Hot Spot hated asking something so stupid of his brother, but he couldn't think of any other place to begin. They were going to hand Swindle over back to the Decepticons, and Hot Spot needed to know what would make that go as smoothly as possible for everybody involved. First Aid was the closest to the Combaticon, (Hot Spot hated admitting that) and he would know how to approach Swindle best. Though the way First Aid was looking at him right now made him want to turn around and walk away, pretending this conversation had never started in the first place.

"You understand, right?" Hot Spot asked.

First Aid nodded slowly. "Yes," he said, a little too soft than he intended.

Hot spot had to vent a sigh. He placed a hand on the medic's shoulder. "I wouldn't ask it of you if there was another way."

First Aid stared at the ground for a moment before grabbing a hold of the hand on his frame. Hot Spot heard a soft sigh escape the medic's vents as well. First Aid then looked up at him, a slightly different light in his optics than before. "I'll do it, Hot Spot."


What exactly First Aid was supposed to say, he had no clue. He'd already left his last meeting with Swindle on a bad note, he felt. He doubted he would still be on good speaking terms with the Combaticon.

Swindle never divulged much about his team, even when First Aid asked just out of friendly curiosity. It was a subject he didn't seem comfortable with, and First Aid had to remember that, technically, he was still an enemy to the Combaticon. Family dynamic wasn't something to be shared so casually. But he knew Swindle wanted to go home. If he could show Swindle that was trying to get him back to his brothers, then maybe he would have his cooperation.

First Aid stepped near the cell. He drew a quick breath of cool air in before entering. Once he was inside, he remained near the exit, in case the conversation eroded quickly. Swindle looked lazily up to meet him but remained where he laid on the berth.

First Aid opened his mouth, almost apologizing for his previous behavior, but then he remembered that was the reason he'd been attacked the last time. He put his normally polite manners aside for awhile, and started with something else instead. "You're going to be released."

Swindle tried not to look too eager, remaining where he was. "So it's official then? When do I go?"

"Well, I need some help from you first."

The way he said it made Swindle narrow his optics a little. "You've given up on me, have you? That was fast."

First Aid inwardly flinched, but held his ground. "We need to know what Onslaught needs in order for a peaceful trade to take place."

Swindle laughed softly to himself. "Heh, it's me, there's not much else you could give him. Do you want to know his favorite color so you can put a bow on my head? He's pretty straightforward when it comes to my brothers and I."

The medic shifted slightly, now feeling just as cautious around the Combaticon as he had been when he confronted him the first time inside Metroplex. "That's it, then? Just a clean trade?" he prodded, trying to sound unconvinced.

Swindle turned over on his back, arms folded under his head. "You think you're going to get backstabbed by ol' Ons? I'm the one you have to worry about in that department, remember?"

First Aid felt his strength cracking. "There's one more thing then." He remained silent for awhile, and Swindle turned his gaze back on him, waiting. First Aid forced himself to ask the question that wasn't his. "Do you know why he's rebelling against Galvatron?"

Swindle stared at him, studying his optics. First Aid tried his best not to look away. He certainly felt any trust he had built with the Combaticon over the past cycles suddenly shatter and be blown into dust.

"Well, let's see," Swindle started, still keeping his gaze locked on the medic. "There's the fact that everyone's starving into becoming offline. His strategies have holes you could drive a Prime through, hence the reason I'm here in the first place. He could care less about the well-being of my nephew and the Constructicon runt, the future of the Decepticon bloodline, mind you. And, oh, yeah, I forgot…he's completely insane."

While a part of First Aid knew those were not the only reasons, he couldn't summon the will to ask again. He also had the slight feeling that perhaps maybe even Swindle didn't know Onslaught's direct motive. There was something he did want to know though. "If Onslaught does rebel, and leaves Galvatron, would he ever consider the offer I gave you?"

First Aid waited for another explosion, but it never came. Swindle seemed to be thinking about it. "I might mention it sometime."

That was the only response the medic received on that matter. A little flare of hope lit up inside him, but he stifled it before it could grow too big. "Ok then," he said quietly, and turned for the exit. "I'll let you know when you're to leave." And with that, First Aid left, leaving Swindle staring at the spot the medic once occupied.


Onslaught had been talking to Astrotrain about the shuttle's findings when the word came in about a new raid against Autobot City. Like so many times before, Onslaught could feel his carefully concocted strategy slipping away. It was too early. He needed more time. He hadn't even heard back from the Autobots, though he was sure they would accept his offer. Leave it to his insane leader to not listen to any of his suggestions, or better yet, pretend he didn't even exist. Whatever Galvatron was after in this raid, Onslaught could care less. He would have to alter his strategy.

