighing she dragger herself from her soft pit and walked over to the window. She looked at the streets. It was ironic how something so dirty and horrible could be so beautiful at the same time. These streets held something that she could never hold again. They had something that she could never have again. They had Robin. He would grace these streets long after she was gone, yet she would not be able to have what they would have. Marian smiled sadly before beginging to get dressed.


Robin sat in what is usually his mothers bedroom but today served as its supposed purpose of the living room. He looked at the clock. Eight thirty. She would be almost leaving now. He promised himself that he would not leave the couch nevermind the house, for he knew where his feet would lead him, and he could not face another goodbye. He was going to visit his mother when he was sure that it was safe to venture outside. His body jumped and tensed when he heard a loud knock at the door. Her? Robin raised from the couch and dragged his body over to the front door. He opened it slowly and uncertainly. He did not know what he would do if it were her. But he sighed in somewhat saddness when the sad face of Much appeared from the door. He looked at his best friend and then turned and walked back into the living room sitting once more on the couch.

'So eh. Marian leaves today.' Much said akwardly as he walked into the room.

Robin just looked at him before switching the channel on the TV to the music station.

'Are you going to go and say goodbye?' Much asked looking around the room uncomfortably.

'I already have.' Robin mumbled.

Much looked at him and sighed quietly. Boy was he stubborn. The gang had tried to tell him that it was pointless coming here. That he would never go to her. But he was determined.

'How did it go?' Much asked trying to make conversation.

'Like goodbyes usually ended.' Robin stated casting a quick glance at his friend.

Much threw his arms up as he moaned in frustration taking Robin by surprise. 'Are you really going to do this?'

'Do what?' Robin asked shrugging and frowning at Much.

'This.' Much said waving his arms about to the couch. 'Are you really going to sit here and let her leave?'

'I have already said goodbye what more can I do.' Robin shouted back.

'Love her!.' Much shouted back.

'I do!'

'Then show it.' Much answered more calmly. 'Go the airport and say goodbye. You know you would want her to if it were you that was leaving.'

'I do not know if I can face another goodbye.' Robin said sadly.

'Robin. She is leaving. She is taking her clothes, her things, her face, her smile, everything.'

'Why couldn't she take you.' Robin mumbled.

'She is taking everything apart from one thing.' Much stated ignoring his comment.

'What's that?' Robin asked amusing his friend and pretending to be interested.

'Her heart.'

Robin looked at Much sincerely. He could tell from the look in his eyes that he was right.

'Because that's something that is no longer hers.' Much whispered. 'Now. Are you going to run to the airport because she needs you Robin. She needs now more than ever because she is losing you.'

'Thank you my friend.' Robin smiled as he patted Much on the shoulder.

'Well I do like to think that I am the voice of reason out of the two of us.' Much smiled bashfuly.

Robin chuckled as he pulled his hoodie over his head.

'You had better hurry. She's already gone.' Much stated looking at the clock.

'What!.' Robin shouted in shock.

'Her flight leaves at half nine.'

'I thought it left at half ten. Its almost nine!' Robin shouted. He should have known not to believe information from Allan.

'Good luck.' Much shouted as Robin dashed from the house.


Marian hugged Lauren tight as tears threatened to spill, but she kept strong and held them back. Lauren had not only been the best cousin but the best friend. And Marian had repaid her in such a cruel way. She had allowed her to find her on death's doorstep.

'I'm so sorry.' Marian whispered into Lauren's hair.

'No. You have nothing to be sorry for. You being OK is enough of an apology.' Lauren sniffed as tears left her eyes.

'See ya soon couz.' Marian smiled and walked into the awaiting taxi.

She gazed out the window as it drove through her surrounding. She smiled as she looked for the last time at the cold, wet, muddy, dirty streets of Huntingdon. She would miss this place. It had taught her so much. Made her more mature and independent. She had learned fast how to look out for herself and that you should not judge people by their appearance. She smiled sadly as she drove past Robin's house. She placed her hand on the glass of the cab window as though she could reach out and touch Robin himself. But the cab drove past. Marian sighed before looking out of the window once more. She laughed quietly when she saw Much walking down the street talking to himself it appeared. He seemed nervous and trying to act something out in a way. She waved but he did not see her. Instead he continued walking to his destination which she presumed was Robin's house. She felt bad. She had not really been able to say goodbye to the gang. In fact the last time she had seen them was the day she had found out that Robin's mother had been taken into hospital. The day she had tried to send herself to a watery grave. She shuddered at the thought now.

