Hi guys! This is my first fic for the Ben 10 world, but definitely not my first fic ever. I love Gwevin, so that's what y'all are gonna get, lol. I'm a little busy and unmotivated during the summer, but when the school year starts up again, you can expect my posts to become more regular (like once a week, because that's how I roll).

Other than that, please sit back and enjoy some Gwevin. :D

Oh, and one other thing. I know how to take flames, ladies and gents. They don't faze me, so if you post them, I consider you a gnat unworthy of my time. Thank you.

Ops, almost forgot: fic is dedicated to vegetasprincess on YouTube; had I not discovered her videos, this fic never would've gotten the inspiration to get off the ground. XD

Chapter 1: Carnival Games

A trip to the carnival leaves everyone satisfied, and while Kevin is still holding out on Gwen, something's gotta give…right?

"Had my heart on lockdown

And then you turned me around

I'm feeling like a new born child

Every time I get a chance to see you smile."

-Hero/Heroine, by Boys Like Girls

The race was finished. The Camaro slid across the finish line on two wheels in the middle of a drift because the idea struck him as appealing at the time. And then he glanced at the clock.

"Oh shitshitshitshitshit!" Kevin Levin exclaimed, fighting his own steering wheel for control of the car. "Later!" he called out his down window, leaving the spectators of the race to mark up another victory for him on the old military base's wall and speeding off onto the highway.

The new cell phone in his pocket vibrated and began ringing—he winced and flipped it open.


"Kevin! Where in the name of God are you right now?!"

"On the way," he replied moodily, switching into two-wheel drive to save gas now that he was on the highway.

"Okay, so where have you been?"

"Out," was the vague response. If Gwen knew he'd been racing, she'd kill him.

"Out where?" the angry girl pressed. "Where could you possibly have been? We called you a half an hour ago and you were just waking up!" There was a pause, during which Kevin bit down on his lower lip and treaded the wheel. "…You weren't out racing, were you?"




"Okay, then where were you?"

"I fell back asleep and I woke up about ten minutes ago," he lied. It didn't matter, he knew Gwen would see right through it.

"Did you at least win?" she asked, abandoning all hope of making him admit his wrongdoing. Kevin smiled—she could be so predictable sometimes.

"Would I lose?"

"Depending on how much sleep you got last night…"

"Plenty. Where are you?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Gwen's voice was confused and Kevin glanced again at the house he had pulled up to.

"I'm sitting in front of your house. Where are you?"

"Oh…look up, Kev."

He did—into the window he knew was Gwen's.


His eye hit the roof, and when he saw her, he broke into a grin. She waved at him.

"There you go. Hi."

"Get down here before Ben calls me to yell at me, too."

She laughed and he watched her face light up. He loved to make her smile these days. She leapt of the roof and his stomach seized up, even though he knew she'd catch herself. At the last second, she made a motion with her fingers and a rosy chute appeared. She landed lightly on the lawn, still laughing.

"Hey," she greeted him warmly, sliding into the car.

"What's goin' on?" Kevin asked. "It must be important, you guys know not to call before three."

Gwen rolled her eyes. "You sleep so much it can't be healthy."

"I sleep just as much as you do," Kevin argued good-naturedly, playing with the tuning of the radio. "I just do it during the day. You decide, I'm gonna wreck."

"I got it," she replied, turning the dial. "Are you okay with Hits 106?"

Kevin rolled his eyes. "Yeah, it's fine."

"Hits 106 plays rock!" Gwen defended. Just then, Miley Cyrus came on, singing about the seven things she hated about her boyfriend.

The two flinched in unison. "Okay, you might have a point," she conceded. "What station do you usually listen to?"

"101.5," he replied. "It might be a little hardcore for you, though," he teased. "Not much Miley."

Gwen stuck her tongue out at him and he shook his head. "You want something funny?" he asked, still teasing. "A fifteen-year-old sticking her tongue out at her…teammate," he finished smoothly, a sinking feeling in his stomach. He had been about to say boyfriend.

"Chauffer," Gwen corrected. She pretended not to have heard the catch in his voice that said he'd been about to say something else.

"Teammate who got stuck with the chauffer duties," Kevin moderated easily. "I drive and kick butt."

Gwen laughed. "Okay, I'll give you that one. And I wasn't supposed to tell you until Ben got here," she informed him. "He told me he wanted to see the look on your face."

