A/N: Okay, so I already have the first two written. Oh! and I am not stephanie meyer, and therefore do not own Twilight. The idea of prank calls was also invented way before i was born.

Edward's Point of View:

I was bored, and lonely. The love of my life had left to live with her mom when Charlie found me in her room. Every day since then, I had been moping around in my room, listening to music, when I wasn't calling or texting Bella.

"Edward, come down here!" Emmett's loud voice broke my thoughts.

I ran down stairs to find Emmett and Jasper staring pointedly at a phone. "Edward," Jasper began, "everyone is out hunting, and your wallowing in self pitty is driving me mad. So, to get your mind off of Bella, we are going to be doing some prank calls."

"Prank calls?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"Ya! I'm bored." Emmett said in response.

"We'll put it on speaker so that we can all hear it. For now, the only people that we can prank call are members of the Volturi." Jasper explained.

About ten minutes of convincing later, the three of us were sitting, staring pointedly at the phone, deciding we should do the first call together, than take turns with the rest.

"Here goes nothing," I said as I began to dial.