Title: "Unavailable"

Rating: PG

Genre: Romance, fluff

Pairings:Sanada Akihiko x Amada Ken (one-sided), Sanada Akihiko x Arisato Minato

Warnings:Shota (of sorts, still work-safe)

Summary:Ken knew better than to assume that Akihiko returned his feelings. He'd seen how intimate his idol was with his leader, after all...

Assisting Song: "All I Need" by Within Temptation


"Sanada-san!" Ken called, rushing to catch up with his idol, who blinked down at him.

"What is it, Ken?"

"Can I come watch your match today?" Ken asked, beaming.

"Uh, sure, I guess," Akihiko said a little awkwardly, "Although, you see me fight in Tartarus, so I don't see much of a point..."

"That's different," Ken asserted, "You're fighting for your life, not for fun. I want to see the difference."

"...Well, I suppose that's alright," Akihiko sighed, scratching the back of his head. "I'm going to the police station. You coming?"

"Sure!" Ken agreed, smiling brightly.

"Minato's coming, too, so we've gotta wait a minute," Akihiko added, slinging his jacket over his shoulder. Ken's smile faltered, but only for a moment. He loved Akihiko, and wanted to spend time with him, but Minato made a good older brother, for sure. Ken admitted to enjoying getting spoiled by Minato. He couldn't hold any hostility towards him for being Akihiko's lover, either.

"Sorry," Minato quickly breathed as he rushed out of the front gates. Ken watched as Akihiko's face lit up, even faintly. It was the only reason Ken couldn't be jealous or hate Minato. The fact that the other brought such happiness to his beloved idol was enough for Ken. And yet...

"Ken's coming, too."

"I'll help buy armor for you, then," Minato said with a soft smile. Ken smiled back. Minato reminded him of his mother. "And maybe we can find a stronger spear for you? Yours is a little wimpy at this point."

"Okay!" Ken replied, all smiles. They went to the police station, where Ken was outfitted with the best equipment Kurosawa had, and then they returned to the dorm. Minato excused himself, explaining that he was a bit tired and headed off to bed early. Akihiko, acknowledging that there was no venturing to Tartarus tonight, headed upstairs after eating dinner. Ken followed soon after, seeing that both boys were in their respected rooms before he went to bed himself.

Ken attended Akihiko's competition, admiring the way Akihiko fought against other boxers. He was focused, but he wasn't nearly as driven as he was in Tartarus. He almost looked rushed or over-excited in the green haze. Under the spotlights of the gymnasium and make-shift ring, he looked much more casual and natural as he fought against his rivals. He took more damage than they, and dealt quicker and surer blows than they ever could. There was an obvious difference in the Akihiko of the Dark Hour and the Golden Boy of Gekkoukan. Both were enticing, to Ken's eyes, but the Golden Boy had a grace and power about him more suiting to Akihiko's Emperor Arcana. As they headed home, Ken was all smiles.

"That was so cool, Sanada-san!" Ken said excitedly, mouth nearly split from the width of his grin. "You're a lot more graceful in the ring than in the floors of Tartarus!"

"You think?" Akihiko asked, wiping sweat off of his forehead, "Maybe because fighting people is nothing compared to going against a shadow. Shadows are much stronger opponents, naturally."

"That might be it. You seem surer of yourself in the ring," Ken added, smiling up at Akihiko, who gave him a grin back.

"Thanks. I'm glad I have the rest of S.E.E.S. behind me when I go into Tartarus. ...I've gone solo against shadows. It's a tough, scary ordeal. I got pretty severely injured for it. Shadows are unpredictable," Akihiko chuckled. "Keep that in mind, Ken. Don't get yourself into trouble - we need you here, too."

"...thanks, Sanada-san," Ken said softly, hiding his emotions with a simple smile.

Not long after they returned to the dorm, Ken learned that Minato was sick once more and was already sleeping. Akihiko sat down on the couch, and Ken went to eat some dinner. He fixed himself some instant ramen, and ate that as he saw everyone head upstairs to bed. After dinner, he threw his cup away and went to check on Akihiko.

He stopped as he saw that Akihiko was sound asleep on the couch, a paper over his face. Ken went to investigate, but stopped and retreated to hide as he saw Minato approaching. Minato certainly looked pale, and had a face mask on to prevent the spread of germs. Minato looked softly at Akihiko, removing the paper from his face and stroking the pale-haired boy's cheek. After a moment, Minato found and placed a blanket over the sleeping boxer. Another stroke of the cheek, and Minato disappeared back upstairs. Ken looked back to Akihiko, sneaking closer. He sighed quietly as he looked at his sleeping mentor, a faint sadness tugging at his heart.

'Though I'll never have you...' Ken thought to himself, carefully and quietly leaning over and planting an extremely gentle kiss against Akihiko's lips, '...I'll always love you.'