ok ok i know i redid this chapter but its because i changed the plot a little further on and the chapter wounldnt have made any sence... let me know how this one is!! and don't worry! it will get better soon, promise!!

chapter 2

It had started raining a while ago, so I found a small cave to stay in for a while. i opened my backpack with my belongings in it and dug out a comb to brush my dripping wet red hair with. I was thinking about how and when all this crappy maddness started.


5 years ago, my long lost brother, Devon, and I were walking through a small city. We had been on our own since I was 4, so I didn't remember much with any other famliy members. All he would say to me was that they sent us away so we wouldn't be harmed, but nothing else. I didn't know if he was hiding something or didn't know, so I never asked. And besides, I was young, only 8. Although he should have known, he was 5 years older than me.

There was hardly anyone in the city, to add to the dark and erie skies above us. But we were used to things like that. Latley we were attacked almost daily by these wolf-like-humans who had nearly killed us several times, but we would protect each other.

There were suddenly helicopter blades swooshing from far away. We looked up into the dark sky and saw a dozen choppers above us, and the werewolves started falling from them. Devon pushed me into a deserted, broken down store. "Stay here, ok Blaze? There are too many of them and I don't want you to get hurt." Then he ran off. I was scared, not for me, but for my brother. I was young, but not dumb, and knew that he wouldn't be ok, but I followed his rule and stayed where I was. There were various screams and other dreadful noices coming from outside, but I stayed behind a counter and waited until all of the madness was gone.

About 20 minutes later, I ran out of the store to see no one around, anywhere. "Devon?" I called franticly, but there was no response. I knew what happened, but I didn't want it wto be true. They had taken him away for who knows what. I ran off into the forest miles away while crying. But I knew not to get mad, because then extreme power would be unleashed from me. Everything would catch fire and there would be nothing left. So I stayed calm and thought about what to do next.


I had been alone since then, except for several aquantinces since then who had helped me, and I helped then, but everytime I would get a friend, or at least someone to keep me company, they would suddenly disappear within a few weeks. I was always curious about this and would look for them, but would never see a trace of them again.

After all of this looking back, I was exausted and fell asleep, dreaming of times I was never alone.