Author's Note

Dear Readers,

Hey guys. Okay, so you're probably really bummed out right now because you most likely saw that there was an update for this story but then quickly realized that this is just a note from me. Sorry.

Here's the deal. I have a lot done for the next chapter, but I still have to change some things around as well as finish it. If I posted what I have now, it would not be complete and that would just be stupid. I'm so sorry for keeping you all waiting. You may be wondering, "Hey, what the hell happened to this story? Is the author dead?" No. I am not dead. Well, maybe I'm figuratively dead. I moved into college a few weeks ago, and since then, I've done nothing but eat, sleep, and do homework. Mainly it's homework that is taking up all my damn time. Too bad summer couldn't have lasted for another few months, eh? So anyways, I haven't even TOUCHED the next chapter since I moved in. I have had NO time. I'm not sure when I will have time again…possibly during an upcoming weekend, or possibly next month. I don't know. But all I can say is that I do not intend on abandoning this story. I will post more. I will!

So that's just my excuse, you can take it or leave it. No one has really complained about the lack of updates…but I'm sure that many of you are wondering where the hell I've been. Or, perhaps you have forgotten about this story, lost in your own worlds of schoolwork and sleep deprivation. That is okay with me. I'm just filling you in.

Hopefully I will have time to breathe soon. Until then, bare with me.

Love from a tired college student,
