C h a p t e r

F o u r

To: Renji Yanagi

1. Why do you keep your eyes closed?
2. Have you ever had a girl tell you you're hot?
3. What would you say if I called you smexy, and cool?
4. Would you date me?

From: Yuki-chan21

Dear Yuki-chan21,

I keep my eyes closed because I can't be bothered to open them, um…yeah sure a few girls have told me that.

Niou: -Scoff- How does he get dates?

Marui: -Laughs- Someone's jealous…!

Niou: Shut it pinky!

Marui: My hair is RED, damnit RED!

Yanagi: -Clears throat- Like I was saying, I would thank you.

Marui/Niou: He'll date you!

Yanagi: -Glares- That was a question for me fools!

Sanada: Marui, Niou, 15 laps!

Akaya: Can you divide 15 by 10?

Yukimura: -Sweat drop-

Yanagi: I'm sorry, but we come from two different universes, the two dimensional one and the three dimensional one.

Niou/Marui: Oh come on!

Sanada: 200 LAPS!

Akaya: Is 200 divisible by 10?

Renji Yanagi

Rikkai Daigaku Fuzoku

To: Sadaharu Inui

1. Where did you get those glasses?
2. Did you know you look hot without glasses?
3. What exactly do you put in those drinks you have?
4. And will you marry me?

From: Yuki-chan21

Dear Yuki-chan21,

I got the glasses on the recommendations of a doctor and bought them at a store near my house. Um…no, I haven't been told that before…Iie data.

Eiji: -Slaps Forehead-

Shinji: Wow…he really doesn't know how to react humanly, does he? What's up with that anyways? Why do you need so much data?

Kagami: -Slaps Hand Over Shinji's Mouth-

Inui: -Clears Throat- Unfortunately that's a secret that I don't tell anyone…-Smirk- Tezuka might be angry if I told him.

Seigaku: Except Tezuka –Gulp- That sounds bad…

Inui: I will answer the question much like Renji, though I tell you we are nothing alike…

Kagami: Suuuree…

Shinji: But they both collect information, they're obsessed with data, they're both in ninth grade, the both-

Inui: Yes, well like I was saying. If you were from the two dimensional world-

Eiji: He would say yes. Nya! Why can't we travel through dimensions, Kaiyako?

Kagami: Um…take it away Inui

Inui: -Gives Long Lengthy Explanation-

Seigaku/Kagami/Shinji: -Falls Asleep-

Sadaharu Inui

Seishun Academy

To: Gakuto Mukahi

Why are you so short?
How much do you hate Kikumaru Eiji?
Are you obsses with Oshitari Yuushi?

From: kay54

Dear kay54,

-Anime Vein- I am NOT short! Who says I'm short?! The rest of you are just giants that what you are!

Shishido: -Snickers- Looks like someone didn't drink his milk.

Mukahi: SHUT UP!

Atobe: Take Ore-sama's example and become taller. –Smirks-

Hyotei: -Sweat drop-

Mukahi: Grr…Kikumaru Eiji must DIE! Enough said…I am NOT obsessed with Yuushi!

Shishido: Then explain the big poster of him in your room…

Mukahi: What were YOU doing in Gakuto-sama's home Shishido!?

Kagami: It was just one picture either…


Atobe: What else did you see?

Mukahi: -Anime Fall-

Yuushi: -Moves Away-

Mukahi: Nooo! Yuushi!

Gakuto Mukahi

Acrobatic Hyotei Regular

To: Akaya Kirihara

1. Why's your hair so crazy and seaweed-like? BTW is cute!
2. Do you love your sister or...abuse her?.
3. What are you gonna do on your Sweet16? Invite me
4. Are you gonna have a girlfriend?
5. Are you into Pokemon?

From: pizzaslices

Dear pizzaslices,

-Smirks- My hair is great, ain't it? Well it was just always like this. Uh…I love her, but she's the one that abuses me -.- so bossy!

Niou: I pity her –Snickers-

Kirihara: -Glares At Him-

Marui: He's going into devil mode.

Kagami: -Hides Behind Marui- Do something!

Kirihara: I don't know yet, don't have it planned out. –Smirk- But I'm not responsible for anyone getting hurt. –Evil Laugh- It is my birthday after all.

Yukimura: I'm sure he'll invite you if we can cross dimensions in that time.

Kirihara: Nope, no girlfriend.

Marui: Everyone's scared of him –Smirk-

Kirihara: It's not like you do either.

Marui: So? I have a fan clubs, because I'm a genius.

Kirihara: Pokemon…No

Niou: -Hits Him On The Head- No lying! I've seen your Pokemon cards!

Kirihara: Yukimura Bouchou, Niou's picking on me again!

Yukimura: -Smiles His: Deal With It Smile-

Akaya Kirihara

Rikkai Daigaku Fuzoku Ace

To: Shusuke Fuji

-You're a tensai at tennis. So, are you a tensai at everything you do?
-Do you like anyone at the moment?

