Hey everyone!! This is my first Covenant fic!! I would love some to know what you think of it!! And if I am doing anything wrong!! I also haven't thought of a name for this story so any suggestions for the title would be great!! Thanks!! Without further ado, here's the first chapter!!

Untitled Until Further Notice


Chapter One-

Meetings and Leavings

Andy woke up to the sound of screaming. They were yelling again. But this time she had no clue what they were screaming about. Andy looked to her clock and it said 12:30. Then she decided to get up and see what all of the fuss was about. She got out of bed and put a robe over her pajamas. Andy slipped on her slippers and left the room.

Andy crept her way down the hallway following the sound. It was coming from the lower floor of the house. So she made her way to the banister of the stairs and went down far enough for her to see them but not for them to see her.

"She doesn't have a job! She just sits here and enjoys all that we give her without even thanking us!" Her step dad, Al screamed.

"But we have the responsibility of keeping her safe! She is my daughter whether you like it or not!" Her mother shouted.

"We can't afford to keep her here and you know that!"

My mother looked down obviously distraught.

"It's either me or her! Take your pick! But remember that I bring the money in this house!" My step dad said.

My mother stared at the floor for a couple of seconds. Then after her pause looked up and met her husband's gaze.

"So," he pressed.

"So tomorrow we have to tell her the bad news."

He smiled and then happily hugged her. She hugged him back like there was not a care in the world.

So that was it. That was the real truth. Andy knew that he hated her from the day he met her and she hated him the same way, but having her mother hate her! That was too much.

The pain hit her and Andy started to feel tears fall down her face. That wasn't good, so she crept back to her room.

She walked through the door and was hit with a strong urge to talk to someone about this. She needed to call someone. But her 'parents' would hear her. So a phone call was out.

The only thing that was left was to hope that one of her friends was on IM. Andy turned on the laptop that she had bought herself and logged onto the internet. It took a few seconds but then Andy found her way onto IM.

Andy checked to see if any of the people on her buddy list were online. Unfortunately, none of them were.

There was no point in being online if she couldn't talk to anyone, so she started to log off. Just as she was about to, a message popped up on her screen. Andy read it quickly. It was from a person called Plainhardtoget.

Plainhardtoget: Hey, I have never seen you on before.

Andy then responded.

Goodandbroken: I haven't seen you on either. How long have you had an account?

Plainhardtoget: A long time. Like four months. You?

Goodandbroken: Same here. Anyway have you ever been hurt for being who you are?

Plainhardtoget: That was random. I really wasn't expecting that.

Goodandbroken: I guess not huh?

Plainhardtoget: You never gave me time to answer.

Goodandbroken: Now I am.

Plainhardtoget: Okay, so yes. I have been hurt. My life is really complicated and I feel like no one understands it.

Goodandbroken: I feel the same way. It's like no one really knows you or what you could be.

Plainhardtoget: Exactly.

Goodandbroken: So if you don't mind me asking what is with the screen name? A little cocky,

Plainhardtoget: …

Goodandbroken: so…

Plainhardtoget: Well, I really shouldn't tell you.

Goodandbroken: Why?

Plainhardtoget: Because it's a long story.

Goodandbroken: ok, I've got time.

Plainhardtoget: Sorry.

The conversation went from there to many other things like school, friends, girl/boyfriends and teachers. He lived by Salem Massachusetts. Then it shifted over to why Andy was on.

Plainhardtoget: it seems like you go to bed pretty early. Why are you on this late?

Andy hesitated before answering. This was personal and she didn't know who this person was.

Goodandbroken: Just a bad day I guess.

Plainhardtoget: Care to elaborate. I might be able to help.

Goodandbroken: My mom and step dad were in a fight like twenty minutes ago.

Plainhardtoget: What about?

Goodandbroken: Me.

Plainhardtoget: o.

Goodandbroken: yeah.

There was a lull in the conversation for a bit and then a message popped up on her screen.

Plainhardtoget has just added you to their buddy list.

Andy laughed and did the same thing. She got the responding message.

Plainhardtoget: So I guess we are going to be talking for a while huh?

Goodandbroken: I guess you're right.

Plainhardtoget: How did the fight turn out? Is everything ok?

Goodandbroken: Not really. I really shouldn't be telling you this because I don't know you.

Plainhardtoget: But you said you signed on because you needed to talk.

Plainhardtoget: or at least it was implied.

Goodandbroken: Yeah, well I heard them fighting about how my step dad wants me out of the house.

Plainhardtoget: That's harsh.

Goodandbroken: Tell me about it.

Goodandbroken: So I am scared to find out what is gonna happen to me.

Plainhardtoget: That sucks.

Plainhardtoget: So I am guessing from what you said that your step dad won.

Goodandbroken: you are right. They are breaking the news to me tomorrow but I already know.

Goodandbroken: I have no idea what I'm going to do.

Goodandbroken: Any advice?

Plainhardtoget: Can't think of any.

Goodandbroken: You're a real help.

Andy looked at my clock and realized that it said 3:30.

Goodandbroken: We have been at this for about three hours. I am tired so I got to go.

Goodandbroken: Talk to ya later. Thanks for being there.

Plainhardtoget: No problem. It is going to be okay. If they don't want you there than that is their loss.

