The Demon's Friend

A/N: Sorry I needed more characters so...

Tank Cain: Sasuke's new father

Ariberu Cain: Sasuke's new older brother

Sasuke Cain: Sasuke's new life


Near You

It's been some time since we last saw each other

I won't admit you're far away happy

Because I know you're just as much in pain

That pain that tears hearts apart

I hear your heart

But once were together

Let us lay down together

As we forget the world around us

Those three words are hard to say

So let me be near you

As we smile at the world.

By: Anonymous

Few years later...

The spring air came blowing across the cold landscape that had been in a dead like state for months. Slowly the plants grew green and healthy making the forest look alive once again. It had been some time that the feeling of warmth and hope spread into the cold lonely land.

As a old man with a long bread and now white eyes sat at the edge of a cliff, feeling the warmth of the wind. He smiled and covered his face with his left hand. "Welcome back."

Then drops of tears came down from his blind eyes.


There are several classes of demons. First there are the pure bloods, who are born with pure demon blood and power. No demon would dare to go against the first class demons. First class have rights in all Demon Society and prefer to make the rules in the so called Demon's Realm.

Then there are the second class demons, which are middle class demons and have half the power as the first class. They are a respected group nonetheless. And have certain rights to the Demon Society such as meetings and important announcements.

Next is the third class demons, these are the poor demons who kill and steal for survival. Most humans run into these demons who rob them. Not all these demons kill though; there are the demons in disguise. Where they portraying as farmers in the human world. It makes a living and the higher class demons understand that, as long as they do not engross themselves too much with the humans.

The fourth class is the ones who are completely insane. They are the ones who spill blood for no reason and they have no power. All they contain is lust with hideous long sharp nails.

Lastly, the lowest class, which are not mentioned much, are the most lowest of the lowest demons compared to the most insane. For they are the ones who carry both of the demon and human blood. Never to be categorized in either class for fear of being different and disgraceful, that and being an outsider. No demon or human ever showed sympathy to this class. It is best to stay away or at least destroy their race.

But all in all they all have one thing in common. They are all living a lie with one another. Demons have a reputation for being selfish, sadistic, cold, and evil. Demons hardly ever trust one another, being independent and having power is one's goal.

The Uchiha is a proud and powerful clan, their rivals being the Sabaku and Kyuubi clan.

Fukaku Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha, two very strong pure bloods worked hard to keep the respected name up. Since their second heir, Sasuke Uchiha is deceased, they do not wish for others to think of them as weak from such a loss. Fukaku Uchiha made it as though his second son never existed as to his wife, Mikoto Uchiha regretted ever being so cruel to her son.

Though Itachi made it a priority to silently keep an eye out for his brother. After speaking with the hermit of the mountains he knew for certain that he would see Sasuke again. For years he had to remain patient and silent about his knowledge on Sasuke's return.

But at last, after years of waiting. A new baby boy was born into the Cain family. The Cain family was a respected yet poor family. Unfortunately, the mother died giving birth to the baby. Therefore, leaving the father and son to take care of the new born baby. They named the baby Sasuke, in respect for the Uchiha's lost.

Itachi smirked. 'Welcome back, little Sasuke.'


"Sir, a baby boy was born into the Cain family. Also the Nara family had a boy as well. And another, a baby girl in the Haruno family." Reported a high ranked messenger for the Uchihas. He stood tall in front of the proud head of all the Uchiha's. One of his eye bleed red and the other a normal brown eyed color, his white hair spiked out on the other side of his face.

"Ah excellent. So that makes three new additions to the Demon's realm. Very good, Kakashi. You may leave now." Fukaku commented before reading back on the other documents. The messenger only nodded and exited out of the head master's office.

Itachi who stood at other end of the room stared at his father's stiff form. Sighing he walked up to his father's desk. "Father I wish to leave for a few days on a check with the formals." Itachi said.

Not glacing up at him Fukaku continued to stare down at the document. "I must ask you why? It's too soon to check the formals. I doubt they have any money to pay about now. You should know better, Itachi." He said in a cold voice but it did not reach Itachi.

"Yes, I know. But I do not wish to take their rent father. I ask to check around for anything new. I must say, father, everything is in portion and in line. I do not think it would do any harm if I went out every once in a while." Itachi replied in even tone voice.

"I see. You're at that age now. What are you? About five hundred years? You must be lonely about now, right? Just don't bring back a low live, Itachi. Go if you will then." His father taunted.

