AN: Thank you for your Support :3 XD I really should tell me viewers my faults… Tis not a good thing to do ;)

DX I fear that I make people run away… I talk way too much D; I feel like a bowl full of crazy ;A; I'm sorry if I disrespected any of you!!!





Anticipation has a habit to set you up
For disappointment in evening entertainment but
Tonight there'll be some love
Tonight there'll be a ruckus yeah regardless of what's gone before
I want to see all of the things that we've already seen
The lairy girls hung out the window of the limousine
And course it's fancy dress
And they're all looking quite forlorn in bunny ears and devil horns and how

---"The View From The Afternoon" BY Arctic Monkeys





Chapter 03: Well…Yeah…Haven't we all done this before?

Going to a corner, Haruhi left him as she walked towards the front door and left. As she got out, to her surprised was Renge who looked put down as she looked on the floor. Haruhi sighed as she shook her head softly while she began to walked down the hallways beside Renge who said in a low voice "Why are you in the Host Club Haruhi?" Rolling her eyes but not commenting at the moment, they walked in silence then She responded "Renge…" As she turned to the girl.

"I'm a girl…"

They both stopped, in silence took over the feeling of the moment. Renge eyes widen as she just took in the new information and was unable to process it well… Haruhi… was a girl? Renge wasn't sure what to think, the person she'd believe she had loved was somebody who she couldn't? Renge felt confused but then Haruhi plopped her hands together and said casually "I thought you should know, since a lot of people tend to make problems out of it! But Renge since you know this, can you keep it a secret?"

Renge whiten out as she looked at Haruhi dumbfounded and wasn't sure if she was more confused or insulted by the way information was given or the information itself.

Still looking at Haruhi speechlessly, Renge wasn't absolutely sure what to think and said in a morrow "Of… Of course.." and began to walk off with or without Haruhi. Renge felt hurt and embarrassed while she walked away from the commoner… As she walked outside the entrance of the Ouran Private High School to see her black limousine waiting for her. She entered in the limousine with much without a word. She felt stupid… Biting on her nails, she began to wonder is god was playing a sick little joke on her, then shook her head and realized 'She wouldn't do that… but…'

Finally arriving home, passing her butlers and maidens, she went upstairs and closed herself in her room, where the shades were closed and her game from before was still on but on Paused.

After a while, Renge began to get nervous again and started to play Moki-Morui.

The next day came without no warning. Renge dressed in her yellow dress uniform, walking passed the school halls. As she walked to her class, she'd passed the Hitachiin twins and Haruhi, solemnly. Renge was upset As she force her way to her class, the day went uneventfully as nothing new ever happen. It was lunch time when she saw the girl in drag and could help but feel angry with her. But every time she did all she felt was this numb, sure… yaoi was all nice and games… but it would never be accepted by the normal society. She couldn't have every thought that Haruhi was her love, could she?

Feeling stupid she sat by her friends… whom simply talked about their days, fathers, mothers, their company and lastly the host club.

After class Renge began to walk down the hallways and found herself in front the Host Club's door. If she opened it, she would have to meet Haruhi, even if she wouldn't recognized her, as anyone in particular. Just as she pulled her hand away as she turned her back and walked away.

What she didn't notice as she walked away was that the door began to open to show the one and only Natural Host, as she stared with a pondering look in her brown eyes.

She went to stay at the garden, beside the large fountain, where the angel statue was leaking as it poured out water. She sat down on the wall of the fountain and began to play with her new Nintendo DS, of a mystery game called Higurashi. It was more of a hentai like game, but unlike Air, it wasn't likely to end with sex. She found it slightly stereotypical that in the mysteries games, all involved a large amount of female cast and always one important male character. But despite it all, the cast was good… though throughout all the horror in the game, who did Keiichi Mearebe get? In one world it was greatly hinted Rena, who would be paired with Keiichi, but in another there was Mion… or Shion? Meakashi-hen had explain that their roles were forever changed one day…

She sighed as she watched the scenes appear before her. She'd preferred dating sims but… a little mystery and horror was nice as well.

The time had passed unnoticed by Renge as she played the game on for hours not taking the time to notice that it was the late evening. Then suddenly out of nowhere Renge came out with a thought 'Why didn't I think about it before?!' as a realization hit her, she smiled and put her hands together smiling!

It was another afternoon when Renge came into the host club, with a polite smile as she passed Kyoya unconcernedly, as she sat herself beside Haruhi and listen to their discussion. The girls talked about the newest of festivals in Ouran and asked of Haruhi what she thought of it. She smiled which charmed all the girls to a near faint but Renge as she sipped her tea.

Haruhi responded to the brown hair girl's question and said "I suppose it won't be so bad, though I'm quite interested to see what will be of Festivity within this school, there always something popping out." And laughed as she scratch her head before narrowing her eyes darkly to none other than the King in the background. As she finished with the girls she turned to Renge and said "I haven't seen you for a while, were you busy Renge?"

Renge put her tea cup gently down on the oak wood table and said with a firm look "Haruhi… I know why your dating me now…" Her lips slowly widen as a smirk came across her face as she looked at Haruhi with determination and grabbed her hands and said in a low but passionate voice "I understand now why you said 'yes' to me!!!" Her voice became lower as she went near Haruhi's blank face "You said it because you don't want the boys to think… no… to find out that you're a girl, isn't that right?!?!"