"What, are we going to the Bahamas or somethin?" he asked.

"Not even close."

The two pulled up to Ben's house, and he ran out the door right away, hopping into the backseat happily.

"Hey Gwen, gorilla."

"Hi Ben," Gwen smiled.

"Chimp," Kevin grunted, throwing the car into motion before Ben was done shutting the door. He looked in the backseat and his jaw dropped. He eased off the gas very gently and put on the brake. "Ben…I'm not kidding, get rid of that."

"What?" Ben asked, swishing an open bottle of Mountain Dew around.

"You know what," he growled.

"You drink stuff in here all the time!" Ben argued. He rummaged around under the seat. "Look! This is a pizza box!"

"Yeah. I do. You don't."

"Oh, for the sake of my sanity, Ben, put the cap on it and Kevin, quit being such a baby," Gwen groaned.

"Fine," the two chorused, and Gwen hid a smile.

"So where are you guys taking me?" Kevin asked. "I gotta know where to drive."

"The fair is in town. We're picking up Julie, and then we're all going."

With the danger of spilling pop all over his upholstery long gone, Kevin felt free to slam on the brakes.


"Come on, Kev, don't be such a sociopath," Gwen teased, and Kevin glared in her general direction.

"You told me it was important. In my book, important is," he held up a hand and began ticking off the reasons on his fingers. "One; kicking alien butt, two; looking up new leads on the DNAliens, three; anything illegal that I can't pass up for sleep, and four; anything involving something more exciting than sleeping. A fair doesn't make any of those."

"Either you drive us there, or I tie you up, stuff you in the trunk, and I drive us there," Gwen offered. "You'll have fun, and it's a good chance to just relax. We don't get that often."

"I'd like to see you try to tie me up," Kevin laughed.

"I'd like to see you try to stop me from tying you up," Gwen fired right back, and Kevin fell oddly silent.

"Okay, point taken," he relented. "But why do I have to go? Can't I just drop you guys off and pick you up in, like, four hours?

"Cause I'll be alone and extremely bored if you don't come," Gwen wheedled, and Kevin knew he'd been had.

"I cannot believe you don't have a boyfriend," he grumbled.

"Neither can I," Gwen retaliated, and while she hadn't said it outright, Kevin could tell the statement was loaded and he visibly deflated. "Not that you would ever let me have one; you'd bite his head off before he even got a chance to introduce himself."

"I'd like to see him try to bite his own head off," Ben put in smartly.

"Watch yourself," Kevin warned, but he seemed to have pretty much given up on arguing. "Okay," he sighed heavily. "I'd rather have my car keyed, but what's this Julie's address?"

"432 East Elm," Ben replied.

"That was pretty fast," Kevin taunted.

"What's my address, Kevin?" Gwen asked.

"3804 14th Street and Williams," Kevin spat out without thinking.

"That was pretty fast," mocked Ben from the back.

Kevin said nothing for a moment, forcing an uncharacteristic blush back. "I pick you guys up all the time. I know Ben's, too," he defended. "Ain't nothin," he grumbled, sinking down in his seat.

"I think you're embarrassed," Gwen pushed.

"I think you're crazy," he grumbled back, not looking at her.

"I think you're stubborn."

"I think you're impatient."

"I think you're playing games."

"I think you're imagining things."

"I," Ben interrupted the mini-argument, frowning. "Think you guys need to discuss this somewhere else because the romantic tension is strangling me right now."

"I told you to watch it!" Kevin exclaimed with a raised voice.

"Kevin…" Gwen started.

He rounded on her. "What?"

She rolled her eyes. "I wanted to tell you that we passed Julie's house…four houses ago."

Kevin sighed heavily and turned the car around a little more roughly than was probably necessary. "All right, I'll do it, but you guys will never use me as a ride to somewhere again, alright?"

"Sure, Kev, whatever you say," Ben replied, preoccupied with the girl coming toward the car.

"Hi Ben!" Julie greeted, giving him a quick hug. "Hey Gwen, Kevin."

"Hey Julie," Ben replied, and Gwen nodded. Kevin didn't reply—he felt like he might explode.

"To the fair," he muttered darkly, putting the car into gear.

"What's his problem?" Julie asked, and Ben and Gwen both shook their heads.