From: TheMadHatter

Dear TheMadHatter,

Nope not everything, I do pretty well in school, but that's more because I try hard. I am not that great a cook when it comes to regular food. But I do my own style of cooking pretty well. –Smile-

Eiji: -Shudders- Wasabi Roles…

Momo: Inui Juice…

Seigaku: Minus Tezuka/Inui/Fuji Sadist…

Fuji: -Smile- What?

Seigaku: Nothing!

Fuji: Thought so…No not anyone at the moment…but there is this cute girl in my class…hmm.

Kagami: -Thinking- Lucky girl!

Fuji Fangirls Faraway: We must kill her!

Shusuke Fuji

Tensai, Seigaku Tennis Team

To: Ryoma Echizen

-Do you like anyone at the moment?
-Do you like living in Japan or America better?
-How did you feel when you had lost your memory?

From: TheMadHatter

Dear TheMadHatter,

No I don't like anyone right now.

Momo: S-a-k-u-n-o

Eiji: Nya? Sakuno? O'chibi's got a girlfriend?

Ryoma: -To Momo- Ann-lover

Momo: W-what?! –Bright Red- Who says I like Ann?

Kaidoh: Fsshhh…porcupine!

Momo: What was that viper?! Start Punching Each Other

Ryoma: Well, I don't really mind living in America, but I like it much better here. More competition. –Smirk-

Eiji: Nya…that's all that O'chibi thinks about!

Oishi: There, there Eiji…

Ryoma: It was really irritating is all I thought…

To: Eiji Kikumaru

-First of all. Eiji-kun, I absolutely love how you are so adorable.
-Second. How did you, Momo-chan, and Ryoma-kun become such bestfriends? I mean, You all are in different grades and have different personalities. So, how did it happen?

From: TheMadHatter

Dear TheMadHatter,

Thank you, thank you! Its always good to know I'm loved –Chibi Form- Well, we may have different personalities, but we all like similar things. Like Tennis and eating burgers so they usually go to eat at the joint downtown after practice. I guess that's how…

Thanks again, nya!

Eiji Kikumaru

Acrobatic Doubles Genius

To: Atobe Keigo & Mizuki Hajime

-Keigo-kun and Hajime-kun, don't you listen to what the others say. I actually like some of your fashion choices. And, I too love the color purple.
-Hajime-kun, don't worry Syusuke-kun is only pretending to not remember your name because, you're closer to Yuuta.
-Now, for my questions. Keigo-kun, have your parents ever tried to get you betrothed?
-And, Hajime-kun, how do you feel about your team?

From: TheMadHatter

Dear TheMadHatter,

Mizuki: Thank you! Finally someone who understands, purple is truly a lovely color.

Atobe: Ore-sama is in awe of your taste. –Smiles Approvingly-

Yuuta: -Gulps- Yeah! I'm sure that's it as well.

Mizuki: Oh thank the heavens! –Anime Tears-

Kagami: -Whispers To Yuuta- You sure about that?

Yuuta: -Whispers Back- Nope.

Atobe: Nope, my parents met and fell in love, so I think they would want the same for me.

Gakuto: I would feel so sorry for that girl…

Shishido: Poor thing…dead before she had a life.

Atobe: Hey! What was that?! 100 LAPS.

Gakuto/Shishido: Stingy Grandma… -Run Laps-

Mizuki: I probably don't express is as much, but I really am proud of how well they do.

St. Rudolph: -Starry Eyes- Oh Mizuki!

Akazawa: Yeah, yeah, warm fuzzies all around –Rolls Eyes-

Kagami: I'm with you…

Atobe Keigo/Mizuki Hajime

Captain Hyotei/Manage St. Rudolph

To: Yuuta Fuji

-Why don't you spend any time with your brother? I know you go home on the occasional weekend. But, how do you think he feels with you avoiding him all the time?

From: TheMadHatter

Because, every time I'm seen with him all I hear it "Oh look it's Shusuke and his little brother" you have no idea how irritating that is! I know he doesn't like it, but it's not like I never see him.

I'm sure he understands.

Yuuta Fuji

Lefty Killer

To: Seiichi Yukimura

-Are you like Syusuke-kun a sadist, Seiichi-kun? No offence intended.
-How do you feel about the way your team acts?
-Do you feel like a parent to Akaya-kun?

From: TheMadHatter

Dear TheMadHatter,

None taken, to be honest I don't see myself as sadistic –Smile- Others might disagree I suppose. –Turns To Team-

Rikkai Dai: -Gulp- N-no Captain!

Yukimura: I thought so –Smile-

Niou: -Whispers- Never, ever make him mad

Marui: The consequences are dyer!

Yukimura: Like Marui and Niou are doing right now, they make me very, very angry sometimes –Still Smiling-

Sanada: -Gulps- May god be with you… -To Marui and Niou-

Yukimura: But for the most part, they are a pretty good team. A parent? To Akaya? No…That's Sanada's job silly! –Smiles At Them-

Sanada: Why me, why me?! –Mumbles-

Akaya: Sanada, why is everyone afraid of Yukimura-bouchou?