Goodandbroken: That's so sweet.

Plainhardtoget: You seem like a sweet person.

Plainhardtoget: Besides, maybe things will get better for you.

Goodandbroken: Maybe, with my luck probably not.

Plainhardtoget: You never know.

Goodandbroken: Now that I do know.

Goodandbroken: I am gonna go. Gotta rest for the big day tomorrow if you know what I mean.

Plainhardtoget: Yeah, I have to go too. My friend is gonna get back soon and he is going to be angry.

Goodandbroken: Good luck with that.

Plainhardtoget: Thanks I am going to need it.

Goodandbroken: I will try to IM you tomorrow.

Plainhardtoget: Yeah, same here. I want to know how things turn out for you.

Goodandbroken: ok, talk to you soon.

Plainhardtoget: Ditto.

Plainhardtoget had signed off.

She mimicked his motion and shut the laptop. Than fell asleep.

Morning came earlier than Andy wanted it too. The sunshine swept through the window and shined over her face. It was warm and it felt nice. It flushed her cheeks.

Andy took the next moment to open her eyes and look around her small room. Her bed was opposite the wall with the door. The window was on the adjacent wall with a desk under it. Her laptop was on the desk. There was a closet and some other things you would find in a normal teenager's room. Andy grimaced at the plainness of it all and then got out of bed.

She quickly got dressed in a pair of navy blue skinny jeans, a black t shirt and black high top converse. Andy went over to her desk and grabbed the silver four leaf clover necklace. This gave her good luck and got her in a good mood. Andy took the chain and clasped it around her neck.

Andy then went over to the door and flung it open. She was ready for whatever was going to come. But she already knew what was going to happen so Andy was prepared. She was confident about this because of Plainhardtoget's words had imbedded themselves in her head. "If they don't want you there it's their loss." Andy rarely took advice from strangers but this really fit the situation.

Andy strode down the stairs and over to her family. They had been talking but they stopped at her presence. Andy's mother's eyes grew big as if she was scared.

A silence crept over the room shortly thereafter. It stayed as the tension between the three of them grew. But it was her step dad that broke the silence.

"Ah, we were just talking about you."

Was it that hard to say her name? Four letters, only four. Andy stood there and tried to hide a smirk as the thought popped into her mind. Could he even count to four?

"Why are you smirking?" He asked irritated.

"Nothing, why were you talking about me?"

"Your mother and I agree that you need to find your place in life. Find your reason of being." He replied.

"I already know who I am." Andy retorted in a cold tone.

"Honey," it was the first time her mother had spoken. "You need to take some responsibility. That's why you're leaving." It just rolled off of her tongue.

Even though Andy knew it was coming it was still like a smack in the face. Her only real family didn't even want her. The mental wound that had been inflicted last night reopened.

"Where am I going?" Andy inquired.

"Boarding school." Her mother answered.


"A small town outside of Salem, it's called Ipswich."

"Why don't you go pack? By the way, don't spend a lot there because you only are going there because of a scholarship," Said her step dad.

"Fine, have it your way then," snapped at him.

Andy swept away from the room and back up the stairs. She had left the room in a classy manner in her opinion. She could have thrown a huge fit and started yelling. On that case Andy did pretty well.

Soon enough her life was packed into a duffel bag. Andy was ready to be shipped to wherever. That was what it felt like; a thing that was just handled without a second thought and was given no choice.

Andy saw that her step father was waiting for her outside and that he already had the car started. Wow, he really wanted her out of the house. Andy didn't blame him though. She had tried to make his life a living hell for the past few months so maybe he would leave. It obviously didn't work.

Andy scurried downstairs and watched as her mother inched her way near her. She looked at Andy and paused. She felt awkward as to what to say to Andy being her only child and her banishing that child from ever stepping in her household again.

Andy walked up to her. She had planned out what she had wanted to say and was confident.

"Thanks Mom. You really showed me what family is all about. That is why I'm not your daughter anymore. I figured that since I'm leaving you wouldn't want to have to worry about me. Not like you care anyway. So, I am officially not part of this family anymore. I wanted to say that I hate you and hope to never see you again. I want you and him out there to stay away from me from here on out. Have a nice life." With that she turned on her heel with her bags over her shoulders and strode out of the house. Andy slammed the door behind her and kept her pace to the car.

Andy deposited her bags in the trunk and got into the car. This was going to be a long ride.

Her step dad started the car, pulled out of the driveway and started to drive.

An hour later the car stopped on a dirt road five miles out of Ipswich.

"This is your stop." He said without turning and looking at her. He knew this was wrong to do but his hate convinced him otherwise.

Andy stepped out of the car grumbling in her mind about having to walk five miles but not doing so aloud. Andy didn't want to give him the satisfaction of having her complain.

Andy retrieved her belongings from the trunk and hung them, one by one, over her shoulders. There were three; one duffel bag, one messenger bag and one small one that Andy didn't know what to call.

Andy turned the way the car was facing and stalked away. She left the horrid past behind and moved toward the future.

Thanks for reading!! I would really like to hear your thoughts on this story so please review and tell me what you think!! 

Things to look forward to:

Andy meets our favorite sons and sons of Ipswich groupies!!(Kate and Sarah)

A trip to Spenser Academy

And a trip to the infamous Nicky's!!