Akane sighed as she stared out over the water, it had been three ears since Kuno had made that announcement

All Characters belong to their Creators, I have no right to write this but I am doing it anyway

The darkness is waiting, why not go?

The light dims, why not turn away?

Death awaits, why not join me?




The guide had just finished explaining the curses and was preparing hot water when they heard the sounds of battle outside.

Ranma was the first to run out, recklessly running to the aid of the greatly outnumbered women that were battling, he began moving in between the men striking lightening fast blows.

He then managed to save one of the women from being overwhelmed by six men. The young woman with long purple hair looked grateful at the blur of red and black that moved so easily through the Musk.

Genma watched in admiration as his son began striking down the powerful warriors when it happened, a man aiming for another woman slipped is spear went flying, Ranma stumbled over a body and was impaled through the stomach. Ranma staggered back, and slowly toppled back, falling into the same spring she had fallen those few hours ago.

They had killed his son, the best martial artist of his age EVER, one of the reasons Genma had for existing. THEY HAD KILLED HIS SON.

Letting out a bestial roar, he was in panda form after all, Genma unlocked them, the ultimate martial art techniques he had developed.

Genma vanished.

Whispering the name of the combined technique's attack that seemed to penetrate every ear on the battlefield. (How he achieved that in panda form was a mystery to all.)

"Demon's Shadow Assualt."

The Musk's bodies began to explode. Gore and blood rained amongst purifying water. The beset Amazons were amazed as the watched the strange flickering shadow of a Panda attacking their enemies. There was nothing left within a minute, over sixty Musk had died from a panda of all things.

The stunned Amazons watched as the panda knelt by the spring and pulled the redhead out that had saved three of the Amazons war party. The panda then grasped the spear and yanked it out of her body. Closing her staring eyes and settling her to rest, he tossed her into the pool that she had fallen into earlier today.

*Rest well my son. *

The Amazons slowly parted as the hulking panda walked into the jungle.

The Amazons too left after a few minutes of staring after the panda's retreating form.

All except one.

She slowly walked towards the pool.

*She saved my life, and in turn died because of me, I could have killed that man, but I didn't. * She gazed into the pool lost in her thoughts. Then…


It was the pool, for a brief second it had shone with light. A few seconds later Xian Pu watched in amazement as the head of the girl who should be dead rose above the water. The girl, sputtering, shook her head violently spraying water everywhere.

The girl began speaking in Japanese.

"Where am I? Who am I?"


"Baka Kuno, BAKA Kuno, BAKA KUNO"

*I can't believe Kuno, hell I can't believe all those perverts actually listened to the baka. Honestly, three months, non-stop, can't they take a hint? *

Reaching the gate she called out "Tadaima!" Putting on a cheery smile she decided to work out her frustrations on a few unlucky cinder blocks.

Nabiki watched as her sister, who had been emitting the same angry blue aura for the last week, storm into the Dojo.

"Have any luck getting that Kuno boy away from her, sister?" The soft worried tone came from her eldest sister.

"Afraid not, I've even stopped selling pictures of her in hopes for him to give up on her. I'm getting worried Kasumi, she's losing control and with that strength of hers she could kill someone." Nabiki sighed, "She broke some bones of those idiots today."

Nabiki suddenly snapped her fingers. "Kasumi, what she needs is to find someway to relieve her tensions, and learn to control her anger." Nabiki paused and gave her patented smile. "See if you can get Father to train her again."

Kasumi also gave her own-patented smile, though where Nabiki's was vicious and predatory Kasumi's was gentle and caring. "I'll try Nabiki."


"Home." The man was thin; he still had the bandana on his head and his glasses. Otherwise he was changed, no longer the gruff martial artist's father, he had become grim, knowing full well that he probably would end his life here. He only hoped Nodoka would give him the time to train his heir.

A few months ago he would have run, but now with his son gone all he wanted to do was tell his wife the truth, and await her judgment.

He entered the gate, and walked down the path.

Genma knocked on the door.

The door opened.

Death looked at him.

"Hello Nodoka, I have some bad news. Can I come in?" Genma entered, his face impassive.

At her nod he walked in and gestured for her to sit. Raising a hand to silence her unasked questions he began.

"First of all whatever I say, do not interrupt. I will submit to whatever judgment you have for me after I finish talking."


"Please Nodoka, it concerns our son."

The Soatome Matriarch nodded her head.

Genma told her everything, every lie, every theft, every training `accident.'

The multiple engagements.

Selling their son for food.

The Neko-ken.

And finally…

"We were at the final stop before we were going to head back home, the Cursed Springs of Jusenkyou, during our training we both fell into a spring, Ranma knocked me into the Spring of Drowned Panda, I emerged a panda, not noticing it, and sent Ranma into another spring, he fell into Spring of Drowned Girl. He emerged a she. For the next few hours she chased me around trying to kill me because I took him there."

