Sorry for the delay, but as you she I have not given up. Though I do not know when I will have the next chapter up though I will try not to delay it as much as this chapter took. Happy New Years by the way! Can you believe that it is already 2010? -Elivanna
Chapter 12: Need Some Company?
Watching from afar Trish noted the way Dante walked. His stride was full of confidence and might she add a touch of arrogance. Apparently, he had taken back what was rightfully his, or should she say what had once rightfully belonged to the Sparda family. She could see the way he tossed Yamato in his hands. He was eager, very eager to put the sword to good use and what better way to test its skill by destroying one of the hell gates?
He had moved with fluid motions trying out a new technique with the sword which had easily caused a nice clean slice on the upper part of the gate; even from the distance she could see how it felt apart dropping to the ground probably breaking into piles of rubble considering all the dust and smoke that had appeared.
Oh well, it wasn't like they hadn't already torn the town of Fortuna apart. If anything it wasn't their fault that the people of this town had followed the beliefs of a crazed lunatic known as his 'Holiness.'
If only they could have adhered to their own thoughts and decisions, and not some sort of cult that wanted nothing more than to revive Sparda's power for their own utopia of who knows what. That was what frustrated her the most, not being able to have control. How could these people let their fates be controlled by someone else? Didn't they feel the need to revolt? She just hoped that after this situation was over and done with that they would at least gain the sense to drop their old religious ways. She didn't want to have to come back and clear another mess that they could get themselves into with their ignorance, but she understood.
She knew how it was to have no say, she knew how it was to feel used as a pawn. Mundus had controlled her life and fate once, but she was free. He might have been the one that created her but she was set free with the help of Dante. All she could do now was wait to see if their help was enough to get these civilians safe and free as well. Starring back at his form she noticed he hadn't moved from his spot as he was still looking into the distance at his own handy work and at the statue that resembled his late father.
Maybe the sword had brought back his very own memories. She couldn't see his face or hear his thoughts but it most definitely had to be about the sword and how it reminded him of his brother and how that statue reminded him if his father. She had to get him back into focus because they didn't have anymore time to waste considering that their was a gigantic Sparda statue floating about.
They had to settle their personal struggles at another time. They had already spent to much time flirting, having sex, and arguing instead of taking this mission seriously. Now was the time for him to make plans to destroy Sanctus and get Nero back. Making her way towards him she made sure that he heard her approach.
"You get it back?" she asked knowing full well that he had but not knowing what else to say. He raised the sword up to her line of vision not turning to face her as she stood next to him.
"That's one sword…" he confirmed not finishing the sentence as he continued to stare off into the sky.
"…And one to go." finished Trish waiting to see what he had in store. When he didn't say anything she turned her face towards him lifting her gun and placing a hand on her hip.
"Need some company?" she asked after seeing his thoughtful expression. Dante finally spared a glance her way. "Uh, I think you'd better help the others." he said talking a few steps in front of her as he placed Yamato on his shoulders. "Try to get them as far away from here as possible."
"Got it." she answered leaving quickly to follow his orders as he needed to have his own space at the moment. She would grant it as he had given her space when she needed to clear her thoughts. She had faith in him. He would get the job done.
He heard the sound of Trish's boots as they moved farther away. He didn't want to make her think that he was pushing her away but he needed her gone from danger, so he had sent her off to go help anyone who was in need. That way he would be able to concentrate instead of having to worry about Trish's well being. Making sure that she was gone he scanned the area, and sure enough he was alone. There was still a lot to do. Save the kid and bring safety back to Fortuna. The only thing he was debating about was what to do. He knew how he was going to get rid of Sanctus but what to do with Nero after he rescues him?
Will Nero have the answers? Probably not, he's just as stubborn and dim witted as I was at that age. He wouldn't know a thing about the sword or of the presence within him, he was probably oblivious to it. Though, he had to admit that Trish had been right, the kid holds that certain aura about him. It was familiar, he couldn't place his finger on it or maybe it was because he was in denial and not wanting to believe that it was actually him. He was gone for too long, how many years had passed since he saw him last? He needed to see more proof before he would accept what would be painfully obvious to others. He didn't want to rely on false hope.
Taking Yamato in his hands he stared at it. "If it's really you Vergil, you sure as hell chosen a shitty time to make yourself appear. Now you've gotten yourself involved with another statue. Wasn't Mundus enough?" he asked aloud to the sword which he knew could not answer back to him. Sighing he decided to get a move on following the over gown Sparda for his destination. All he wanted was for this long day to finish so he could return back to his small business and do some much needed research and investigating. He wanted to get some answers so they could ease his mind, as of right now he could already feel the migraine forming of all the things he wanted to find out.
Who exactly was this Nero? How could he possibly carry the same aura as someone he assumed dead?