This is the final chapter of Reunions. Again, I would like to thank everyone who read and reviewed this story. It made it enjoyable to write and read everyone's comments. I have another story in my head, but I have not begun work on it. See you all later.

Chapter Twenty-Four: The Conclusion

"Come on Katara. If you don't hurry, you are going to be late for your own wedding." Suki stood in the doorframe, her auburn hair pinned up and away from her face. She smiled at Katara like the big sister she was now. "You have been fussing over that thing for awhile now."

Katara looked into the mirror and sighed. "This is suppose to be the happiest day of my life, but all I feel like doing is throwing up. I can't calm down."

The older girl walked into the room and laid a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay to be nervous. You are allowed. I was when Sokka and I finally tied the knot. Honestly. I think he was more nervous than I was."

Katara laughed and could believe it. Shortly after the final battle, Sokka proposed and they had a small wedding on Kyoshi Island. It was just family and a few friends. Katara had wished for a small wedding, but she was marrying the Fire Lord of all people. That was not going to happen.

Taking a few deep breaths, she stood up. She looked her dress over in the mirror and smiled. It was pale blue, nearly white, with a darker blue trim. It was beautiful. Everyone worked so hard on it and the thought made her smile. "Okay, I'm ready."

"That's a girl. Now, let's get you to the alter before Zuko dies of a heart attack. You should see him pacing. He had been like a caged animal all day/ Even Lady Ursa can't get him to calm down." Suki grinned and steeped back out of the door frame.

Katara looked one more time in the mirror. She was ready to face her future, and her destiny. Well, Aunt Wu, your fortune did come true. I am marrying a powerful bender and it only took me a few years to get it right.

She smiled brightly at Suki and walked out the door.


"You may now, kiss the bride." Aang smiled as he finished the ceremony. It just felt right having him do it and not a Fire Sage. He was the Avatar and both of their friend.

Zuko smiled as he looked into his new wife's ocean blue eyes. They had finally made it. It was done. He pulled her close and kissed her sweetly and soundly on the lips. Katara threw her hands around his neck. They didn't come up for air for awhile.

"Alright you two, save some for the honeymoon." Aang laughed as they separated. "It gives me great pleasure to give you Fire Lord Zuko and Fire Lady Katara!"

The whole place erupted into cheers and applause. Zuko looked out at the people who came. The palace courtyard was full of people. Their family and friends were there along with there along with some dignitaries and half the Fire Nation and Water Tribe. It was sight to behold, but the only sight he really cared about was the woman on his arm and the life that they were about to start, together.


Arawn smiled into his glass as he watched the couple dance their first dance. It was a happy day, but it was also a sad day for him. One year ago today, he lost the one friend he ever had. If knowing that she was probably alive, he could not find her. Either they were three steps ahead of him, or they did die. He could not find her anywhere. Maybe they were no destined to be together.

He took another drink from his glass. Then out of the corner of his eye he say a woman wearing a long darker blue dress. He hair was piled on top her head and pinned there. A few pieces escaped the trap and curled down her back. She walked up to him and bowed. A fan covered her face, but not her eyes. Ice blue eyes smiled back at him. No it couldn't be. But.. But… His poor brain went into a meltdown, He just stopped thinking and stared back at the woman in front of him.

"May I have this dance?" She heard out her hand and he nodded. Still not trusting himself to speak. He laid his hand in her cool one and she helped him stand. The fan was still in front of her face, but her could tell those eyes anywhere.

"J?" He asked hoping she was not a spirit that had come to mess with his mind.

"Hello Air boy. It's been awhile." She dropped the fan and smiled at him. "Come dance with me, and I will explain everything, I promise."

He didn't know what to say. He just followed her. They faced one another and she put her arms around his neck. He laid his on her small waist. They began to sway to the music. He smiled at her, loving the feeling of her in his hands. She smiled back sliding a little closer. "I'm sorry."

He pulled his head back a little bit. "For what?"

"For not telling you my plan. It has been in the works for about two years. I went to the prison to see an old friend of mine, and that is when I saw Azula. She was broken, like I was when I tried to duel the whole Northern Water tribe. They only gave her rags to wear. I could not look in her eyes then, because I knew what I would find. They would barely have the spark of life. When you have everything ripped from you, all you want to do is die.

"We began to talk. At first, she would just yell, and finally we had our first conversation. She mentioned Mai and that's when I knew she would be a good means to an end. The time came a few years later when we could put our revenge into motion. At first, all she wanted to do was kill Mai, then Zuko, but I got her to see the other side." Jelisa let him spin her and she settled back into his arms. "During our big 'battle', we used a trick famous to magicians. Make large boom and a flash. Add a little steam and you have a great camouflage to escape under. She has become a bounty hunter. She pretty damn good at it, not as good as me though."

Arawn just stared at her. A year he had been grieving. A year he had been searching for her, and now a year later, she stood there in his arms looking like an angel sent to him. "Why are you back?"

She smiled broadly at him. "I have unfinished business here." She moved a little closer. "I came back for you, Air boy."

Her words stunned him. Every thought left his brain and turned it to mush. All he could do is stare into her eyes. The icy blue that reminded him of the North. The snow and ice that covered her once home. The eyes that haunted most of his dreams and waking thoughts. She came back for him.

"You really are dense aren't you?" She stepped out of his arms and walked towards the outer parts of the party. "Try to keep up this time."

Without a second thought, he took off after her.


Toph smiled at the vibrations she was 'seeing'. Ice Queen came back and was leading Sneaky away. She got up from her chair and walked to where the happy couple was. "Hey guys, congrats."