"You know, this is almost a date," Gwen pushed lightly, the two of them walking up and down the rows and rows of rides and attractions already on the pier and the new ones in town for the fair.

"Really?" Kevin asked, a tinge of sarcasm giving his voice bite. "What, other than the fact that I'm paying, we're alone, it's the pier, and people keep looking at us like we should be on a date but they can't figure out why we're not holding hands?"

"Don't be so sour," Gwen murmured, hip-checking him. "You could be having a good time of you'd just drop the tough guy act for a while and acted human."

"I ain't human," Kevin replied, not thinking of the heavy double meaning that laced his words. A shadow crossed Gwen's face and he felt his heart twist. "Sorry, that's not—"

"Not what you meant. I know," Gwen soothed. "Don't worry about it for once, okay?" She pulled his eyes to hers, obsidian on emerald. It was a good feeling.

"I'll try," he shrugged when he finally remembered how to talk. "No promises."

Gwen smiled—definitely a start. She'd have him loosened up by the end of the night.

"You hungry?" Kevin asked her, his eyes evaluating the concession stands.

"A little bit," Gwen replied, following his gaze. "Lay off the hardcore food eating till we get off the roller coaster, alright?" she asked him, tugging his sleeve.

He laughed. "You? On a roller coaster? This I gotta see."

Gwen bristled, but she was grinning. "What? I'm not afraid of heights."

"Yeah," he scoffed. "That's what I thought until I rode the Patriot. It ain't the height that gets ya."

"I can totally ride any roller coaster you throw at me," Gwen assured him.

"If you get afraid, you can always hold onto me," Kevin shrugged with a devilish smile.

Gwen stopped, looking at him with an "oh please" expression.

"You know what, Kev?" she asked, rolling her eyes and pointing a finger at him. "You would. You. Would." She walked away, toward the concession stands, leaving Kevin to wonder…

"Whaddaya mean? Seriously…Gwen, what's that supposed to mean?" When the girl didn't answer him, he crossed his arms and looked to the sky. "Girls are so touchy," he muttered to himself before trotting off behind her.

Ben and Julie sat down a half an hour later, ready to rest after riding most of the new rides. He passed her a Pepsi and set down a basket of fries between them, mentally building himself up. He could do rides and holding her hand and goofing off. That was simple. But one-on-one time, where you had to talk about something relevant, escaped him every time. They hadn't been together much since their last trip to the pier, and he knew Julie was bursting with questions, some he wasn't sure he wanted to answer.

"Do you want to tell me?" the Asian girl asked softly, looking at him. "Or talk about something else?"

He sighed. "I know you want to know, and it's only fair if you did. It's not like it's really that big of a secret anyway. But I'm afraid that knowing will put you in danger."

"You sound like some movie hero. What, are you trying to save the world from some bad guys or something?"

Ben flinched—he knew how corny it sounded, and the irony of her guess was eating him alive. "Actually…sort of. You have to promise not to spread this around, though, and not to show it off. Humans aren't really supposed to know."

"I promise," she replied earnestly.

He nodded and continued. "This," he motioned to the Omnitrix. "Is called the Omnitrix. As far as we know, there's only one in the universe, and I'm not even really sure why I got it."

"We?" Julie asked. "How many of you are there?"

"Lots," he told her. He debated about telling her about Kevin and Gwen, but thought better of it—he had to get their opinions first. "I know a lot of kids who have powers. We're actually trying to build a team big enough to fight back, but that's not the point.

"The Omnitrix is the only thing in the universe that can actively store and use the DNA of other alien species." At her shocked look, he added, "Yeah, aliens are very real. Now, I have ten on this, but knowing my past experiences, there's a lot more I haven't unlocked yet. I got it the summer I was ten, and fought a lot of aliens then.

"I finally found a way to take it off, and I've been living a normal life up till a few months ago when weird things started happening again. I put if back on, and now I have totally new aliens, and I guess a new mission. Are you following so far?" he asked, afraid she wasn't believing anything.

"Yeah," she smiled. 'What's there not to get? My boyfriend's an intergalactic hero."

"I know it sounds weird, but in this line of work, you kinda get used to weird," Ben told her with a smile. "I'm just glad you're not afraid of me."

"Nope," she shook her head. "So far, I haven't seen anything to be afraid of.

