a/n: okay, this one might take a little explaining for the non-brits out there. the prompt was "bugger" which can have a few of different meanings: 'to bugger' as in to have sex; and 'buggering something up', like to make a mistake; or you could call a person a 'bugger' in insult. in this case ron probably hits all of them. LOL!


Lesson Learned

"Buggering fuck!"

Ron lifted his foot so he could inspect his poor, battered toes.

"You know, that's redundant," Hermione chirped.

"Re... huh? Done what?"

"Re-dun-dant. Bugger and fuck mean the same thing so it's grammatically incorrect."

Ron scowled. "So I can't bugger a bugger?"

"Well, you could if the first 'bugger' referred to the act and the second 'bugger' referred to the person; in that instance you could 'bugger a bugger'. You could also 'fuck a bugger'.

"Don't call Harry a bugger."

"Harry?" Hermione snapped her head up sharply. "What's he have to do with anything?"

Ron blushed. "Buggering fuck!"