Hey everyone! I hope you enjoy this new story! Feedback is very much so appreciated!

"Okay class, we're starting a new project today." said Mrs. Wright. The whole class moaned with disapproval.

Alex Rider was sitting in the back corner with his eyes closed. His hair hadn't been combed or messed with in a couple of days so it was all over the place. It was the first day of the second week of school, and after what he had done all summer, he was frankly too tired to do anything at the moment.

"Mr. Rider, do you care to join us?" Alex woke up with a start. He blinked a couple of times and stretched out his arms.

"Thank you Mr. Rider. Like I telling the class, while you were dozing off, we are starting a new project today. I want you to write a paper on what you did for your summer vacation. It needs to be at least ten pages long, and it's due Wednesday."

"Great." moaned Alex. Mrs. Wright looked up at the clock. Right then the bell rang. Everyone started to pack up their stuff so they could go to their lockers before their next class.

"Mr. Rider, will you stay after class for a second? I need to speak with you." Alex sighed. He didn't like this class, it was one of the only classes that he didn't have with Tom. Even though it was a brand new year, he was always treated with stares and whispers. It still didn't end. Alex continued to gather his belongings, and carried them to Mrs. Wright's desk at the front of the classroom.

"Alex," she replied with a wary look of concern on her face, "you haven't paid any attention to class for the past two weeks. Is there something wrong?"

"No ma'am."

"I was talking to the other teachers that you have and they seem to have the same problem with you that I have. Are you sure that there isn't anything?"

"Yes, I must not be getting to bed early enough." She nodded her head. Her eyes gave a totally opposite reaction away though. Her body language told him that she accepted the answer, but her eyes told him that she didn't believe it. Alex wouldn't have noticed this if he weren't trained to do so.

Alex turned to leave when Mrs. Wright spoke again. "And Alex," Alex turned around again to make eye contact with the fellow teacher. "don't sleep in my class again." Alex nodded his head in response. He was more focused on what he was going to write for his paper.

What am I going to do for that paper? I can't possibly tell what I really did. Or could I?

Alex was jogging alone around the track. Even though Mrs. Wright had held Alex back a few minutes, he was still the first one changed for P.E.

Tom hadn't gotten started his warm up laps yet, but once he was done changing, he slid into the rhythm. Alex continued to jog around the track. He was on his fourth lap and after he finished that one, he had one more to do. He wasn't breathing hard what so ever.

"Alex." Tom said in a normal tone. Tom had caught up with Alex's speed, but he was still on his second lap. Alex's attention didn't waver one bit. He was still focused on what to do about his English paper.

"Alex." He continued again but this time waving his hand in front of his friends' face.

"Alex!" Tom this time shouted in between breaths.

"What!" Alex shouted after Tom broke through his thoughts.

"What are you thinking about inside that head of yours?"


"You've got something on your mind then mate?" Tom replied while continuing to breath hard.

"Paper due Wednesday." Alex replied while wiping the sweat away that had finally started forming around his hairline.

"What on?"

"Summer vacation." Replied Alex dreading what the next question of the 'ask Alex twenty questions game'.

"What are you going to do about it?"

"I'm thinking about just writing about what I actually did."

"But wouldn't that be braking the Secrets Act? Or what ever the hell that act is called?"

"Hurry up ladies! We don't have all day!" replied Coach Carter.

"Not if they don't believe me." Alex replied while stopping. He had finished his five laps. Tom continued on running.

"Rider!" yelled Coach Carter. Alex started to jog over to where the coach was. He was standing back by the gates to the track.

"Yes Coach Carter?"

"Why aren't you doing laps like the other boys?"

"I've already completed my five sir." replied Alex.

"I don't see much sweat on you boy! You couldn't have possibly done your five!"

"It doesn't take me as long as the other boys."

"I see. I want you to do five more!"


In the boy's locker room, Tom and Alex had finished taking their showers. They were getting dressed while finishing their conversation from earlier.

"So wait, what exactly did you do this summer?"

"Train mainly."

"With whom? The K-Unit?"

"Sort of."

"I don't understand."

"I was really with MI6 the whole summer."

"What did they do?"

"They started off with a cardiac evaluation to see how fit I was. Then they moved onto stamina/speed training along with agility and then muscle building. I also learned three new languages and finally how to assemble a gun, clean it, and then take it apart."

"I thought you already knew how to do that." replied Tom while picturing Alex's vacation. Alex was sitting down while putting on his socks. Tom was pulling his shirt over his head.

"I do, but Blunt doesn't know that." Tom nodded his head.

"What three languages?"

"Japanese, Russian, and Italian."

"That's harsh mate."

"That's not even half of it."

"You mean you did more than just that?" Alex nodded. He glanced at black and silver watch that was on his right wrist. He picked up his dirty cloths and sticks them in his gym locker.Tom does the same while at the same time trying to slide his feet into his shoes without tying them. The bell rang for the end of the class so Alex and Tom head to their lockers to grab the books for the next class.