Ben thought about DNAliens and the Highbreed, the Forever Knights and their dragon, not to mention hundreds of crime lords who wanted his blood—thanks loads, Kevin. There was plenty to be afraid of. "That'll change someday," he told her cryptically. "But I want you to know that we can protect you if you need it. Any time something weird happens, call me. Nothing's too small."

"I trust you," Julie assured him. "And you're not gonna tell me what your mission is, are you?"

Ben smiled. He liked that about Julie; she trusted him to tell her in his own time. "Not now, but someday, sure," he promised. "Someday, I'll let you know everything."

And looking at her, he figured he probably someday would.

"You been avoidin' it all night, Gwen," Kevin told her, looking up at the tall stilts of the coaster. He glanced at his watch. "It's nine. You have to be home by ten-thirty, and I gotta be back at my place at eleven. You gonna do it, or what?"

"Piece of cake," Gwen replied confidently, strolling forward. Kevin leaned against the turnstile and watched her smugly. After a moment, she realized he wasn't following her and looked back. "Aren't you coming?" she asked him, frowning slightly.

He shook his head. "Nah, roller coasters aren't exactly my thing. And besides, you said you'd be fine on your own. Nothin' to worry about."

She seemed to hesitate, then glanced back up at the coaster in time to see it shoot by with it's load of passengers, and then rocket up a loop. Kevin could see her pale from where he was standing.

"Just come with me," she murmured, stepping closer, a little beg in her voice.

"Why?" he asked lazily, cocking an eyebrow. "I don't like coasters and you'll be okay on your own. You told me you weren't afraid." He threw the challenge out lightly and tapped her on the shoulder with it.

"That was…" she trailed off, unsure of what to say next.

"Before you saw it?" Kevin offered, shifting his weight and sticking his hands in his pockets. "Before you realized I was gonna make you do it?"

"No," she assured him indignantly. "It's just…it's darker now and I can't see as well."

Kevin glanced at the clouds. "Gwen…the sun ain't even set yet. And you'll be riding in a car. Why does it matter if you can't see?"

Gwen frowned at him as the coaster came into it's stop, releasing it's riders.

"It's now or never," he pressed.

"Fine. I'm a little scared to go alone my first time. So would you please go with me?" she asked through gritted teeth.

Kevin broke into a smile and pushed away from the stile. "Yeah, I guess if you're afraid."

She thumped him lightly on the chest. "And don't think I don't know what you just pulled either," she growled, her eyes flashing. "You can be so underhanded sometimes…"

"Hey," he comforted her. "We're both happy and that's all the matters. Right?"

She glared at him and sighed. "Yeah, I guess."

Kevin smiled. "See? I knew you'd see it my way."

They grabbed a car toward the middle—Kevin measured it specifically so she wouldn't be too shaken to ride it again someday—and strapped themselves in.

Gwen was paler now and he swallowed a laugh. It would be such bad timing if he laughed now.

The cars lurched into motion and Gwen swallowed heavily. "Kevin…" she started, but the rest of what she said was stolen by the wind. This particular coaster started quicker than either of them had anticipated, so she stopped and simply gripped the guardrail with white knuckles.

"You're fine," he assured her loudly with a little smile. "Trust me."

The first drop was upon them, and the coaster plunged downward. Gwen felt her voice rise to fever pitch, but she figured that was fine—Kevin's was rising to match hers. Actually, so was everyone else's. Then she caught a glimpse of the first loop and her happiness vanished, replaced by adrenaline and fear. She reflexively grabbed Kevin's arm and pressed close to his side.

He smiled and let her, took her hand, and thanked God for roller coasters.

"See? Was that not fun?" It was the first thing Kevin had said in ten minutes, but that amount of time on a coaster felt like more and less at the same time. Gwen unstuck herself from him—he was almost positive that, at the highest point of the ride, she would've crawled into his lap if not for the security bar—and smiled.

"Actually," she told him breathily. "It was. It was really, really fun." She looked into his eyes, and he saw hers shine in the failing sky's light. "Thanks for making me do it."

"Eh…it was nothing," he shrugged it off, but his heart was soaring.

"Let's go get some food, I'm starving!" Gwen exclaimed, hopping out of the car and running toward a food stand.

