This fanfic is currently under construction and the chapters are therefore subjected to minor changes. I apologize for any confusion. I also apologize for delaying its update.

This chapter is dedicated to Scarlett.



Kyon didn't know what to say. Not being able to get through the first time, he immediately hung up, waited a few seconds and called again. Who on earth would be calling her at this moment of crisis? But now he finally had her on the line, he discovered he actually hadn't got a clue what to say.

"What is it, Kyon? Just spit it out already! You're wasting my time here!" snapped the Brigade leader.

"I just wanted to apologize for what I said earlier this day." This was the only subject Kyon could think of as reason for his call. He still couldn't believe he was apologizing though. "I guess I overreacted a bit there."

No answer.

If the expansion of the enclosed spaces had been the result of their argument, perhaps he should've thought twice before telling Haruhi off. Although, he doubt he would change anything he said even after reconsidering it.

"Look, I feel really bad about it," said Kyon sincerely, "Can we forget about it? Hello? Are you still there?" The other end of the line had remained unusually silent and it made Kyon feel uncomfortable.

Then a voice snapped back, "Of course, I'm still here, stupid Kyon! Hmph! You ought indeed to think twice about what you're about to say next time! Glad you've finally realized that."

Like you actually do that. You usually blurt things out without disregarding other people's feelings. Kyon could just stop himself for sighing out loud.

"Do you still have anything else to say?" demanded Haruhi.

"Er, no, not really. Just wanted to say just that. See you tomorrow."

- - x - -

Haruhi was staring at the sky. It was still, cloudless. The storm had been like a thief, throwing everything into a mess, only to leave without a fingerprint behind.

- - x - -

Kyon's cellphone rang. It was Koizumi.

"Hey. I already called Haruhi."

"Ah!" Koizumi sounded surprised. "What did she say?"

"To be honest, I didn't know what to say. So I simply apologized to her for upsetting her today," said Kyon.

"You upset her today? How?"

"It's a long story, I'd better tell you tomorrow," said Kyon. "How are the enclosed spaces?"

"A whole lot better."


"Say, Kyon, can you perhaps tell me exactly what time you've called Haruhi?"

"Huh? How should I know that? It's only maybe like a minute ago since I hung up." Really, thought Kyon, in what way can this information be of any use?

"Well, you're phone normally keeps a history of the exact timing of your calls -"

"- I know -"

"- I just need the precise information to calculate certain developments in the enclosed spaces."

Kyon waited.

"The rest in classified information," said the esper.

Kyon sighed. "Alright then."

- - x - -


That was the exact time Kyon had given him. That was the exact time Kyon had called Haruhi. Koizumi had no options but to report that he had called Suzumiya Haruhi almost two minutes before Kyon did.

- - x - -

"So, will you tell me how you exactly upsetted Suzumiya Haruhi yesterday?" Koizumi had caught up with Kyon as he was walking towards the entrance of North High School.

Kyon sighed, as though it would be a long, heavy story. "I kind of told her off for being so possessive."

"You told her she was possessive?" asked Koizumi, astounded.

"No, well -" Kyon racked his brains as to what actually happened the day before. "I asked her about her spurning Umi. She told me she had every right to demand whatever from you. I told her to give you a break and that's when she walked out of our argument."

"Without replying in return?" asked Koizumi.

"Without replying in return."

So unlike Suzumiya-san. But then, Kyon was recounting the story by and large. Koizumi will have to inquire a little bit more to be able to understand this.

"If I may ask, what did you exactly say to Suzumiya-san before she walked away?"

Kyon frowned and scratched his head. "I told her you weren't her puppet nor her boyfriend and to give you a break." He paused. "Can't remember saying anything else other than that before she walked off."

As Kyon opened his shoes locker, Koizumi sighed quietly.

So far for the long story.

- - x - -

The school bell rang. Students with boxed lunches started to fill the hall. As a door of one classroom opened, Koizumi looked up to and tried to identify one of the students.

Indeed, there she was, the person he'd been waiting to speak to.


"Nagato-san, how are you?" said Koizumi, "If it's okay, can I have a word with you?"


Koizumi guided her out into the school grounds. He then began to tell her about the enclosed spaces, the timing of his phone call to Suzumiya Haruhi and the timing of Kyon's phone call. He also filled her in about the information Kyon gave. Finally, he asked her.

"What do you make out of this, Nagato-san?"


Koizumi watched the alien's face as she stared unblinkingly before her.

"...Suzumiya Haruhi's object of attention has gradually altered."

Object of attention?

"With object of attention, do you mean to say, Kyon?" said Koizumi, "If so, how has it been altered?"

"...Yes. The possibilities of the altering are yet imprecise. This could be the consequence of developments in the hormonal system. Although this has yet to be ascertained."

"That's interesting, but I'd really like to know into what or who is now Suzumiya-san's object of attention."

Nagato looked up to Koizumi. Staring with clear, unblinking eyes into his, she said, "You are increasingly obtaining that position."

- - x - -

He could see the teacher writing a formula on the blackboard. The teacher began explaining the formula. Although lost in thought and not really understanding what the teacher was saying, Koizumi would still be able to answer accurately, should the teacher pose him a question. He looked down on his paper and wrote a formula, different and much more simple than the one on the blackboard.

A + B = C

If asked to determine what B is, one simply has to derive that information from A and C.

C is the result.

A and B are the information which creates that result.

Calculations. Diagrams. Whenever Koizumi would use these in his explanations, he'd feel Kyon thinking "There he goes again".

But such things aren't just used to explain a situation. They're valuable in examining possibilities, calculating actions, carefully planning strategies. Even a basic formula such as "A+B=C" is so often used, people often apply it subconsciously. This is why Koizumi loved math. Every new lesson he learned from it felt like improving swordplay skills. When applied, it opened eyes to opportunities.

A is the information already given. Haruhi's hostility towards Umi. The exact timing of the enclosed spaces contracting. The exact timing of his and Kyons phone call. Nagato Yuki's explanation.

B represents the consequent actions needed to create the desired C.

C is Suzumiya Haruhi. Being his.

© Mademoiselle X

Once again, I'd like to thank those who reviewed this fanfic, especially those encouraging me to not give up on this story. It has been years since last worked on this, so I still have to rack my brains about how to pen the rest of plot into details and divide them into chapters.

However, like I wrote down on my notes, this fanfic is simply living on your reviews. The rest of this story was as good as thrown into the bin. So please, give me at least some feedback about the chapters.

Cupcakes for y'all!