Pairings: Tony DiNozzo/ Jethro Gibbs established relationship

Genre: Slash

Disclaimer: Not own, just inspired and barrow.

First slash Fic, be kind and read and review.




Gibbs POV:

Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs had a headache. It was tension he knew, but that didn't stop it from coming on. The case was progressing, all they needed now was to get the perp on tape. All the evidence on this guy was circumstantial and actual feed of him either selling the new drug or slipping it to another victim was really needed. The perp was targeting couples at some of the more experimental bars and had inadvertently targeted a petty officer and her boyfriend. Of course she hadn't looked like any petty officer that Gibbs had ever seen, but more like his little Goth scientist. The sting was set up and getting dressed up as a Goth didn't deter his senior field agent from volunteering for the undercover mission. With Tony and Abby going inside they should get what they needed to put the bastard away. Gibbs was jerked from his thoughts as the elevator door dinged and out stepped Abby and Tony.

Tony and Abby stepped off the elevator after having changed for the undercover op. They were going into an experimental club, where most everything went on from drugs to gay hook-ups and the like, looking for their drug dealing scumbag, that had murdered the petty officer and her boyfriend. Abby looked very much like her beautiful Goth self minus the lab coat, in her short black mini skirt, red silk shirt, and leather jacket. Her platform combat boots and tall socks. Around her neck was a silver and onyx studded dog collar, at her wrist a matching charm bracelet with skulls and bones hanging from it ( a gift from Jethro and Tony for her last birthday). So seeing the Goth scientist was not the cause for the commotion and whispers as the two made their way to the bullpen. As they rounded the corner arm in arm, still laughing at some little joke only the two of them knew, Gibbs got his first good look at his senior field agent, his lover, Tony DiNozzo.

Tony stood there in a green silk shirt, that matched the green in his eyes perfectly, and tight form-fitting black leather pants that looked more like a second skin than clothing. His ears looked pierced and the collar he wore matched Abby's and the ring he wore on his right pinky was a silver and onyx skull, on his left ring finger, he wore a simple worn platinum band that was nicked with age. It was a testament to his lover and their commitment, yet no one on the team knew except Abby, and the ME, Doctor Donald "Ducky" Mallard. The thick black eye-liner enhanced the deep green of his eyes, his hair moussed to reflect a deliberate mess. In short, he made Gibbs' mouth water and his hands itch to touch the senior field agent, as he propped himself against his desk.

For a moment the blood rushing through his ears blocked the murmurs from the female agents that were still in the office. However, as deep green eyes met the piercing blue ones across the bullpen, Gibbs relaxed slightly. Those expressive green eyes were laughing at him, telling Gibbs that he knew exactly what he was doing to him and that he was enjoying every minute of it

"Well, Tony, you look like you will fit in just fine tonight, yes Abby?" Ziva asked Abby with appreciation in her voice as she looked Tony up and down.

"Of course , he'll fit in Ziva!" Abby laughed. "Tony fits in everywhere, that's why he's the best at undercover work, huh, Gibbs?" Abby asked slyly seeing Gibbs initial reaction to Tony's outfit. She and Ducky were the only ones who knew that Gibbs and Tony were seeing each other outside the office. And personally she thought it was great, there were no two people more made for each other. "Besides I do the best Halloween costumes ever!"

Gibbs grunted a reply, not looking up from the file on his desk, taking a moment to gather his thoughts into something sensible and coherent rather than lustful and jealous. When he figured he would speak normally he looked up and asked, "Everyone understand the mission, you each know your roles?" He looked at everyone in turn, his eyes staying a moment longer on the young Goth. She nodded solemnly and Gibbs could see the nerves, he hated having to use Abby, she was like a daughter to him, a best friend to his lover, and the best damn scientist he knew, which is why he had to use her. They had to know if they had the pure stuff, the shit that had been used on the marines. Of course, both Tony DiNozzo and Abby Scuito could take care of themselves, Gibbs just hated sending in two of the people he cared most about. And send them in with hardly any back-up. He also knew that Tony didn't like having Abby go with him, seeing as she was the closest thing he had to a sister, but they all knew that it was necessary, Abby was the only one who knew what the guy really looked like.

There was a round of steady "Yes Bosses" that told Gibbs his team was ready. Standing he grabbed his jacket and nodded to everyone "Gear up!" he said and headed toward the elevator, DiNozzo right behind him. Ziva, McGee, and Abby, had taken the other elevator to her lab to double check the surveillance van's equipment and were going to meet them in the garage. Gibbs stepped onto the elevator and a second later DiNozzo stood in front of him leaning against the wall seemingly without a care or worry about what they were about to do. Only those who knew him well would see the signs of tension that ran along his shoulders. Gibbs saw those signs and finally unclenched his hands and reached out to lay a comforting caress on Tony's shoulders, as he brushed his thumb up into Tony's hair, which the younger man had started to let grow longer, because Gibbs had said he liked that way, and down the tense cords of his neck. A small smile appeared on Gibbs face as he felt the younger man's tremor as he leaned back into the caress trying to keep contact longer. It was still like that even after all these months, one touch and Tony would tremble for him, Gibbs couldn't believe how lucky he was. Slowly, Gibbs let his hand trail down along Tony's back and back to his side as all the tension left Tony's body. And the elevator doors opened to the garage.



My first fic and slash fic- please let me know what you think.