Genma paused and smiled a little.

"Later after calming down we headed back to the Guides hut where we were learned that the effects of the curse could be reversed with hot water and would come back with cold. It was then when we heard the sounds of battle."

Genma spoke again with tears of pride in his eyes after a long moment of silence. "You should have seen him Nodoka, he moved like he had been in that body for life instead of just a few hours, even I was still clumsy in my panda form. He managed to save the lives of three of the woman who were being attacked. Most of the other girls were holding here own though. Ranma looked like he was doing fine, until he screwed up, I guess he wasn't as used to his new body and he tripped, a little thing but it happened at the wrong time. Someone had thrown a spear; it caught him in the stomach. He then fell down into the same pool that cursed him."

Genma began crying, the tough, no-nonsense martial artist cried. "I couldn't save him Nodoka, I couldn't save our son. So I did the only thing I could, I killed them; I avenged our son's death. Then I pulled the spear out of my son's body, closed her eyes and set her to rest. Then I set off to come here."

Genma set himself, wiped away his tears paused, and then said formally. "Wife, I await your judgement on my upbringing of our son, I will gladly commit Seppeku if you wish."

Nodoka sat there thinking, this man in front of her was not he same person he had described, this man was honest, and felt incredible guilt over what he had done. She spoke picking her words carefully. "Genma, I have lost my son, I don't want to lose my husband as well, from your tale, despite your bad influence he did become a man amongst men."

Genma gave a nod, and then hesitantly spoke.

"Nodoka, I wish to know if you would allow me to train one of Soun's children so I can have an heir to my art."

*Something to take him out of this depression he is in. * Nodoka thought.

She nodded. "If Soun agrees then I would be happy to lend my support dear."


"Soap, today I am going to show you the Chestnut First, and the Breaking Point Techniques, each will increase your speed and toughness tremendously and are required of all Amazons." The Matriarch told the young red-head.


"Well done Akane. You've really done well adapting to the Soatome branch of Anything Goes. I think you are ready to learn the Soatome Forbidden Techniques."

Akane smiled at the compliment and in excitement of learning some power techniques.


Akane snarled in frustration, it took all her willpower not to go and kill Kuno. The idiot had asked her father for her hand in marriage. Her father had actually agreed, now her she was just from begging her father to take off the engagement. It hadn't worked!

*Damnit, I want to _HURT_ someone. Perferable Kuno if he shows his face*

Just then she heard the gate open and a yell. "I have come to challenge the owner of this Dojo."

Akane _grinned_


"This technique is used against those who emit a lot of hot chi, the Rising Dragon Ascension."

The old Matriarch explained it.

*Soul of Ice? Calm utter calm, reach deep inside myself and achieve perfect calm.*

The amazon known as Soap reached within herself, finding her center. As she came closer and closer to it images began to flicker through her mind.

Then she reached it.

There was an almost audible **SNAP**

She remembered who she was before.

Her name was/had been Ranma, and she had been a guy. Somehow other images were also there, not his/her own was there, knowledge that he shouldn't have.

Memories of languages long forgotten.

Memories of techniques not used for centuries.

The final image was a face not from the past. He instinctively knew that.

It was a Japanese girl, kawaii. Her hair was cut short enhancing her looks. A smile would of made her beyond kawaii, making her beautiful, but she was frowning.


"Well Soap, I have been talking to the Guide, sometimes the springs make it so the temperture to change back to normal very high. It might be one of those times."

Ranma smiled at the old woman. "Thank you for helping me Elder. I will try some boiling water then."

After a few minutes Ranma lifted up the pot of rapidly boiling water. "Wish me luck," Ranma gave another smile.

Pouring the water over his head he felt a tingle sweep through his body, a tingle not felt since that day at Jusenkyou. He also felt the pain of boiling water. Staring at his once again male hands his smile grew. He could be both man and woman now. The water on him began to cool almost immediately and he felt the tingle again. His hands shrunk as he turned to she. She had been a man for less then a minute.

Ranma began to cry.


Akane looked up as Nabiki entered her room. "Well any luck sis?" Akane looked hopeful.

"Nope, Dad's not backing down. He won't budge on the idea that the engagement just has to be."

Akane closed her eyes, Nabiki had been her last hope of staying away from Kuno and still remain a Tendo. "Nabiki, how long would it take for you to arrange me to be taken off he family register and get me to China?"

Nabiki gasped, "Oh My!"

"That's Kasumi's phrase Nabiki, and I'm serious. I cannot stand the idea of marrying Kuno." Akane looked downcast.

Nabiki quickly settled back into her familiar Ice Queen of Furiken High. "Well the paperwork and everything should take around three months. You sure about this?"

"I'm sure"



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