there are aspects i like and dislike with this, but overall, i'm pleased. it's just a little sketch, really.

this was inspired by Little Miss Bump's fanfics, mainly the "virge the surge" concept, but i decided to change it to scott for his well-known "mother hen" moments, and because i think tin-tin's more likely to lob a pillow at him than virgil :P sorry, i love scott too, but i think it's better this way!


Alan pressed the buttons required on the microwave and leaned back on the breakfast bar behind him, watching the small object rotate slowly inside the microwave. Behind him, Scott entered the kitchen, digging in the fridge for a beer.

"Wotcha cooking?" he asked, sniffing the air for clues. He frowned, puzzled. "Lavender?"

With a quiet ping! the microwave finished heating the lavender cushion and Alan pulled it out.

"It's for Tin-Tin," explained Alan, tossing it from palm to palm; it was a little too hot to handle. He left the kitchen, Scott following.

"What for?" Alan paused.

"She's... not feeling too great at the moment," he said slowly, regretting his words the moment he said them.

"You mean, she's not well?" Immediately, Scott was in full-on "Mother Hen" mode, a concerned look plastered over his face.

"It's nothing," said Alan hastily, stopping Scott from going into the girl's room. "All she needs is a lie down and some quiet-"

"I just want to make sure that's all it is," interrupted Scott, pushing past his little brother into Tin-Tin's bedroom. Alan winced. Virgil and Gordon rounded the corner of the hall.

"What's going on?" asked Gordon, seeing Alan's pained look.

"Virgil's just gone in to see Tin-Tin," said Alan, glancing anxiously at the door.


"Is she not well?" asked Virgil, an identical expression of concern to Scott's appearing on his face.

"No, she's not feeling great. But," he went on, before Virgil could interrupt, "I can safely say that Scott will be lucky to leave that room alive."

Virgil frowned, but before he could ask what Alan meant, a loud shout caught their attention, followed by a soft thump.

"For goodness' sake, Scott, just go away!"

Alan tried not to laugh as a very red Scott emerged from Tin-Tin's bedroom, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. He grimaced at his brothers and left quickly. Tin-Tin came to the door, one hand holding her stomach, her face livid. The other hand held a pillow.

"Here, Tin-Tin," said Alan, handing her the still-warm lavender pillow. She smiled gratefully and disappeared back into her bedroom.

Gordon was trying- and failing- not to laugh.

"Oh, Mr Sensitivity!" he chortled, holding his sides.

"That's a bit rich coming from you," muttered Virgil, evidently still confused. Alan took pity on him and explained.

"I did try to warn him, but he wouldn't listen. When a woman's feeling like that, it's best juts to leave well alone."

Virgil frowned for a moment, then his eyes widened in realisation, and he joined his brothers as they laughed at Scott's insensitivity.