A/N: I will add all valid warnings in here as they enter the story, otherwise it will be a LONG list and I'd rather save that for the summary.
Chapter 1 Warnings: Minor2; Harry is 17
Chapter #1: Jealous Proposal
Panting breath, flushed and heated skin, fiery kisses burning their way across nubile flesh as he is claimed so completely that molten lust seems to have replaced the blood in his veins . Who on earth could POSSIBLY think Slytherins were cold? Desperate cries of want and need, begging more of the delicious sensations that were driving every other thought away.
The name of his lover spills from his lips in a scream before being devoured by a hungry tongue. a moment later Harry's mind shatters into a million pleasure hazed pieces as his world becomes white light.
Lying sated, Harry curls against his lover, listening to the strong and steady beat of his heart, languidly tracing a dusky nipple while his lover's fingers play through his hair.
A guided tilt of his chin and he's kissed seductively, the teasing tongue against his making him smile. Solid and sure fingers weave through his, removing him from his prize before the weight of a ring is slid onto his fourth finger and his lover kisses his hand.
Harry looks at it questioningly, almost as if he doesn't understand what it is. "Why?"
"Because I want to ensure no one else steals you away."
He remembered earlier that night at dinner when on a dare, Lavender Brown had leaned over and kissed him. Harry smirked. "You look sexy when you're jealous Professor... maybe I should make you jealous more often..."
The barest hint of a blush told Harry volumes as the potions master looked away pointedly and pretended that he hadn't said anything. "So will you accept?"
Harry smiled. His lover never was a man of many words, let alone anything romantic. From Severus Snape this was practically a declaration of undying love and begging him to marry him.
"As long as you promise to give me a personal detention at least twice a week..."
"I am sure that you are more than capable of achieving more than that all on your own."
"Oh I plan on it, but you have to give me two of your own every week."
"Very well."
"Then I accept."
As Harry leaned up to kiss his new fiance' he began tracing the nipple again before allowing his fingers to wander lower as he pressed against Severus' thigh, silently asking to be taken again. He wanted to feel as much of his lover as possible before his detention was over for the night, even though he still had tomorrow's punishment to look forward to as well.
A/N: My friend Esama and 'The Marriage Stone' made me do it! She gave me a link to the story and it put all these lovely Snarry images in my head, and I just HAD to write one down. Hope you liked it.
Update! No longer a complete work, The bunny woke back up and bit me, so expect more.