'Marian. Are you alright?' Edward asked concerned.

'Yeah. Just say goodbye.' Marian whispered smiling.


Robin bent over and put his hands on his knee's as he panted for breath. The airport was only ten minutes away but his lungs felt as though they were about to burst. However, he had little choice. Either his lungs exploded or his heart broke, he was done for no matter what. He looked skyward and sighed before starting to run again.

Marian smiled to the airport clerk as she took Marian;s bags from her and put them along the converier belt. Marian watched her belongs until they disappeared.

'Have a nice flight Ms. Fitzwalter.' The blonde haired clerk smiled.

'Thank you.' Marian replied taking her passport back.

'You ready?' Edward asked as Marian walked over to him.

'Yep.' Marian answered as she showed her passport to the guard and walked through the metal dector. She smiled as it brought back memories of school. She was once so afraid of them, but now they were nothing. His cheeky grin had carried her through them many a time, and she was saddened when his grin was not waiting for her at the otherside of this one. But she would never see that again. His smiling face was not waiting for her anymore.

Robin entered the airport gasping for breath. He scanned the crowd of people searching for the beautiful women who he had to see one last time. He looked at the large board reading the many destinations. Where has she gone? Argh, he was never going to find her now. Then he remebered. She had been talking about her father looking at houses in scotland. What if he had changed his mind. Well it was all he had to go on. He found Scotland on the board and hissed under his breath as he saw that they had already passed through the first gate. Now how was he going to get to her? He looked over to the gate. It was closed and two guards were putting red tapping infront of it to stop people crossing it. Well Robin. If you were ever going to be the most idiotic ass in your life and possibly even get arrested for it, nows the time. He took a deep breath and braced himself and he ran for the gate.

Marian sighed as she stood in front of the large glass window and looked at the many planes out in the run way. People were smiling and laughing glad to be finally getting a holiday. But Marian was sad. She didn't want to go. She knew she had to now. There was nothing left for her here now, only Robin and he was better off without her. He could do so much more without her. She had caused him enough trouble as it was. Trust her to be the destroyer of her own life. She had finally found something that was worth holding onto, somehting worth fighting for, something worth living for. But her own weakeness and demons had caused her to lose it. She smiled as she pictured his face looking down at her. That smirk that could cause all angers yet destroy them all the same. Those eyes that could conceal you forever. She heard his sweet charming voice call her name. She smiled she would no longer hear that comforting voice again. She leaned her head against the glass feeling the cold against her forehead. Then she heard him call her name again. It sounded so close. So real. She frowned when her name was shouted once more sounding even closer then ever before. She looked up and gasped as in the window she saw a a figure charging to her. She turned and her face turned to one of shock as Robin was running through the waiting room with five security guards chasing him. They were no where near fit enough to catch him. Her breath became harsh and laboured as she watched the man she loved dash to her side while still being chased.

'Marian.' Robin gasped as he finally reached her.

The five guards followed and grabbed him harshly beginning to try and drag him out of the waiting room. But Robin struggled against them.

'No. Let him go.' Marian shouted trying to get Robin free but their were no match for the guards.

'It is alright guards. Let him go.' Edward said as he heard the commotion and came to insepect.

'But he has no passport.' One of the guards stated.

'He will not be boarding the plane. He has just come to speak to my daughter.' Edward smiled.

The guards looked at each other silently asking thw question. Soon they nodded and let Robin go. 'We'll be waiting at the door.' One of the guards told Robin before they all walked away.

Robin looked around. Everyone was watching him and he felt a blush colour his cheeks. What were they expecting. For him to reincarnate the movies and get down on one knee and propose to her.

'Robin.' Marian whispered happily to bring him out of what ever day dream he had gone into.

Robin turned to face the woman he had done all this for. 'All that and now I don't know what to say.' He chuckled as he felt his eyes become watery.

'Well what did you come to say.' Marian asked as she sniffed as pools of water filled her eyes.

'I can't remember.' Robin said causing them both to laugh.

'Trust you to forget.' Marian laughed as she wiped a tear from her eyes.

'I want you to go Marian.' Robin stated.