Rikkai Dai: Except Yukimura –Sigh- If only you knew…

Seiichi Yukimura

Captain Rikkai Daigaku Fuzoku

To: Kevin Smith

-How do you feel now that Ryoma-kun and you are friends?
-Do you like Japan or America better?
-How did it go with Billy and Stephanie after the tournament?

From: TheMadHatter

Dear TheMadHatter,

-Laughs Good Naturedly- If you would even call us that. But I'm glad we get along, for the most part anyways… I would have to say that I prefer America but Japan is pretty awesome as well.

It went well enough I suppose, as well as it was suppose to. –Smiles-

See you.

Kevin Smith

American Team

To: Masaharu Niou & Hiroshi Yagyuu & Takashi Kawamura

Has anyone ever hinted that you have inherited severe split personality disorder? Have you thought about visiting a doctor about it?

From: brightandsunny

Dear brightandsunny,

Niou: It's possible…but I wasn't really paying attention. –Laughs- Doctor? Please…by the time I was done with 'em they'd be the ones who'd need to see a doctor. –Smirks Evilly-

Yagyuu: …I actually see that happening Niou. As for me, I've been told a few times. But I don't give it much mind, it would take to much time for be to go see a doctor when I could use that time to practice.

Kawamura: Heh! How'd ya know?

Seigaku: -.- …

Kawamura: I've seen one, but they said nothing was wrong.

Oishi: -Whisper- He didn't take his racket.

Masaharu Niou/Hiroshi Yagyuu/Takashi Kawamura

The Trickster/The Gentleman/Seishun Academy

To: Sakuno Ryuuzaki & Tomoka Osakada

1. How did you learn to cook so well already? I'm still in the process of scorching food and setting the kitchen on fire. LoL!

From: brightandsunny

Dear brightandsunny,

Sakuno: Well, for me I normally cook at home because grandma's almost always home late.

Tomoka: It's the same for me, with my younger brothers and all. And because I have to baby-sit, the little brats are always hungry and expect me to cook …grr

Sakuno: -Sweat Drops- Tomoka…

Tomoka: -Ranting About Siblings-

Sakuno: Well anyways, cooking is much like everything else. Even tennis, just practice! –Smile-

Sakuno Ryuuzaki/Tomoka Osakada

First Year, Seishun Academy/Head of Ryoma Fanclub!

To: Eiji Kikumaru

You love to brush your teeth right? What's your favorite kind? Do you like the minty kind even though it burns? Do you like to floss and mouthwash too?

From: mendibends

Dear mendibends,

Nya, yup! I love brushing me teeth. –Chuckles- I have lots and lots of favorites like: White Chocolate, Bubblegum, and Cinnamon. I like the minty kind as well, but it can be annoying sometimes…I love flossing but not mouth-wash yuck! some types are okay…but most of the time it's, well not! Nya. But over all I like brushing my teeth the most.

Eiji Kikumaru

Acrobatic Specialist

To: Seiichi Yukimura & Shusuke Fuji

Have the two of you ever try to compete with each other to see who is the most sadistic person?

From: Ran

Dear Ran,

Yukimura: No we haven't, but now that you mention it. –Smiles-

Fuji: That might be an interesting idea. –Smile-

Together: It's definitely me. Looks At Eachother

Kagami: Hmm…

Seiichi Yukimura/Shusuke Fuji

Captain Rikkai Daigaku Fuzoku/Tensai Seishun Academy

To: Gakuto Mukahi

Why do you still insist that you are the best acrobatic player although Kikumaru Eiji is the best acrobatic player?

From: Ran

Dear Ran,

Because I am the best acrobatic player! Eiji Kikumaru will pay for this, I am the best, -Rambles On-

Shishido: …Yuushi, he's going nuts again.

Yuushi: I can't be bothered to do anything…

Kagami: Leave it to Atobe…

Atobe: What has Ore-sama done to deserve this?

Kagami: …Yuushi

Yuushi: Counting down from 167…

One hour later…

Shishido: He won't admit he's beat.

Gakuto Mukahi

Best Acrobatic Tennis Player In The World

To: Ryoma Echizen

Between Tennis, Karupin and Ponta, what would you choose?

From: Ran

Dear Ran,

Damn…that's hard. Ponta no tennis…ughh…Karupin. I would miss tennis…and Ponta, but my cat's more important.

Ryoma Echizen

Tennis Prodigy

To: Atobe Keigo

Do you like orchestral music? What kind of orchestral music and why?

From: Ran

Dear Ran,

Yes, listening to orchestral music happens to be one of Ore-sama's favorite pastimes. I enjoy listening to string instruments the most, such as the violin or harp. My mother use to be an avid fan of symphonies and she would take me to watch them.

The gracefulness of a violinist was what caught my eye the first second. Unfortunately, I never took the time to learn that particular instrument, as my father preferred I take after him and learn the piano.

Atobe Keigo

Captain Hyotei Academy Tennis Team

A/N: Well that was long! It took up nine pages on Word. But that's mostly all the spaces. Well, hope you enjoyed!