Suddenly falling her knees, like Tamaki went overacting, she said "I understand!!!" and got back on the couch and grab Haruhi's hand whom was now looking complete confused at Renge's exclamation and said "I'll help you anyway I can! It's just too romantic!!!" she ended up squealing making all the costumers turn their heads to them.

Trying to calm the Otaku, Haruhi spoke "Renge… Renge… I think you've misunderstand…" Haruhi eyes lowered as she took notice that she wasn't being listening to. Haruhi took to 'commoners' coffee and looked at it with a thought 'Thank god… this isn't an anime of The Melancholy of Renge Houshakuji, I'd would begin to fear the world more than it is already … Rich Basterds…' as she narrowed her eyes to her girlfriend.

She never cared whether she was a guy or a girl, why should she care if she dated a guy or a girl? Haruhi sighed as she would wait for the club to finish. Renge began with her dream world, Haruhi blinked for a second before realization hit her before asking "Renge, you only prefer the male type gender?"

Renge stopped right in her tracks and paled as she turned to Haruhi with distraught on her face, but she wasn't the only one… if anything… everything and everyone had become quite as they looked at her. Renge passionate stare became empty in a matter of seconds… if the world was only so accepting as this club, she laugh heartily and said "Haruhi-kun—why do you ask such silly questions of course I do, don't you?" as she patted Haruhi's shoulder.

Haruhi looked down at the Coffee container and said in a pensive look "I think love crosses boundiers, no matter where it goes. Love is not that of first glance, love is not that where ugly and beauty cross, love is not Rich or poor, love with without limits, but people get so caught in these thin lines between reality and fantasy meet, they will only accept what they find pleasure to watch or have, but those lines break when they face reality… so they become afraid and become frightened by things that shouldn't affect them, so brings the birth of prejudice."

Haruhi laugh again and said "I wonder what come over me, anyway, I've got to go." She bow down at the host club that was staring at her, in complete and utter silence as Haruhi left with a 'bye'.

Renge was completely dumbfounded as Haruhi's words pass her. She didn't love anyone in the Host Club? Was that what Haruhi was telling her or was it… that the Host Club was all just a fantasy for most people? Simply made for the desire to watch over of things that could not ever become real? Renge without a word lower her eyes and left with her contemplative thoughts.

The day passed into twilight as Renge subconsciously walked to the alleyways of Fujioka's pathway to home. Only to see a girl with short, dark brown hair and light brown eyes, in a black pants and a white T-shirt with groccies bags in her hands. Renge couldn't help but watch her in awe… But wondered as the sudden memory of what Haruhi has said had crossed her mind; as a Otaku.. Reality and Fantasy were completely useless to compare… reality was only needed when you grew up, so fantasy was just a pass time, when nobody she'd cared was home…

She sighed as she put her head down in defeat… she couldn't actually 'love' miss Haruhi Fujioka, could she? Before she knew it Haruhi looked at her with her casual look.

Her heart skipped a beat in surprise to find herself so close the crossdressing girl, she step a foot back, looking at Haruhi is shock. Haruhi just blinked as she said "Hello Renge, it's quite unexpected to see you. Did you want to visit me?" Renge hesitated before saying "Ye-Yes! I was-… coming to visit you." Haruhi titled her head in worry as her brows scrunch together.

Haruhi passed Renge as she followed only to realize she was already at miss Fujioka's house.

She entered the house after Haruhi as she close the door calmly and began to take her shoes off. Haruhi walked inside the kitchen and put the food away, when she was done, Haruhi smiled and walked towards to Renge and said calmly "Renge… I suppose in the beginning I wasn't very true with my words of 'I love you' but I mean them now ever since three days ago. I want to know… do you love me? For me?"

Renge didn't answer, she simply looked down, like a criminal on court of something all the bystanders saw. Then she said "I don't know, Haruhi…"

But before she knew it, Haruhi uncharacteristically began to untie the small red bow and took off the collar as her lips put themselves onto hers. Renge was surprised as Haruhi began to take dominance as her tongue went against hers, but more-so that she didn't push her off and began to move her hand onto Haruhi's back as her face stared at hers, who now staring at her with a determined look.

Haruhi spoke up "If you didn't push me off… doesn't that mean you care?" Renge looked away in sadden eyes and said to no-one in particular "I suppose… but we've only dated for a day and half… why is this so important to you?"

Haruhi flinched at this but sighed angrily and said "I don't know… I just guess I wanna to try, don't you?!" Renge eyes looked somberly at her before she gently pushed off under Haruhi and got up to her feet and responded coolly "Haruhi… I don't love you. It was simply a gender-mixed mistake, I'll see you." As she went the door and close it.

Haruhi just stood on her knees like before in defeat.

…--…---…--… …---…---…. ---… ----….---…. ---…. ----… --..-.-.-.-…… .. …-----……----….. --..--..-- ..--.. ----… --..----…-- ….--…

AN: The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is awesome D: I thought it would be shit but it's fuckin' awesome!! So Is Higurashi No Naku Ni!!! XD I so wish I could play the game but I've watched the subbed of the series!!!

Anyway Sorry for being so late. I do not have a Beta at the moment, I'd be glad to find some-one though or at lest some willing!!!

I suppose this is a little OOC but You gotta think… we like watch two girl/Boys fuckin' one another but if we watch the outside world some people become HUGE hypercritics!! :( That's all I'm saying anyway… D: I hope people still like this story!