Marian looked at him strangely. She had not expected him to carry her bridal style out of the airport, but she had not thought that he had done all that just to tell her to leave.

Robin could see the hurt pass quickly across her face. 'Not because I do not love you. Because trust me I do. God I love you so much Marian.' Robin smiled as he used his thumb to wipe away more of tears. 'Hey if you were going to cry this much you should have gone by boat.' Robin joked.

'You always make me laughed when I want to cry.' Marian laughed.

'Marian you are so precious to me. You are like a beaitiful rose. Gorgeous to look at but piss you off and those thorns come into action.' They both laughed as abandoned tears mirrored their faces. 'And I do not want to watch this perfect rose before me wither and die.' Robin openly wept. 'And thats what will happen if you stay here. Believe I have seen what this place does to people. It consumes them and deystroys them and I will not allow it to happen to you.'

'You keep making me think of beauty and the beast now.' Marian laughed.

'Am not that ugly am I?' Robin chuckled as he pulled her to him in a tight loving hug.

'No. You are the most beautiful man I have ever met.' Marian smiled as she reached up and captured his lips in a passionate kiss.

'I love you.' Robin whispered as they broke and leaned their foreheads against one another.

'I love you to. Always will.' Marian whispered back.

'The nine thirty flight to Scotland is now boarding.' Announced the tanoy.

Marian groaned and placed her head against Robin's chest.

'Go.' Robin whispered as he lifted her head with his thumb and captured her lips once more. 'Go.' He whispered again as they broke apart.

'I really don't want to.' Marian said as she began to sob hysterically.

'You have to.' Robin whispered.

'I can't lose you.' Marian cried into his chest.

'You never will.' Robin chuckled as he tried to wipe his tear stained cheeks.

'I don't think my legs can walk. They don't seem to work when you are around.' Marian giggled.

'I'll take you anywhere you want to go.' Robin whispered as he lifted her bridal style and began walking down the gang way with her cuddling into his chest. Each step he took was breaking him inside. He was letting her go. The people followed him as he walked her up to the door of the plane. Edward smiled as he walked a short distance behind them giving them their privacy. Robin smiled as he turned the corner and looked down the make shift corridor to see the door to the plane. He looked down at Marian's tear covered but beautiful face. There were his last moments with her. Soon she would be gone. He would never see her again. The door came far too soon for Robin's liking, he sighed sadly as he placed her back on her feet but held onto her waist.

'See you around Maiden.' Robin winked.

'In your dreams.' Marian mocked.

It was as though it was the first time they had met. They would do anything to go back to that time again. Where they could do things different. And maybe even stop the events from happening.

'Every night.' Robin whispered.

Marian starred at him for a few moments before throwing herself in his arms again.

'No matter where you go. I will always be with you. If looking back is to hard for you, and you cannot face a future without me.' Robin smirked making Marian laugh. 'Then look right beside you. Cause I'll always be there.' Robin smiled as he pulled her into another kiss.

'I'll always be here.' Marian said placing her hand on his chest.

'You've always been there.' Robin smiled as new tears left his eyes.

'Marian it is time to go.' Edward said as he stepped up to the couple.

Marian looked at her father and then back to Robin. 'See you tonight...In my dreams.' She smiled and began to walk into the plane, never taking her eyes from him. Their hands only parted when they could no longer hold onto one another.

Edward walked up to Robin and smiled. 'I was wrong about you. And I am sorry.' He apologised.

'Thank you.' Robin sniffed through the tears.

Edward smiled and boared the plane as Robin turned and began walking back down the gang way. Old couples smiled at him for what he had done, where younger girls smirked and batted their eyes at him. Like he would be interested.

He sighed as he walked back over to the guards who patted him on the back in attempts to console him. He smiled as he walked through thr gate and terminal and made his way out of the airport. He heard the vibrations of an aeroplane and the growling of its engine and the loud whistling noise as its tires left the safetly of the ground. He turned and began walking backwards as he watched the sky. Then it came. Over the airport almost seeming as though it were about to crash into it. He smiled and blew it a kiss as Marian flew out of his life. He heard the screeching of the tires before he even realised where he was walking. The shrieking scream from the women standing near by as he turned his head and watched as the car collided with his body.

Stay tuned for the sequel :D:D we love bein mean :):)

Please don't hate us though :(

I was going to put the song Michael Buble – lost in this but a forgot then emma said leave it so...a did :D