"Stutter"-A Transformer's Fanfiction

"So if I stutter, stutter, stutter
and I feel so so so unsexy
so maybe I'll just keep my mouth shut at least until you kiss me"
Stuttering-Ben's Brother

PromptJazz / Bumblebee / nervous

This one takes place right after Bumblebee's vocal processors were damaged by Megatron in the 2007 Movieverse. This one is a bit sappy, you've been warned.

Bumblebee tries to speak. He's forgotten that he's pretty much mute now, but the bot at his side doesn't care. That was really all that mattered. He hides the pain from him.


He loves him, now more than ever. Only someone like Jazz could keep up after what they had been through. Not just the loss his voice, but their entire relationship...all deception and secrecy. Not even Ironhide, his caretaker since his birth, nor Optimus Prime, the leader of the Autobots knew fully how involved they were with each other.

Bond mates. They were one. Their sparks…

"Hey Beautiful," Jazz coos, in a deep, heated voice. The one that sets Bee's spark ablaze, and leans over. "You finally get some rest?"

Bee nods, trying to say anything hurts so badly right now. He wants to tell him so many things…how wonderful it was to wake up with him by his side, or to even wake up at all. How much he loves him, so much it might just hurt. He does the only thing he can. He leans on the Jazz, rests his chin on his beloved's neck, and sends him a message in text.

I don't know what I would do without you, my love.

This earns him a slow kiss. Perhaps Jazz is being careful, considering the little yellow bot's quite extensive repairs were completed a joor ago. Instinctively, Bee eases his arms around Jazz, and tries to whisper, something, and anything that will let him know. He fails very miserably. The awful screech of bits of metal scares him, and instead of embracing Jazz, he's clinging. He can't even whimper.

Jazz. I am sorry. I can't…

"No, baby. Don't you dare," Jazz has the commanding tone now, the one that orders them, but it's softer somehow, careful. The silver bot climbs on the berth, and holds him. "Primus, 'thought I lost you. I can't live without you,"

Tears fall from Bumblebee's large blue optics. Oddly, he thinks how lucky that they both fit on the berth comfortably. Tender lips on his face erase any other thoughts, kissing away his tears.

"Want you," Jazz is nearly panting at his audio receptor. There is so much lust in it, perhaps it is tangible. "Every bit of you, Bumblebee,"

The second in command's hands ease lower, but this time Bee jerks back, so strange. He's frightened, and attempts to whine. A stutter of gears and metal clashing fill the room. Why can't he enjoy this, why is he terrified? Why did Jazz have to see him this way? Bee curses himself internally, and looks up to Jazz, still frightened.

"Bee…" the silver Autobot's voice seems so distant. "It's okay, we can go slowly," Jazz instead wraps his arms around the younger bot, protectively. "I just missed you so much. Ya don't know how much I worried,"

Bumblebee nods, and curls up into his lover's embrace. Maybe he's just jumpy from all those repairs. Funny, how he checks the color of Jazz's eyes, is he just paranoid? Jazz's digits brush over the yellow bot's shoulders, with an easy grace. He's trembling, but then again so is Bumblebee. The embrace slowly deepens, steadily. They're wrapped up in each other, and Jazz gives a low whine. The pressure on Bee increases, but this time he is ready.

Thank you. I can now.

The first kiss is gentle, as well as the next. They savor each other, in the recovery berth.


Jazz chuckles, and eases his lips over Bee's neck. Oh, how the scout would love to moan and tell Jazz how good this feels, how good they are together… He hoped the text was enough. Please let it be enough. As Jazz's digits played down his form, thinking was becoming quite impossible. He kissed Jazz deeply, their tongues mingling. His spark was practically screaming to join its other half. Why did he have to be so slagging good?

Jazz cried out against Bee, and ground them against each other. There was a fond desperation in each touch. A brilliant light flooded his vision, the cool white of his own spark, soon followed by the fiery light of Bumblebee's young spark. They clashed, pleasure rocking them to their cores. With a hum, they laid against each other, chest to chest.

Here it didn't matter that Bee couldn't speak. Here they didn't need words. They had each other. Right now that was all that mattered.


Please and Thank you to reviews!