a/n: Here you go! To all my reviewers who wanted another chapter, here is the alternate ending you've been waiting for...but it is not as great as the first...well that's up for you to decide. Well i hope you like it!



A Late Night Bet: Alternate ending
by: FreyaLin

It is 4:30 am and here I am sleeping in Rika's apartment. Sadly it was her couch and not her bed. I scowled. She was supposed to be my slave and yet she commanded me like I was hers. Actually, that didn't sound as bad as I thought. I scowled again. Why does she do this to me! Always making me contradict myself! I rolled over to the side smelling the quilt she let me use.

"Ah," smelled just like her. If she knew what I was doing she'd probably roll her eyes again. I silently chuckled. Ok, this was not helping at all. I need to sleep in order to be ready for tomorrow's get together." Damn, tomorrow, today. Whatever," I grumbled. Just then another idea popped into my head. I snickered and grabbed my phone.

'Im cold,' I texted. The next thing I knew, a bigger quilt was thrown in my face. I smiled underneath the intense heat. The click of the door was heard and I texted her again.

'O ms. Wildcat, im thirsty now'. The door swung open and the kitchen light turned on, blinding my eyes when I tried to look for her. I laughed at the sight of her tangled hair and her pissed off face pouring water for me. I then slid my phone a couple distances away from me making sure she didn't notice what I was doing.

You see I had a plan, a bulletproof plan. I was going to make Rika spill the water onto her couch and then I will demand that I sleep in her bed tonight! Yes it is perfect. I entangled my fingers together in a motion that Mr. Burns, from the Simpsons, frequently does when he says "excellent", because this was "excellent".

"Any day now, my slave," I smirked as I saw her twitch a little. This was too fun! She then turned off the light and walked towards me, I sat up and scooted to the right, making her change directions. Yes, I thought, walk to me, closer now.

"Would you stop moving, I can't see you properly," she growled and walked slower and closer to me.

"Don't worry love, I can see you perfectly," I smiled. "wait, walk a little bit to the left. You're about to hit the wall," I lied. Just as she was a couple feet away from my phone she stopped. Shit, she must have found out.

"Where are you?" she took a bigger step and was face to face with me. Damn she didn't trip!

"I'm right here," I breathed into her ear and felt her tense a bit.

"Well, here Mr. Annoying," she shoved the water at me and I smirked, a new idea coming to my head. Just as she was about to walk away I grabbed her arm and dropped the both of us unto the couch; the water spilling unto the mattress.

"What the hell Ryo?!" she snapped and got up running to turn on the light, but tripped and I think she broke my phone doing so. Damn, I didn't get to see her expression. When the light lit up I sighed.

"Sorry, I tripped and grabbed the nearest thing I could get a hold off," I smiled sheepishly, hoping she would buy my lie. She turned around pissed and passed by the couch.

"Whatever, goodnight hero-bo-"


"What?" she turned around. I sat up and placed my head onto the head part of the sofa.

"Master, I want you to call me master for today." I smirked.

"Over your dead body." She was about turn again but I grabbed her wrist. Wasn't the phrase, 'over my dead body'? Well that's Rika for you, overly brutal. I chuckled.

"Tsk, tsk, my dear. Have we forgotten about our little bet?" I couldn't help but look at her horrid expression. She was pissed and I knew it. She probably wanted to kill me right now, but it's so worth it. She started to stutter a bit but finally said it.

"Fine m-ma-mast..er" she grumbled and looked away blushing. Yes! Score one for the awesome King Ryo!

"I also demand that I sleep on your bed tonight!" At this she turned her head shockingly at me.

"You're joking!"she tried to get out of my grasp but I wouldn't budge. "Give me a good reason as to why I should let you sleep on my bed." She puffed. I smirked.

"How about three?" I asked innocently. "1. I'm your boyfriend and I deserve to be on your bed!" she snorted not even taking it to consideration. "2. You are my slave now and you must do everything that I tell you to-,"

"Damn, jerk" I think that's what she muttered.

"-and finally 3. You spilled water all over your couch and its now wet. I can't sleep." She looked into my eyes as if to respond back, she sighed and I knew I had won. I then happily skipped to her room and what I saw made me weak in the knees. She had another futon on the other side of her bed. We weren't going to share her bed, tears came running out. She smirked.

"Here you go, master," she grinned and went to the futon. "You can sleep on my bed." I can not believe that she tricked me AGAIN! I sighed in disappointment.


a/n: well I hope you guys enjoyed it at least, I had fun writing this story and the Alt ending I just hope that you guys enjoyed reading it! I just wanted to thank my editor Rachel for editing both chapters and pretty much, this is it for A Late Night Bet I hope you guys had fun reading! Sayonara! See you in another story!