They were waiting in an abandoned human mine until they received further orders. Onslaught suspected they would hear the message soon to move out. Everyone kept close and silent, saving their energy. At least they were able to scrounge up a bit of energon now that they were on Earth for a few days. Primus knew they needed it just to stay online at this point. Rainburn and Dualer, the only sparklings the Decepticon side had, as far as he knew, were finally beginning to show signs of fading. He and Hook made a mutually beneficial agreement to keep each other's offspring alive, dedicating every last drop they could spare to keep the two young Decepticons on a functioning level. Onslaught assured the medic Dualer would be safe under his wing when the time came to put his now newly-labeled Plan B into action.


Swindle lay still on his berth, listening to the warning klaxons blaring through the walls around him. His optics were half-lit, staring blankly at the floor. So it had finally happened. The Decepticons were attacking the Autobot base. Somehow he couldn't find the energy to move. His mind remained blank, but his spark flared softly, hoping to pick up on at least one familiar pulse somewhere in all the chaos happening outside.

Explosions rocked the foundations of the base, and Swindle was jittered a little bit more awake by the rumbling. He remained on the berth, shutting his optics and trying his best to focus on the inside. He should have practiced calling on his brothers this way a lot more since becoming a gestalt. It would come in very handy at a moment like this. All five of them were so resistant to the idea of being forced into a combiner, they tried to pretend Bruticus didn't exist outside of the battlefield.

There were flickers, he could feel they were there, but he couldn't pinpoint their exact location. It didn't matter, he tried to convince himself. Onslaught would find him. Onslaught always found him, even since his days as a youngling when there was no gestalt link. No matter where he disappeared to, his eldest brother knew exactly where to look.

Footsteps could be heard running down the hall, but they were too light to belong to a Combaticon. Swindle sat up and saw a figure approach the cell door. He already knew who it was.

First Aid stepped through the door, trying to cover up the slight panic that had graced his features as he ran his way down here. Hardly did he wear his mask anymore when dealing with his patient. Except there's the problem, First Aid thought, he's not my patient anymore. "Your team is here," First Aid said, trying to keep his voice calm. "You have to go now, before I get called to form Defensor."

Swindle thought for a split second that what he was hearing was too good to be true, and he hesitated moving towards the exit.

First Aid forced himself to calm down, sensing the Combaticon's wariness. "It's okay," he whispered. "I'll help get you out of here."

"You're just letting me go?" Swindle asked cautiously, though he knew he had no reason to doubt the medic. "No one's going to stop me? What about the guards, or your leader?"

"Hot Spot knows what I'm doing," First Aid replied softly. "He thinks it's for the best. No one is going to stop you on the way out."

Swindle looked at him skeptically. "It's your only chance," First Aid said solemnly.

"But then once I'm outside, I'm free game for anyone, eh?" Swindle narrowed his optics. How was he supposed to defend himself? He had the distinct feeling that this little operation was something going on only between the medic and his team leader.

First Aid reached behind him. "That's why I brought you this." He produced a very familiar black scatter blaster. Swindle hadn't even noticed it being carried on the medic's back. The sight of his favorite weapon was enough for him to reach out greedily.

First Aid kept his grip on the blaster, looking Swindle in the optics. Swindle caught his gaze and kept himself from ripping the weapon out of the medic's hands.

Swindle stared at him for a moment. "Go," the medic said, standing slightly off to the side, releasing his hold on the blaster and clearing the path for Swindle to make a run for it. "I'll cover for you."

Swindle stepped outside the cell, pausing to look at the medic. First Aid drew his gaze to floor, refusing to look Swindle in the optics. "Thanks, Aid," Swindle said quietly, staring for a second more before making his way outside.

First Aid remained by the cell door after Swindle disappeared down the corridor.

Most of the Autobots were preoccupied with fighting off the attacking Decepticons, so he had no trouble making it outside. Chaos surrounded him out in the open. It appeared all three gestalts were present. Swindle could make out individual members of Devastator and Menasor on the ground, and his spark almost leapt in joy when Blast Off and Vortex flew roaring overhead, though they did not see him as they engaged the Aerialbots. If he could just find Onslaught or Brawl on the ground…

Swindle remembered he was still on the Autobot side of the line, which meant hundreds of stray shots would be flying straight toward him. He could make out an area near the hillsides surrounding the fortress that wasn't as hot as his current location. He quickly transformed, forcing his sore leg to fold up with the rest of his body, and he sped off toward the bridges hoping one was still extended over the moat.

