Kami-This is our first fanfic,

Kati- So please be nice! And reviews are welcomed!

Kami-We wrote this as a different story, and are now rewriting it as an AkuRoku fic.

Kati-And we don't own any of the characters in this story! Disney does! (I think?)

Kami-The only thing we do own is Roxas and Namine's parents.

Kati-Thx for reading!

Kami- bored




Hayner's POV

"M'kay, take a deep breath, Hayner. I know, you can do it...I know it." I mumbled to myself trying to build up courage. I stood up fully for support taking my hand off the pole next to me. My bare feet felt the cold 5 inch cement wall under me. I could hear the rushing of the water below me. I was standing on the edge of a bridge looking down uncertainly. I shivered, "I really should of brought a jacket, but it's not like it'll matter in a few." I mumbled again. I gently set my foot behind the cinder block that was chained to my neck. I breathed in and held my breath. My other foot's toes curled around the edge before I gave one last kick and the cinder block hurled towards the water. I gasped realizing how stupid this was...but it was too late. The force yanked my neck down snapping it, as i tried to stay up. The last thing I saw was the water surrounding me and red liquid flowing around me. Roxas...for...give me...

"LIAR!" Roxas screamed as tears poured down his face! Two men struggled to hold him back. "YOU GUYS ARE LIARS! I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!!" he screamed his voice cracking as 3 teens backed away from the insane boy. The two men grunted in annoyance as Roxas tried to jump the teens once again. "IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" he screamed one last time as the two men hauled him into the white truck. One of the teens smirked, "He got what was coming to him..." he said laughing cruelly. "It's too bad his friend committed suicide, I kind of feel bad, ya know..." another said with a even more sinister smiled. The last teen just stared at Roxas's screaming face in the truck, she preferred to stay quiet as usual. Turning away Seifer started walking off as Rai and Fuu followed behind him. Watching them walk off Roxas screamed some more savage things. Words like 'murderers' and 'killers' spilled out of his mouth like the tears flowing down his red face. They did it! I know they did! Hayner would never kill himself! He threw himself against all ends of the truck, knowing exactly where he was going. I'm not insane...there's no reason for my parents to send me to an insane asylum again! Roxas screamed some more before fainting from exhaustion.

Kati-Thx for reading again!

Kami- yawns

Kati-Kami's being rude, please ignore her! .

Kami- glares at Kati reviews are welcomed.

Kati- Bye!