AN: I know I have a few stories up and running, and they will all be finished. This was just bugging me today. It is a complete and total AU. Just thought I'd give it a shot.

Dean entered the classroom, stopped when he realized that he was the only one in the room, went back outside, checked the door, confirmed the room number against his schedule. "Yeah. This is the right room." He muttered to himself. He turned his left wrist up and noted that it was in fact 10 AM and he looked back down at his schedule and sighed. The class didn't start until 10:30. He rolled his eyes and looked around the empty space and took a seat near the front.

Dean decided to take Folk Lore 101 because he needed just one more elective credit. He had been trying to get this credit for four years now, but he just didn't seem to have the talent for things like pottery, or the history of hip hop or whatever else he had taken. Dr. Crumble, yeah seriously that was his name, after Dean had made his first, what he had thought of as a masterpiece, on the pottery wheel, clucked his tongue and suggested that perhaps it would be best if he dropped the class. True the pot was lop sided, and the glaze was thicker on one side, and that there were little Dean sized finger prints all over it, but that didn't mean that he couldn't be taught. His mother loved it anyway. She kept it. She put it on the living room table, and put flowers inside it. Mr. Crumble could just go suck his pottery wheel. So after his not so pleasant pottery experience he had looked at the courses in the catalogue and decided that this one was a class he was least likely to be informed that he should drop and also most likely that he would be able to pass with an A and keep his perfect 4.0.

With that thought, Dean pulled out his advanced computer engineering book and proceeded to read and highlight the chapter that he needed to have completed by tomorrow's lecture. He was studying intently, one hand in his hair the other rolling a highlighter in between two fingers, when he heard the door slam and he startled and sat straight up and a tall gangly figure entered.

"Sorry." Said the gangly figure. Dean smiled. He recognized the kid. His name was Sam. Dean had been the one to take Sam's group of incoming freshmen on a tour of the campus before the school year had begun.

"Sam, right?" Dean asked.

"Yeah." Sam frowned, unable to understand why exactly the star quarterback of the football team knew his name. He readjusted his book bag on his shoulder feeling nervous. He had spent the better part of this year feeling nervous.

"Dean, remember from orientation? I took your group around campus…got you lost." Dean smirked, sat back in his chair, pushed up his silver rimed glasses and smiled. Sam thought for a second and the remembered.

"That's right. That day was such a blurr."

"Mine was too." Sam took a seat next to the older man. "First days usually are." Dean added.

"I hardly remember first semester."

"I hardly remember my first year." Both smiled.

"I heard that you turned down an offer to go pro." Sam said trying to start a conversation. Dean shrugged.

"I have more important things to do. Football was just the means to pay my way here. I was smart, but not the kind of smart that you are." Dean said with a grin.

"What's your major?"

"Engineering." Dean said automatically. "What's yours?"

"Pre Law." Dean nodded impressed. "Why are you taking this class if your major is engineering?"

"Electives are not my thing." He laughed. "I heard that this class was pretty straight forward, that the professor made you read, and regurgitate and that was about it. I can do that. I can get an 'A' and call it even." Sam laughed.

"Yeah me too. I wanted to get all of the elective classes out of the way."

"I tried that. Didn't work so well for me."

The two spent the last ten minutes getting to know one another a little better while other students entered and found seats. With other students came noise. Dean didn't even notice it. What he did notice was that he liked the kid in a kid brother kid of way. Sam was smart, dedicated to his family, inquisitive, and open to new ideas. It was refreshing in someone his age. Most of the freshmen he had met were arrogant and acted as if that since they made it to Stanford they could cut it there. They also had this sense of entitlement that made Dean want to use them as crash test dummies.

Their teacher strode in, he was brisk and haggard. He didn't look like his profile online. The man set his notes on the desk and looked out into the room. Everyone, slightly frightened of the tall willowy man with three days worth of stubble on his jaw, turned faced forward and gave him his undivided attention. Dean turned to Sam raised his eyebrows and then gave his complete and undivided attention to their professor.

"I'm Dr. Elms and I am replacing Dr. Carter this semester, he went on sabbatical. So those of you who are only taking this as an easy class you may leave. For those of you who choose to stay, we are going to be exploring the myths and urban legends that have intrigued humans for centuries. Are ghosts real? Is there really something out there that can suck the soul out of children? How about demons? Are they real?" The professor looked out into the crowd of slightly frightened college students and laid eyes on Sam.

"You, there, with the hair that seriously needs cut." Sam's eyebrows shot up and Dean was slightly mad that this guy had said that to the kid. "Have you ever heard of a woman in white?" Sam shook his head. "How about Bloody Mary."

"I've heard of her sir."

"Well, in this class boys and girls, you are going to be hearing about a lot of these things. You will also get an opportunity to find one of these things. Take out a sheet of paper." Everyone sat in stunned confused silence. The sinewy man stepped away from the lectern and looked around at his students, and Dean thought he saw something flash in his eyes. "Chop chop children. You are taking too long." Students rifled through book bags and opened notebooks, and when the noise and shuffle died down the professor started. "You will team up with someone, and you will write a 20 page paper on a ghost, haunting, or urban legend. You will need to have a power point presentation as well, and you will have to ascertain three things. 1. What is the legend? 2. Where did it come from? 3. How to kill it and why the methods you choose will work.

"But professor, why would we want to kill it? It isn't real." Said a brave soul from the back.

"Get out of my class young lady. I don't want to see you again." She sat there confused and he made short order of walking to her desk. He grabbed it from both sides and leaned forward. "Get. Out. Now." She nodded and gathered her things and left. "Any questions?" he asked as the door shut behind her. Sam and Dean turned to one another stunned.

Class ended when the weird professor simply stopped talking, gathered his things and left the room. Dean shook his head and turned to Sam.

"That was the single most weird thing I've ever participated in." Sam didn't say anything for a long moment.

"I think this could be an interesting assignment." Sam said finally.

"Me too."


Dean shrugged "Sure." Both gathered their bags completely unaware that a twenty page assignment was about to change their lives forever.