"Wait, Deidara-sempai forgot Tobi." The said man growled while tightening his fists," and Tobi the idiot." Sakura laughed as Tobi began to pout. A few moments passed when Sakura felt a tap on her shoulder and was soon dragged out of the room. Sakura looked to his wrist and then to the dark man that was dragging her down the hall. "I-Itachi…Itachi-sama, stop," he kept his tightening grip," please."

The door slammed shut as Sakura was thrown into the room violently, plummeting to the ground on her knees, her hands breaking the fall. Some hair found its place in front of her eyes as some tears began to build up. Slowly she looked back, fear beginning to mount up to a wall. "I-Itachi sama?" His face was stone cold and his expressions had not changed. "You need to go back." Sakura slowly staggered up and faced him, the fear starting to ebb away. "Excuse me?" He sighed and walked over to a large crimson door and opened it with a flick of the wrist. He entered and soon Sakura found her feet walking over to only back up as he walked out with a mound of clothing in his arms.

"The kingdom is going to bits. Everything is out of order. The King and Queen were murdered; their will was that Sasuke was to rule…you know what that means? After you left, death has been eminent." Sakura looked at him, horror swallowing her face. His eyes almost glared with madness but yet not so. He sighed and soon his cold face faded and became slight fear. "You need to go back." Sakura stepped back," I'm not going back. I'm free and I'm no longer under your family's command." His eyes snapped and his lips tightened, he walked over, his footsteps now deep and angry. His hand placed itself on her shoulder, fingers not daring to tighten.

"Then why do you still call me sama?" Sakura fought to gasp, he was right. Why did she? His hand fell to his side," I can't make you but this is my warning, either death to all for the sake of your freedom or life… your choice." Sakura felt the tears falling," So my destiny was written that Sasuke should have me or death to all?" Itachi turned around to walk towards the bed," I will not have it. I hate him!" She screamed the ending making him pause in his hollow steps. The man shot around and pinned her to the floor, his hand on her throat. "Are you that selfish woman? I've known you for so long and yet this is what I hear…" Sakura began sobbing out loud, her hands on his wrist," I hate him! I hate him…" Itachi felt his eyes widened for the first time in a long time.

He made her cry, he never wanted that…ever. "S-Sakura?" His hand came off and soon he felt a heated sting to his cheek as the door roughly opened and slammed. "Sakura…" Tears dropped, her hair flew out of its neatened braid as she walked down the halls. Why does she have to go back when she just tasted freedom? Was it always written in stone that she'd have to live this life of torment?

A tap came to her shoulder and Sakura whirled around to find no one there. She sighed, lightly laughing for getting worked up. She turned around only to scream as she fell back. A hand placed itself to her lower back as the other one came to her mouth, altogether breaking her fall and scream. Sakura began to breath heavily, the man's face still unseen as he stood in the shadows holding her body close. "I don't care who you are or where you came from but head my thread. Go back and never return." The hand and body faded as she looked back, no one was there.

Sakura felt something warm drop from her neck. Her finger tips felt the oozing liquid and she knew what it was. Shock took hold, it's grip increasing as her body began to quake. Footsteps clamored down the hall and Sakura looked out of the corner of her eyes. "Sakura…are you alright?" She looked to the tips of her fingers and then behind her," Y-yea...I'm alright."

Pein stopped right behind her, his hand extending out to reach her shoulder, as he did she flinched. "No you're not, your shaking…come with me." Sakura looked at him as she tried to hide her fear and the blood. "I-" He didn't wait to listen, he got a hold of her wrist and pulled her to him. Her back was to his warm chest that sent shivers up her spine as her heart beat a hundred past. His arms encircled her, holding her close as his mouth came to her ear as he whispered," It's okay…I'm here." Sakura wanted to sob; this was what he used to say to her when she was scared.

This was what he used to do to her to calm her down. His warmth blanketed her back and arms, the tears silently fell and one dropped on his arm. "Sakura…" He let go and turned her around and made her look at him. Her eyes looked away from his and he switched his view to her neck that was coated in blood. "Who did this," his voice went cold. She said nothing," did Itachi do this?" She only shook her head. Pein looked around and put an arm around her and guided her to his room. "I'll take care of this for you," his hand drifted to her's and that was that.

Droplets rippled to the caves floor, echoing its eerie voice. "Was my message delivered?" A light smirk came and then," Hn."


haha...sry for the long update

I know it wasn't long and I really hope that wasn't too cheezy


but some cheezyness isn't too bad, neh?


more soon to come...you and I both hope -...-''