Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me

Copyrighting not intended

"Tiger!!" cried a small orange and black striped tiger wearing a red vest and black silk pants.

"No! Tigress!!" yelled the another tiger who looked exactly like the first one, but was wearing a blue vest instead of a red one.

Tigress grabbed on to Tiger's paw, and pulled, trying to prevent the black panther from taking him away. The black panther growled and struck Tigress with his free hand, knocking her onto the floor. Tiger squirmed in his grasp, trying to get to the fallen tiger. But his effort were useless against the strength of the older panther. As such, he resorted to the only way to pass one last message to his master.

"Tigress!! Tell Master Shifu I'm sorry!!" shouted the young Siberian as he was pulled into the shadows of the night.

"Tiger!!" wailed Tigress and scrambled after the black panther but failed to find him in the darkness."Tiger!!"

-13 years later-

Tigress woke up with a start, panting heavily. She had just dreamt of her past 13 years ago. She hasn't had such a dream since she was a young cub-in-training.

"Tiger..." Tigress whispered softly

Her thoughts were interrupted by the shuffling of feet on the floorboards in the corridor outside the student's quarters. She hurriedly stood up, awaiting the sound of the gong. Once the gong sounded, she and the other members of the Furious Five outside their rooms and greeted Master Shifu. Master Shifu noticed that not only was Po late, again, Tigress was also a tad slower that she used to be. However, he let that pass as he opened the doors to the panda's room, only to find him asleep and drooling all over his mat.

"Cookies...Mmmmm Dumplings..." Po mumbled in his sleep.

"Po!" Master Shifu said sternly, as the Furious Five watched from the door frame.

"Huh... What... Ugh... 5 more minutes dad..." Po groaned

"Po! Get up now!" Shifu repeated himself

Po sat up groggily and looked at Shifu. It took him a full 5 seconds to realise where he was. Po frantically wiped his mouth of the remaining drool and stood up, falling over in the process.

"G...Good Morning Shifu...I...I mean Good Morning Master." Po laughed sheepishly as he got up.

"Training starts now!" Shifu shouted and the Furious Five and Po dashed to the training hall, ready to start a vigorous day of training.

-In the Training Hall-

Tigress trained on the Swinging Clubs of Instant Oblivion, occasionally leaping on to the Jade Tortoise to have combat with Crane. Hours passed and the Furious Five trained unrelentingly on the harsh training equipment. Once their training session was over, Po was the first one to rush from the training hall, eager to steal some of Monkey's almond cookies. The rest of the Furious Five headed out the door. Viper stopped and turned towards the feline training in the obstacle course.

"Hey Tigress, aren't you coming for lunch?"

"Later." came the short reply by Tigress.

Viper shrugged and slithered out of the large door, leaving the large cat alone in the large hall. Once Viper was gone, Tigress slunk out of the Training Hall and into the Hall of Warriors. There she stood in front of The Golden Spear, ears flattened against her head as memories flooded her mind.


"I'm going to wield the The Golden Spear when I grow up!" Tiger exclaimed "Forged from the fires of Dragon Mountain, only the purest and bravest may wield it!"

"I want to wield the Sword of Heroes. It is the best weapon ever!" Tigress exclaimed loudly, looking at the Sword of Heroes.

"No! The Golden Spear is the best!" Tiger pouted

"No! The Sword of Heroes is the best! Can your spear spilt into a sword and a dagger or become a twin bladed halberd?" Tigress argued back

"Can your sword burn those impure at heart? I don't think so! So even Tai Lung can wield it." Tiger yelled

A sharp gasp came from Tigress. They were forbidden to speak of Tai Lung since Master Oogway told them about the stories from the past.

"Tiger! Who told you that name!" a loud voice penetrated the brief silence in the Hall.

"M...Master Shifu..." Tiger stammered and hung his head.

-End Flashback-

"Tigress" Master Shifu's voice echoed throughout the walls of the Hall of Warriors.

"Master" Tigress bowed humbly at the small red panda that stood by the entrance of the Hall.

"You're thinking about him aren't you."Shifu spoke softly

Tigress nodded her head and she looked to the side to avoid Shifu's large eyes. "I can't forget him..."

"Tigress. Both you and him were my best students. I was heartbroken when you came back alone that day." Shifu opened up to Tigress, something that he has never done with any of his other students."

"I could have stopped Hei Shang from taking him. I should have done something." Tigress gritted her teeth in anger as she remembered her failure.

"No, it was my fault. I should have gone with you. I shouldn't have trusted both of you to be able to take down whatever was thrown your way. I should have been there." Shifu shook his head sadly

"It wasn't your fault Master. It could never be your fault. It was mine..." Tigress spoke sadly before she walked out of the Hall of Warriors, leaving Shifu to deal with the memories.

-Somewhere in the northern wastelands-

An aging old black panther sat on the throne, discussing matters with his ministers.

"There is no way to get through that thick skull. He just won't give up!." one of the ministers cried

"There has to be a way. Every warrior has a weakness!" another exclaimed

"We've been trying for 13 years! No even the most vile torture we have can make him change his mind! There is nothing more we can do!" the third minister shouted

"Sire may I make a suggestion?" one of the soldiers in the room spoke

"Speak!" the black panther replied hoarsely.

"I was with Your Majesty on the day the prisoner was taken. If I remember correctly, the prisoner seemed to care a lot for his twin sister." the soldier knelt before the panther and spoke humbly

A grin spread across the wrinkled face of the panther "His sister of course! He'll do anything for his sister. Get me his sister by any means necessary!"

"But Sire, it could be years before we find her. She could be anywhere in the whole of China!" The first minister spoke out loud

"No need for such measures. Unless my memory has gone bad, his sister should be at the Jade Palace. The refuge of Master Oogway." the soldier spoke once again

"Very good soldier. I am pleased with your help. You shall be promoted to general. Report to the armory for a new set of armor." The panther spoke with a evil grin on his face.

The soldier humbly stepped out of the room and headed to the armory. The black panther coughed and he spoke "Get General Juan Fey to have his spies capture the prisoner's sister and bring her to me. Tell him to kill anyone that tries to stand in his way. Best if no one finds out."

"At once!" the ministers chorused and they went out of the throne room, leaving the old king. The panther stood and slowly walked to the dungeons of his palace. He entered the cells and walked towards the darkest part of the dungeon, where not even a single beam of light can reach.

A shaded figure sat in the cell, unmoving. His muscular chest heaved up and down as he breathed and his arm muscles flexed themselves, obviously resisting the temptation to pound the black panther that was standing just outside his cell.

"I suggest you help me find the power of the Twin Dragons. Or the consequences will be dire." the panther coughed

The prisoner stayed silent, his yellow sunset and ruby eyes stared blankly at the floor.

"No matter. When your sister helps me find the power of the Twin Dragons, the whole of China will bow down to me. You will be the first one I destroy." the panther growled angrily, upset at the cold shoulder the prisoner was giving him.

Footsteps were heard walking out of the room and the lone figure in the cell clenched his fists tight. He opened his mouth, but all that came out was a small whisper "Tigress..."

Hey guys, how was that? I hope you enjoyed it.

I will get the chapters up so that you guys can read it.

Will update as soon as possible.