Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis

Beta: EternalAngel & Sweet Obsidian Rain (Thank you very much, to both.)

A/N: I think everyone should try to do at least one vampire story in their life. This is my attempt. I've always liked vampire stories, and I've probably been influenced to write one now by the sudden influx of other PoT vampire stories.
Possibility of BL in later chapters.
Any comments and criticism will be greatly appreciated.

His father was late.

He should have been there an hour ago, to pick him up from the airport.

The sun had set at the same time the plane landed on Narita Airport and Ryoma, as been told to do by his mother who had placed him on the plane to Japan, waited for his father inside the airport, in front of a shop where he always bought his soda from, and leaned on the shop's window behind his back, hands in his pockets, dark hair hanging over his eyes.

A man stopped next to him, and when he did not go inside the shop, or moved away like others that had stopped before the window, Ryoma craned his neck up to see what the man was looking at. He took an involuntary step backwards when he realized the man was looking at him, not the items on display at the window.

The stranger looked young, around the same age as Ryoma's cousin Nanako, who was attending college. He also looked like one of the boys in the poster in Nanako's room. Pretty, like a girl would be. The sand coloured hair that nearly reached to the man's shoulders intensified his feminine look with the way it framed his face.

The stranger's eyes were closed, and Ryoma frowned. He didn't trust this stranger whose smile, though gentle, felt empty and who did not show his eyes. Ryoma could always tell what a person was like from their eyes. To him, someone who didn't show their eyes was someone trying to hide something.

"Are you lost, little one?" the man asked, his voice gentle, almost feminine.

"My father is coming," Ryoma told him, the question worrying him with its implications. He'd heard too many stories about children being taken away by perverts to trust someone who would ask something like that.

The man let out a little chuckle at Ryoma's answer and his smile widened, turning nearly cheerful. He lifted a finger to his lips and opened his eyes to narrow slits, showing Ryoma a glimpse of blue. But it wasn't Ryoma's answer that amused him, "I can tell you aren't looking forward to it, from your voice. Do you often quarrel with your father?"

Ryoma huffed and turned away. Who was this man, saying things like that as if he knew him? Ryoma considered just going, leaving the man there, grinning by himself. But not knowing why, he answered. "My dad's an idiot," he said and looked at the man again to see his reaction. He was expecting him to be shocked. People were always amazed at how rude he was to his father, even after they'd met Nanjiroh.

He hadn't expected the man to chuckle warmly.

"But you are lucky," the man said, stretching a hand towards the boy. "For there is someone who would miss you would I have my way." The hand landed on Ryoma's head and stroked his hair softly. It was a good feeling, having the man's fingers brush through his hair, but Ryoma frowned, finding something wrong with what the man had said.

The stranger bent down so they were face to face, revealing his eyes, and Ryoma stepped back, seeing something in them he hadn't seen in anyone's eyes before this. Violent hunger burned in the blue orbs, and it sent a rush of terror through his mind. "And you are a temptation, boy," the man spoke, the voice smooth and caressing, wrapping around Ryoma like silk threads. "Run," the man whispered, his cheery smile transforming into a predatory grin. So transfixed was Ryoma's gaze in the man's eyes, on the horror they rouse in him, that he did not first see the fangs the man had revealed with his toothy grin.

Heeding the creature's order, Ryoma ran, not looking back.

Hours later the airport's security guard found him shivering in a stall in the men's bathroom.

He didn't tell anyone what had scared him, because he knew no one would believe it if he said he'd seen a vampire.