Swindle kept his focus on the green of the forest ahead him, pushing his engine as hard as he could to make it across the bridge. Something appeared in the corner of his vision and he had just enough time to swerve before a large blue and white mass nearly collided with him. The momentum of the sudden turn caused him to spin, leaving him headlight to headlight with Ultra Magnus.

The large Autobot transformed, and Swindle took advantage of the momentary shock to speed away again. Ultra Magnus stared after the yellow jeep, making a mental note to have a very important conversation with Hot Spot once they fended off the attacking Decepticons.

Swindle was almost completely across one of the bridges when he suddenly stopped moving forward. His tires were rolling but he remained in place, and he realized the bridge was being drawn back. He accelerated as much as he could, launching himself off the bridge and transforming midair. His chest impacted the other side, his hands clawing into the pavement to grab purchase. He managed to heave himself atop the edge, wasting not an astrosecond to rest as he shifted back to vehicle mode and made for the cover of the trees.


Onslaught crouched low among the rocks, his attention seemingly stretched in every direction. He was watching intently what was happening on the battlefield, observing his brothers' actions and keeping mind of the two nervous young sparklings huddled at his pedes.

The Combaticon leader tried not to curse with the two young ones so close to him, but the firefight was slowly climbing the ridge where they were taking shelter. Rainburn and Dualer would be safe inside his altmode's cabin if he had to move. There was still no sign of Swindle. He had faith that his youngest sibling would find a way out of the fortress with such a heavy distraction laid upon the Autobots, but he still had Brawl standing by ready to blast a hole in the enemy's walls if need be.


Onslaught ignored Rainburn as he fired at a couple Autobots down below. He was determined to hold their position as long as possible.


"Not now Rain!" Onslaught shouted. More Autobots had spotted them and were trying to make their way up the ridge.

"Onslaught, look!"

This time it was Dualer, the tiny Constructicon, that tried to get his attention. Onslaught paused in his firing to see what the children were so excited about. A huge wave of relief washed over him when he saw Swindle approaching their location.

Something close to pure happiness hit Swindle when he came upon Onslaught's position, but the feeling was quickly ripped away from him when he saw what was sitting at his brother's feet.

"Swindle!" Rainburn immediately latched onto his leg once he transformed. Swindle tried not to flinch at the pain that shot up his body from being squeezed in his sore spot. He crouched down with the two sparklings and allowed himself to rest for a minute before unleashing his anger at Onslaught.

"You're crazy bringing Rainburn and Dualer here Onslaught! Just what do you think you're doing?"

Onslaught was glad to hear the fury in Swindle's voice. It meant he was at least adequately energized. That was good because he needed Swindle to help him carry out his plan. "Swindle, take Rainburn and Dualer to the Lower Base. You will wait for us there until we return with more energon."

At first, the smaller Combaticon had thought he'd misheard over the laserfire. The anger he had before suddenly intensified. "Are you serious Ons? You're just going to leave?"

Onslaught pushed him down to dodge a blast. "We've found something Swindle. A planet rich with energy that is completely untouched by the Autobots. Things are going to change for the better, but I need your help if anything is going to work! "

"We need you here, Onslaught," Swindle ground out slowly. "Rainburn needs you here! You said we have to stay together!"

"Swindle," Onslaught gazed at him sternly. "This is the only way. They're in no condition to make such a trip." He grabbed Swindle by the shoulder, squeezing lightly. "We won't be gone long. I need you to look after them until we return. You have the resources to survive here. This new world may be our breakthrough to win this war, at least to gain the upper hand once more. We can't continue under Galvatron's current leadership."

Swindle felt the panic trying to overtake his processor. He's really going through with this! "No. No, no, no Onslaught! You're not doing this again! You're not gonna get us all boxed up again!"

"Swindle. I swear that will never happen. Not a second time. You have to trust me."

Swindle stared him directly in the optic band. He didn't need to see Onslaught's optics to know that his brother wasn't going to change his mind. Rainburn was huddled against his side with Dualer, trying desperately to not shake with fear at the chaos surrounding them. Swindle tightened his grip around them instinctively. Onslaught's mind was made up, and in that moment, Swindle made up his. He tossed the two terrified sparklings safely into his cockpit as his transformed, and sped away in the direction of their hidden sanctuary.