"Yes, but my reason is not that. I will go now." Itachi said and walked out the main door.

Dismissing his son, Fukaku knew Itachi would find some female to mate with and bring up the Uchiha clan. Smirking he looked out the window that now opened from the wind.

'What to do now?'


Jumping from tree to tree down the mountain a black figure made its way to a small village. Landing onto solid ground the figure scanned around the small houses.

Seeing something that caught his attention he walked up to one of the open windows. It was very small house but fit for at least a small family.

"Haha, Papa! Sasuke is throwing the oatmeal at the wall again!" A little voice of an excited boy yelled. Shuffling and laughing were heard from the inside. Taking a closer look the figure watched. "Stop it, Sasuke! Unless you want to eat dirt for dinner!"

"Is he not willing to eat again, Ariberu?" Came a deep yet gentle voice of a father, obviously. Smiling a tall man in torn clothes sat down beside a small figure that was now throwing something at the wall. "Heheh you know Sasuke, I worked hard for that. But I'll forgive you if you give Papa a big kiss!"

Frowning at the odd show of affection, the figure continued to watch the scene. It was strange to see a third class demons having a warm family time. Mostly demon did not care about their children, as long as they grow up and be just as ruthless as they're parents.

The little figure came into view, little black eyes and hair matching the color midnight. Pale skin that was now covered in something grey sticked to his plump form. The baby known as Sasuke looked at his father and threw the spoon at him. "Ah that wasn't nice, Sasuke!"

"Ha! He's rebelling 'NO REAL FOOD, NO KISS'!" The little boy whose hair is just as black but a tad bit paler black then Sasuke's laughed. The little boy picked up Sasuke and kissed his now oatmeal lips. "Aw he likes me better!"

It was also expected to see these low demons struggling for food. That and working in the fields and living here disguised as humans.

"Not fair, Ariberu! Papa wants a kiss from Sasuke too! Don't hog him!" The tall man stood up and pouted. The son only stuck out his tongue and smirked.

"Cha! How mean!"

Laughs and yells were heard from the small house. The dark figure stood out watching the queer scene.

Feeling a bit of envy, the figure walked up to the door and knocked on the flimsy door. A few seconds later a small boy came opening the door.

"Yes?" But no one was at the door but only a small envelope. Picking it up he frowned. "Weird."He then ran back inside and yelled. "Papa!"


"Father." Itachi entered the main office and infront of his father. "Can I invite Miss Yamanoko over for tomorrows Demon Society meeting?"

Taken back Fukaku looked at his son. "Whatever for?"

"I hear that she has no knowledge in this part and yet she is a pure blood. I cannot accept this." Itachi said with a blank expression.

"Why not? Invite her if you will. Make sure to tell that sad excuse of a wife of mine as well. She's still wailing about that failure of a son of hers." He said harshly.

"Yes." Itachi replied and left. 'Let the plan begin.'


It had come to Itachi's understanding that he still had feelings of a brother left in him. He could not leave Sasuke's life with demons that might carelessly destroy it. But the family that is now with Sasuke was nice and kind. Itachi never thought he would be missing his younger brother's annoying voice and sadistic smile.

Back at that small house...Sasuke was smiling. Even if he was still a baby, he was smiling carefree. Happily kissing and being loved by his new family. Or his family for now on, since he was born to a different mother.

Sasuke's soul is in that baby.

Whether or not that baby remembers him, Itachi smiled a sad smile.

'I will watch over you this time, Sasuke. No one will destroy you. Not Father or anyone else will destroy your new life.'


Twenty years later...

"Ha! Ariberu, I caught a fish!" Laughed a young and pale boy by the river. He held up a fish that was as big as he was. He was about five years old in human years but as a demon he was only twenty.

"Ma at least I brought my fishing pole!" Ariberu laughed at his little brother's glare. "And I did not hide it. It's your fault. It's a good thing we live in a forest! Either that you wouldn't have a homemade fishing pole, which is a stick!"

"Ari, when is Papa coming back?" The little boy asked as he dumped the fish to the ground and licked his lips. That fish would be best for dinner tonight.

"Papa said to wait didn't he? Don't worry. He only went to visit his close friends, Mina and Kushi, who live a few miles from here. No, a few days from here." The older boy said as he scratched into his dark hair. His clothes hung slightly loose on his muscular form. Sasuke knew his brother worked in the fields along with their father to raise money to eat and make a living. Such a hard life but he knew it was for the best.