Kevin got out more slowly and stared at her for a moment, utterly dumbstruck. How, he thought to himself, could she go from terrified to starving in that amount of time? Then he dug out his wallet and wandered after her.

"I wonder…" Gwen mused, looking intently between her cotton candy and Kevin.

He realized what she was thinking and paled. "Gwen…no. Not cotton candy…and not here," he protested.

"Just your hand," she coaxed. "I've never seen you do anything but metal and concrete before."

"I can do a lot of other things, take my word for it," he frowned, eyeing the snack like it was a loaded gun. "I'll show you anytime you want, just not now."

"Come on. You made me ride the coaster…" she trailed off. "Have some fun."

"It wouldn't be fun, it would be annoying," he shot back.

"Fine," Gwen replied sullenly, throwing him a cone and a longneck of Pepsi. "But you're turning into a gigantic Jolly Rancher next time I buy some."

"Deal," Kevin replied, just glad to have dodged the bullet.

"I'm going to the store tomorrow," Gwen informed him offhandedly, suppressing a smirk.

Kevin frowned. "Okay, that was low."

"A deal's a deal, Kev," she replied. "Hope you enjoy being a piece of candy."

He rolled his eyes and bit back a retort—now was not the time to fight like a pair of five year olds. Casually walking away a few paces, he heard what he wanted to hear. Gwen followed him to a picnic-style table and sat down across from him. He took a drink from his bottle and cocked an eyebrow.

"How come is it you always follow me when I go somewhere?" he asked.

"Umm…because if I loose you, I loose my ride home," Gwen replied like it was the most obvious thing on the planet. Given, it was, but he wasn't giving up that easily.

"No, I mean…like that time when I went to find Volcanis."

"Because you're a teammate and if we lost you, we'd be royally screwed." Her voice was cool.

"If I got up and walked away right now, would you follow me?"



"Yeah." The catch in her voice made him pry.

"I don't think that's true."

"You're wrong then."

Kevin stood and smiled, then gave her a wave and walked away, hands in his pockets. He would give her ten yards.

Gwen stared after him, frustrated with him and his games. The urge to get up and stop him was overwhelming, but they both knew that was exactly what he wanted. The way he was in her mind all the time, the way any little thing brought back thoughts of him, his voice, the way he laughed, his cocky bad boy swagger, the way anything she did seemed like it would be more fun if only he was there, they drove her insane. Kevin Levin had become a permanent fixture in her mind, and unlike the DNAliens and saving the world, which she could put off, she couldn't go ten minutes without thinking something to do with him.

And it made her so mad. It frustrated her so much, not just that, but also the way that he was obviously in the same boat but refused to do anything about it.

In a weakly defeated voice, Gwen sighed, "Kevin." just loud enough for him to hear. He spun on his heel and stood still, watching her with a faint smile.


"Come back."


In reply, Gwen gave him a glare that sent lesser men running. Kevin just chuckled and walked back.

"See? Totally right."

"So why don't you do something about it?" she snapped, growling inwardly at his tough-guy act.

Thrown off guard by the sudden mood swing, Kevin sat back somewhat, unsure of what to do.

"'Cause," was his intelligent retort.

Gwen sighed heavily. "If I said I hadn't seen that coming, I'd be lying," and she pushed away from the table, feeling the need to be away from him for a few moments…before she punched his face in.

She could feel him tailing her as she moved among the crowd, searching for the end of the pier where she could sit. At least he didn't try to approach her—she always defended that he wasn't completely stupid.

Reaching a place where she could sit on the edge of the dock, Gwen looked down at her own reflection, and the moon behind her. After a moment of silence, Kevin's hesitant reflection joined the pair just over her shoulder. Gwen looked around discreetly and tossed a pebble into the water, smudging their reflections so she didn't have to look at his confusion.

Kevin sighed and turned on his heel, pacing viciously but, to his credit, quietly. He couldn't pretend he hadn't seen her throw the rock any more than he could pretend he didn't know why. Finally, after some fighting with himself in which a large part of his pride had been a casualty, he threw himself down heavily beside Gwen.

When she started to turn away, he grabbed her wrist, just firmly enough to get her attention.

"Please listen," he requested calmly, quietly. Gwen scoffed in reply and he shifted his grip on her wrist, holding her more effectively and getting his point across rather well. "I don't have to ask," he warned her, and Gwen looked down, suddenly very aware of his tremendous strength. Usually, he only exhibited it when he was fighting—seeing it here, among people, on a calm night was just…odd. Not to mention he wasn't phased; a startling reminder that the strength didn't come with the absorbed material, it was who he was.

