a/n: hey there my wonderful readers! This would be my 3rd ryuki fanfic and I hope you all enjoy!

BTW: this is set in Ryo's POV



Late Night Bet
by: Freya Lin

I'm standing outside of Rika's apartment looking inside her window. It's wet and cold. A very bad combination, especially since I haven't slept for almost 24 hours. So why in the world am I standing here? Well let me inform you about what happen many minutes ago.


It was 2 in the morning and I'm still trying to get some shut eye. I stayed up all night researching about rare digimon cards. Yes, I know I'm a dork when it comes to digimon, but it's not my fault it's so addicting and that I'm so good at it. But still, why couldn't I just sleep already?!

I've already moved and switched positions on the bed a hundred times and I still can't get comfortable. Why do we produce so much heat anyways? I sighed as I kicked the blanket off the bed and laid on my back. I'm meeting the gang again tomorrow, wait it's passed 12 so then…I'll be meeting them soon? God I hate this 12 am rule thing, it's so confusing. Gah! I really need to go to sleep, especially if Rika is going to be there. It's so much fun teasing her and having her give me that look. Ah I could see it now, my all time favorite 'Rika Glare'.

Speaking of Rika I wonder what she's doing right now. Well that was stupid of course she's sleeping, maybe. I should go check up on her. I smirked evilly and grabbed my phone.

"Morning pumpkin, whatcha doin?"

I waited a while and laughed quietly as I pictured her with baggy eyes as she read this.

"Sleepin no thanks 2 u n dont call me tht"

I smiled and hurriedly text her before she dosed off again. If I can't sleep I'll just have to make someone suffer with me. Although you can hardly call this suffering, more like fun and extreme annoyance to the max.

"Sry cant sleep at all"

"So I figured"

I chuckled. I could just picture her rolling her eyes.

"U seem upset wildcat, did I wake u 4rm a wonderful dream bout me?" I smirked.

"Only a moron would"

Ah, touché ms. wildcat.

"Well I was dreamin bout u"

"Was I tryin 2 throw u off a cliff?"


"Wut ashame"

I laughed silently gosh she's so brutal, one of the reasons why she's so fun to tease. However, what I didn't know was that the next thing I typed would make things go her way other than mines.

"actually u were in a guys body"

"Wut R U gay?"

"When it comes 2 u yea"

I couldn't help smiling as we continued our chat. Just then a little devious thought crept in my head.

"So wildcat, wut R U wearin rite now?"

"…", she texted back. I knew she wasn't going to answer.

"was worth a shot" I grinned as I sat up on the bed. This is not helping me sleep at all but it sure as hell is worth it.

"wanna kno wut im wearin?"


I pouted. That was a flat response.

"I'm wearin a thong n huggin a pix of u in a position u'd never think of"

"thts disturbin"

"psh u kno I look smexy"

I was now on the verge of jumping off my bed and yelling and laughing, thanks to all this excitement. My lips curled into a silly smile as I let off a gasp of breath. I laid down on my back again and placed the phone onto my pillow. I was finally beginning to feel the sleepiness overwhelm me until my phone lit up. I got excited and annoyed at the same time, weird combination but that's what Rika does to you. I smiled at that thought.

"if smexy equals gay n Ryo equals smexy, then Ryo equals gay" (a/n: stupid equal sign won't work)

Ouch, she's at it again. I could just picture her smug look as she texted this. But if she wants to pay the "if then statement" game then she is so on. She is going to regret ever calling me gay! Even though she said it like twice now. I scowled, I can't believe I just burned myself, that was weird. And what's also weird, instead of writing another comeback I wrote:

"I jux burned myself...(add in a scowl face)"

Wow, I'm such a dork. I mentally slammed my head on the wall. I'm suppose to be in control of the conversation not the other way around. Just as I was about to yell at myself further the phone lit up again.

"im tired stop textin me idiot"

"but I cant help it ur so cute when ur angry"

"u cant even c me"

"wut makes u think I cant"

"becuz u wouldn't b so stupid as 2 stand in rain lookin me"

"wanna bet?"

"ur on,"

" loser has 2 do everything winner says 4 a day"


I looked outside and scowled she was right, it was raining but it was so light you'd barely hear the raindrops. She must've looked outside to check, I chuckled. I looked at the window again and she was right again! Gosh why was she always right? Even though it wasn't raining hard, from the looks of it, it seems extremely cold. Looks like I'd have to be her little servant, although that didn't sound so bad. I checked the clock its 3:48 am we've been texting for almost 2 hours! Ugh, I just knew I wouldn't be able to sleep after our little conversation. However I don't regret it, I smiled at that thought.

End of Flashback

And after all the thoughts I put into not coming, here I am standing outside her apartment window like some stalker. I sighed as I thought of her old neighbors gossiping about this in the morning if they saw me. I grabbed my phone. It was 4:04 am.

"look outside ur window"

A couple of seconds later I saw a light in the room, her cell phone most likely. I looked closer as the light shined on her face. Gosh, she is so pretty even though she had baggy eyes. As she read the message I noticed her eyes widen and looked over towards me. I shivered and gave her a wave. She walked off the bed and I blushed at what she was wearing; short shorts and a tank top.

I think she knew that I was staring, because she threw a pillow towards the window. I laughed quietly. And then finally she opened the door.

"Looks like I won the deal pumpkin," I smirked and walked towards her. She had on a lilac robe that went down towards her knees.

"You're an idiot," she sighed and threw open the door. "Why in the world would you do the bet?" I took off my trench coat and placed in on the sofa. I walked to her kitchen and noticed the coffee machine was on and the fresh smell of coffee brushed up against my face. I grinned.

"Even though you say that, you knew I was going to come anyways didn't you," I stated. She blushed and glared.

"That wasn't the answer I was looking for hero boy," she walked into the kitchen and sat on the chair opposite of me. I chuckled as she crossed her arms.

"Well," I started "what was I suppose to do? My own girlfriend challenged me and I completed the challenge. I would have thought you'd be happy." She shrugged.

"I would have been much happier if you failed and became my slave." She said a matter-of-factly. "Well since you won the bet why don't you go back home and celebrate."

"I have a better idea," my grin grew even wider as I motioned towards her. "Why don't I just stay here for the night and we can both leave together in the morning!" she smiled and moved in closer.

"No" I knew she was going to say that. But I had another trick up my sleeves.

"Remember Rika dear, I won the bet therefore you are my slave. Meaning you must do what ever it is I tell you," I smiled as I sensed her shock. She then gave me the infamous 'Rika Glare'. Ah, how I love that look. She blushed a bit sighed.

"Fine!" she slammed her hands on table. Yes! I won 2 times in one day, yay! "But you're sleeping on the living room floor."

"Damn." so much for my winning streak.

a/n: so how was it? lol I had a great time writing this one. I got the idea when I too couldn't sleep at night. But of course I didn't annoy anyone like someone else did...ryo...ahem anywaise I actually also had an alternate ending to this which is pretty much an add on to this ending. But if you guys want to read it just tell me and I'll post it up SMILES