They were demons, but kind demons. So his father told him.

Nodding he smirked at an idea. "Hey, Ari?"

"What?" Asked his older brother as he sat down beside his own fishing pole by the river.

Sneaking closer he went to his brother and smiled. "Can we play fish and fisher man?"

"Eh? That game? You serious? But Papa is not here to be fisher man!" Ariberu said as he ruffled his pale brother's hair roughly.

"Mmm...You can be the fisher man, Ari!" Sasuke pleaded.

"Aw you're just cute! But no I won't be the fisher man." Ariberu smirked as he looked off to the other side of the river. The river was a bit rough today, since it was spring and summer was coming up. That made more fish and more fish meant more food.

"Please please please Ari!" Sasuke begged as he gripped his big brother's ripped shirt. His father and brother was a big softy for his sad puppy eye look, which were big watery eyes.

Trying hard not to look at his brother, Ariberu slowly turned his head away. "Ah wait till Papa comes, Kay. Sasuke?"

"Nooooo!" Sasuke whined. "Just one game please?"

Sighing a heavy and defeated sigh, the older boy frowned. "Why did Mama make me such a cute baby brother?" Looking back at his little brother face he smiled softly. "Okay but just one game, okay?"

Smiling brightly he nodded. "Okay!"


"Hello, Tank Cain." At the door greeted a very beautiful lady. She had the loveliest red hair with strange red eyes; it matched with her slender yet curvy body that barely held up a white dress. She was pretty and very kind too. Tank Cain knew her since they were kids. She taught him to be grateful for his life and work hard for happiness.

"Nice to see you again, Kushina." He smiled.

"It's been such a long time since we talked. Minato went out with little Naru to buy milk." She said as she invited him inside the warm house. It felt like it was having a lot of warmth inside. Not surprising to Tank, since he met Minato, he knew their house would be filled with love.

"How's everything?" Tank asked as he sat down on one of the red seats in the living room. The red head women soon followed.

"Great! Minato and I are just fine here. None of the other's come here at all!" She said as she sat down and poured a cup of tea for him. "And you, Tank? How are Ariberu and Sasuke?"

"They're great! Ariberu is helping me with the fields. And Sasuke is learning to catch fish." Tank smiled softly at mentioning his two sons.

"I'm sure Erisa would be proud of you, Tank. I know I am! Minato is teaching Naru to cook. It's quite funny really; they are both bad at cooking." She laughed a little. "I suppose, Sasuke is almost about Naru's age, right? Though I think he's older."

Nodding Tank took a sip of tea. "He's growing quite to look like Sir Sasuke Uchiha himself!" He laughed. "If it weren't fot he fact he wears such worn out clothes, he looked like a higher class. Sometims I don't think he's even my son!"

"Don't say that, Sasuke is a very lucky boy to have you and Ariberu to raise him." Kushina smiled warmly. "And Erisa wanted more than nothing to bring him into this world for all your sake's"

"Yeah." He mumbles as he took another sip of tea. "I'm just glad the higher classes are not pestering us as much as we thought they would."

"I dispise the higher class." Kushina muttered as she looked out the window. "They nearly killed Minato. If it weren't for that hateful rule then it wouldn't be like this."

The taller man sighed as he rubbed his head. "Cha at least you're happy with Minato and Naru." He grinned.

"Your right. I don't want to lose any of them." She said as she looked at him.

"Ma! We're back with milk!" A voice was heard along with the door closing. Standing up Kushina called for him. "Ah hello Cain." Minato grinned holding up a hand in front of his face.

"Hey, Minato." Tank grinned back. Catching a glance at the little blond at his friend's leg he glanced down. "Hn?"

"Oh! You have to meet Naru!" The tall blond man smiled and picked up the little blond into his arms. "Say hi Naru!"

The little blond that looked so much like Minato looked at Tank with big blue eyes that was even more blue than the father's. "Hi naru." The little one said with a shy smile.

"Ah no it's not naru Naru, his name is Tank Cain." The father corrected the little blond who stared confusingly at the older blond.

"Tan chan?"


"Haha it's okay, Minato. Naru can call me Tan chan." Tank laughed.

"You sure?" Minato asked surprised while Naru only smiled.

"I'm sure. Now Naru has to meet Ariberu and Sasuke." Tank said as he gave Naru a little cookie that was by the tea cups.

The little blond only happily ate the cookie and watched the adults talk. Oblivious to his fate.


Ah sorry if it is confusing :)