Kevin winced and loosened his grip when he saw her look down. His fingers weren't even touching now, and that was saying something, given that his hand was almost twice the size of hers. Somewhere in the back of his head, he knew he shouldn't be using his strength to scare her. Frustration had gotten the best of him once again, and look where it had gotten him…

"Sorry," he whispered, trying desperately to smooth the moment over. "But hear me out, okay?"

Gwen glanced up at him, then away again, and nodded ever so slightly. She was just as upset as he was over it.

"I'm just…I'm not good at this, you know?" He looked down—this was so insanely out of character he didn't even know where to start, but they were both tired of playing games. It was time to be honest. "All my life I've been alone…well, you know. I mean…no parents…no one I could trust like you and Ben. And then the Null Void thing…and now this. I get screwed up about stuff sometimes, 'cause thinkin' about other people just ain't my thing, ya know?" After a long and painful pause, he sighed. She was waiting for him to say it, and there was no way to get past this without doing so. "So I'm sorry for when I do stuff that ticks you off, okay? I can't promise I'll stop, 'cause mosta the time I don't even know I'm doing it, but I don't mean it."

"Kevin, you can't keep using your past as an—"

"I know!" he interrupted loudly, abruptly lowering his voice again. "I know I can't. And I'm trying to change for you guys, because disappointing you pisses me off so much you don't even know." Stopping suddenly, he swallowed. He hadn't meant to say that much. "But," he added hastily, trying to distract her from what he had let slip. "It takes time. Just be patient. Please?"

Gwen pushed a few stray strands of hair behind her ear and smiled at Kevin gently, making eye contact for the first time in a while. She loved it when she could get him to talk; this was the Kevin she wished she could see more of. The one he hid from her.

"As long as you get there, I really don't care," she assured him softly. "I like this Kevin, by the way," she added. "It'd be nice if he'd come out to play a little more often, okay?"

Kevin smiled warmly. "He'll have to see what he can do. Come on," he urged, standing and extending a hand to help her up. "Let's go scrape the kids up off of whatever they crashed on."

Gwen laughed, accepting his hand and straightening her clothes. When he didn't immediately let go, she decided not to bring it up. It wasn't like it was a big deal to her, either.

"Let's go, chillins," Kevin crowed, tapping Ben on the shoulder. The boy jumped, almost falling off the bench he'd been sitting on. "Oh wait," he corrected himself, looking around and seeing no Julie. "Chillin. Where's Julie?"

"Using the bathroom," Ben replied. "Have a good time?" He was looking pointedly at the pair's hands, which Gwen realized with a start, they were still holding.

"Err…yeah," she replied, dropping his hand hastily. "I'm just a little tired. I tripped a few minutes ago."

"Mmm-hmm," Ben replied, not believing a word. "Ready to go?" He turned to Julie, who was now returning.

"Time to go already?" she asked, looking a little put-out. "Oh well. We'll have to do it again sometime, huh guys?"

"Yeah," Kevin replied, shocking everyone. "It was a good time." He hesitated, rethinking his words. "I mean…a good time for a carnival, you know. As good as a carnival will get."

The other three laughed at his awkward save as they walked back to the car. Yes, in general, it had been a pretty good night. For a carnival.

XD Hello chickadees! Had fun? I certainly hope so. This one was pretty plotless, just laying some groundwork, you know, the usual. It will get better, promise.

Um…a few things I know I wanted to hit…oh yesh:

The idea of Kevin winning a drag race and then refusing to tell Gwen about it amuses me.

Kevin pretty much has to be super, mindblowingly strong as a normal person, because when you think about it, as !metal!Kevin, he pretty much has to bend the covering and then bend it back just to blink. So yeah. There's my proof.

While Julie is almost certainly an alien (lol) I'm pretending she's not.

So that's it! Any questions? Concerns? Other things? Don't be shy, hit review! Srsly…you don't review, I don't write.

Coming up next: Chapter 2 of "Lock and Key":

2: Kevin Goes Postal…Finally

Kev owns up to what we all saw coming from his very first appearance on the old Ben 10—'bout frickin' time!