Zuko was the first to speak. "Thanks Toph. So, when do we get to attend your wedding?"

Toph could feel the heat in her cheeks as the blush sat in. " I don't know about that one. It could be soon, or it could be next year, who knows." She then snapped out of her blush. " That's not why I came over here for. You guys will not believe who has shown up."

That got both of their attentions. "No one broke out, because I do not want to fight on my wedding night." Katara whined a little.

"No, no one is loose, but someone just came back from the dead."

"Jelisa." They both said in unison.

"That's right. If you two would follow me. We need to get Snoozles and Fangirl, plus Twinkle Toes. They will love to see this." She smiled even bigger.

"What about Arawn? He would want to know." Zuko looked at the blind Earthbender.

"Don't worry about him. He already knows." She started to walk away from the table. "You coming or what?"

They followed her through the dance floor, collecting Sokka, Suki and Aang. As soon as they had everyone, they followed Toph through the garden and to where Jelisa was. Suddenly Toph stopped. "I don't think we should go back there." She felt their heart beats and knew they were not talking.

"Why not? I want to see for myself that she is alive and find out what happened to Azula. Why isn't she back in prison?" Zuko touched Toph's shoulder.

"Alright. But don't say I didn't warn you." She stepped back and everyone else walked forward.


As soon as Arawn met her in the clearing, she smiled at him. No longer were they two kids that were best friends, but they were two adults that had developed feeling for each other. She would not run any longer. She would not hide behind her brave front. She was sent back for a reason. To undo everything she had ever done wrong. To make things right. She helped Azula discover that there was more to life than taking the Fore Nation throne. She could get her thrills chasing down the bad guys as a hunter. She was good, real good. Right now, she was somewhere in the Earth Kingdom tracking a few more.

She knew it was time to stop. She had more gold than she could ever want, but it meant nothing if she could not share it with anyone. She knew it was Arawn that she wanted, had always wanted and it took her dead betrothed to show her that. Thank you Ty, where ever you are. Thank you.

The Airbender closed the distance between them. "I'm sorry. I should have come back sooner, but I had too meant things to do before I could do this. Plus, I had to work up the nerve."

He gave her a puzzled look. "What do you mean? You are one of the bravest people I know. What did you have to work up the nerve for?"

She blushed. She never blushed. Not since she was a little girl, but somehow it felt right. She looked him straight in the eyes. "This." Then she leaned forward, closing the space between them and kissed him.

It was like an explosion has gone off. She could feel the electricity flowing through her as their lips touched. So this is what passion feels like. I should have done this a long time ago. She deepened the kiss. Throwing her arms around his neck, pulling him closer than she thought was possible. He put his arms around her waist and held her there for what felt like hours. It was a wonderful feeling. She never wanted to let go.

"Oh my Gods!"

They both turned at the same time to see everyone from the Gaang staring at them. She smiled sheepishly. "Hey."

"What the..?"

"How did you.."

"Where the hell is Azula?" That would have been Zuko.

Jelisa turned and looked at Arawn and smiled. "Hold that thought." She turned back around after she let got of him. "Yes, it was staged. It was a magic trick. You of all people should have known that, Zuko and as for your sister. She is in the Earth Kingdom, doing some work there. She has promised never to set foot on Fire Nation soil, unless it is to track a bounty. Yes, she has become a bounty hunter. Your old friend June helped me out there. She has turned over a new leaf. You wouldn't even recognize her if you saw her."

Everyone's mouth dropped open. No one said a word except Toph. "I knew you had it staged. Something just was not right about your conversations with us, but you fooled me and now, you are going to be my little guinea pig. I have to be able to tell when people like you are lying."

Jelisa laughed and it was a pure laugh, nothing to mask it. "You have a deal."

Katara smiled. "How long do you plan on staying?"

Jelisa shook her head. "I don't know. I have plans to rewrite a few wrongs in my past, starting with my tribe. I have to go back. There was one thing Arawn told me years ago. "'It does matter what colors you wear, you will always be Water Tribe.' I guess it's time I quit running from my past and embrace it."

"This is a perfect time for a group hug." Sokka began to herd everyone together. They all began to hug each other. "I feel better."

Zuko turned to Katara. "You know, we just kind ditched our own wedding."

"We are married now. They will just think we went to do inappropriate things." Katara smiled. Everyone backed up and stared at her. "Come on guys. I am not a child anymore. Quit looking at me like that. Zuko, don't make me kick your ass in front of everyone. I know you would probably like it."

"Ah, marital bliss. Isn't it a bitch?" Jelisa smiled at the group on front of her. Everyone stared at her too, except for Zuko and Katara, who managed to sneak off. "Smile, it was funny." She threw her arms in the arm. "Geeze, you guys have senses of humor. I'm kidding. You know ha ha and all that stuff."

Arawn walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "One day, I hope to get you there."

"Just not too soon." She leaned back into his chest and sighed.

"Come on, let's get back to the party." Toph started to walk back.

"Hey, shouldn't we find the bride and groom?" Aang walked up next to his girlfriend.

"That, Twinkle Toes, would be a bad idea right now." She smiled.

"Ew, gross." The whole group busted out into laughter.


Not too far away, Katara looked into the eyes of her husband. "You know, they are going to come looking for us."

"Let them. Then they will get an eyeful." With that, he proceeded to kiss her breathless.

Okay, that was the last of this story. I had to make a fuzzy ending. I love fuzzy endings in stories. They are great! Thanks again. I had so many hits on this story and some great people write me comments. You all have been wonderful.